Attendance Information
Attendance Office:
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25, every parent, guardian, or other person having control and custody of a child between the ages of six and sixteen shall cause the child to regularly attend school. The Board of Education requires students enrolled in the school district attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the State. For more information related to the Attendance Policy, please refer to Policy 5200, Attendance on our district website.
If your child is going to be absent, please request your child’s absence in the Genesis Parent Portal. An absence should be requested for a child if he/she cannot participate in school on a given day. Kindly provide the nature and duration of illness, particularly in contagious situations so that other class families may be appropriately notified. If no absent request is received by 10:00 AM, a representative of the school will call your home to verify the absence.
If you know that your child will be tardy, please contact the Attendance office to let them know that your child will be arriving late to school.
If your child will be late, but will arrive before 9:00 a.m., then you do not have to call the Attendance line.
All students must sign in at the main office when arriving late to school.
All tardies are considered unexcused unless the student has a physician's note
Unexcused tardies can be subject to discipline
If a student misses more than three periods, they will not be able to participate in any interscholastic or after school activities.
Early Dismissals from School:
Written notes must be sent into the Main Office/Attendance Office in the morning of the early dismissal. Notes must contain the student's name, time of dismissal, and parent cell/work number.
Parent/Guardians must come into the Main Office with their license to sign students out.
If a student is returning to school after an early dismissal for a physician appointment, they must sign in at the Main Office/Attendance Office. Students may enter the building unaccompanied.
Nurse Home:
If a student is ill while in school, they MUST go to the nurse's office. If the student needs to go home, a parent/guardian is required to sign the student out at the Main Office/Attendance office.
If a student is sent home by the nurse due to illness they will be unable to participate in any interscholastic or after school activities that day.
Extended Absences:
Please call the Attendance Office with the dates that the student will be absent.
Excused and Unexcused Absences:
- Religious Observances/Holidays
- Bring Your Child To Work Day
- Participation in observance of Veteran's Day or Board of Elections membership activities
- Closure of busing district leaving students without transportation to receiving district
- Any other rule issued by the Department of Education Commissioner.
- Verified-Unexcused Absences: Absences for reasons such as illness, doctor's appointment, court dates, etc. Require proper documentation within 10 days in order to be considered a Verified-Unexcused Absence (e.g.) doctor's note, note from parent, etc.). These Verified absences do not count toward the 10% absences that are reviewed at the end of the marking period, but are required to be reported as absences on the end of the year State report.
- Unverified-Unexcused Absences: All other absences (e.g. vacation, etc.) and any other absence that lacks supporting documentation are counted toward the 10% absences that are reviewed at the end of the marking period and are required to be reported as absences on the end of year State report.
Homework can be requested for your student after the second day of an absence. Requests for homework can be made to the Guidance secretary at extension: 5006.
Homework is picked up in the Main Office at the end of the day.
Last modified by Mrs. Lontai on Tuesday, March 29, 2022