
Teacher with students

Substitute Information

There’s No Substitute For Great Substitutes Warren Township Schools  is  increasing substitute pay  and  implementing incentive programs Hear from Superintendent Dr. Mingle about the Best in Class Substitute ... View article
Student with the Commissioner of Education

Warren Township is Selected for Commissioner’s Education Across New Jersey Tour

The New Jersey Department of Education Acting Commissioner of Education Dr. Angelica Allen-McMillan has kicked off an Education Across New Jersey Tour and selected Warren Township Schools as her second stop along her journey. On Friday, December ... View article

Warren School Staff Members Receive High Honors

Five teachers and five Educational Services Professionals from Warren Township Schools have been named the recipients of the Governor’s Educator of the Year awards.  Classroom Teacher Recipients: Angelo L. Tomaso - Sanjita Livingston, ... View article
House being built

Planning for Elementary Growth Information

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Teachers on a New York street.

Staff Members from Warren Township Schools Experience an Incredible NYC Moment

At the start of each school year, Superintendents from around the country prepare and give opening remarks to welcome new and returning staff members back to school.  In Warren Township, NJ, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Matthew Mingle, does ... View article
Students at a table

Warren Middle Students Take Part In Leadership Training Program

On Wednesday, November 17, four grade 7 students from Warren Middle School (WMS) loaded up into a district van with their teacher Dr. Susan Cooper and took a trip over to Central School (Warren) to participate in their E2 elective class, “Take ... View article
Students in costumes for career day.

Career Day 2021

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PE teachers with golf clubs.

Warren Township PE Teachers are excited to Teach Golf

Physical Education (PE) teachers from Warren Township Schools were excited to participate in a Professional Development (PD) session with members from the Professional Golf Association (PGA) sponsored by the New Jersey Golf Foundation (NJGF) on ... View article
Holly in snow

November-December 2021 Counselor's Corner

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Students with their teacher

Warren Township Schools Celebrates a “Week of Respect”

Throughout the week of October 4, all Warren Township elementary schools participated in a “Week of Respect” to promote good character and positive school culture as part of the Character Education curriculum. Students and staff were ... View article
People at the food bank.

Food Drive for Disaster Relief

Following the destruction and devastation from Hurricane Ida, Warren Township Schools’ staff members banded together to collect donations throughout the week of September 13 to benefit the Food Bank Network of Somerset County.  The Food ... View article
Voting booth

Zero Tax Impact Referendum Information

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New faculty and staff

Warren Township Schools Welcomes Staff for the 2021-2022 School Year

Teachers, and other Educational Services Professionals new to the Warren Township K-8 school district met for a two-day induction program on August 23 and 24.   Many of the administrative team members along with Dr. Matthew Mingle, ... View article
Students at graduation

Warren Township School’s End of Year Celebrations

The late American author and educator Stephen Covey said it well, “We develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and obstacles.” Throughout the week of June 14, each Warren Township School celebrated its students by hosting ... View article
Board of Education Staff and Administrators

Best Wishes to Mrs. Patricia Leonhardt

At the June 21st Warren Township Board of Education meeting, Board President, Mr. Marc Franco, read aloud a Resolution of Appreciation on behalf of the Board of Education, and the entire Warren Township Community for Mrs. Patricia Leonhardt, School ... View article
Students dancing

Warren Township Schools Field Day Fun 2021

Warren Township Schools Physical Education (PE) teachers pulled out all of the stops this year to ensure that students in Kindergarten through 5th grade had a truly remarkable Field Day experience. The day was full of smiles, music, water play, ... View article
Nurse standing in front of ambulance.

Warren Township Schools Hosts Vaccine Clinic

During the afternoon of June 7th, seventy-seven Warren Middle School (WMS) students received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination.  In a partnership between Warren Township Schools, the Warren Township Office of Emergency Management, ... View article
People at the beach.

Summer Counselor's Corner 2021

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Students holding butterflies

Signs of Spring in Warren

Grade 2 Mt. Horeb Gators recently finished a unit of study on the butterfly lifecycle. Students from Mrs. Lindsay Rosenberg’s, Ms. Kathleen Haydu’s, and Mrs. Catherine Maguire’s classes received butterfly kits donated by the Mt. ... View article
Students at a science desk.

Warren Middle School Teachers See an Increase in Student Engagement

Warren Middle School (WMS) Teachers Mrs. Gina Banks, Mrs. Jessica Decelle, and Mrs. Leslie Ortega have implemented a strategy in their classrooms that has ignited a spark in their students as well as increased student engagement within their ... View article
Students holding research projects

Central School Celebrates 4th Grade Students

On Friday, April 23, grade 4 Central School “Writers” celebrated the completion of a research and writing project with a fun outdoor Writer’s Celebration.  The unit of study which began in February during the hybrid school ... View article
Teachers in capes

ALT Superheroes Swoop in to Assist with School’s Successful Fundraising Campaign

The Superheroes from Angelo L. Tomaso (ALT) School were back at it again, participating in the 2021 Pennies for Patients annual fundraising program. Pennies for Patients connects schools with local blood cancer patients, provides tangible life ... View article
Art Magazine Logo

2020-2021 Winter/Spring Art Magazine

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Students holding awards

Warren Middle School Students Receive National Recognition

On Wednesday, April 7, Dr. Susan Cooper Warren Middle School (WMS) E2 Teacher was notified that her team of grade 6 WMS students had received 2nd place in the nation at the Knowledge Master Open, a tremendous achievement!    The ... View article
Student with a poster.

Peace Through Service

Warren Township Schools values its relationship with the Lions Club and continues to be appreciative of the support the club provides to the district. The club’s intentions are to bring caring people together to improve their community, lead ... View article
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