
7th Graders Use Yeast to Tackle Cellular Respiration

If you’ve ever baked bread from scratch, you know to combine flour, water, salt and yeast to make dough.  You also may be familiar with the chemistry behind how those billions of yeast cells turn the gloppy mass into a fluffy, fragrant ... View article

Mt. Horeb's Career Expo Sparks Ideas

There were soil samplers, environmental inspectors and even a corporate polluter at Mt. Horeb School on Jan. 13 as 4th and 5th graders acted out a scenario while receiving hands-on career experience from hydrogeologist Cecilia Fontana. Fontana was ... View article

Kindergarten Registration

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Meet our Integration Specialists

As integration specialists at Warren Middle School, Cynthia Cassidy and Lynn Alger often start texting and emailing each other at 5 a.m.   “Our days are hectic and our brains never stop,” says Cassidy.  “We tend to ... View article

Sounds of the Season

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Pride in our Schools - November/December 2016

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Science + Technology = Fun!

Whether playing a piano using gummy worms as keys, creating a video game joystick with a simple graphite pencil, or stepping on tin foil pads for a round of “Dance, Dance, Revolution,” there was some serious scientific fun during a ... View article

A Celebration of Writing

Fourth graders in Warren Township Schools have been showcasing the written word, sharing their works of realistic fiction at writing celebrations and publishing parties. “Realistic fiction is our first unit of study,” says Central 4th ... View article

Science is "Electric"

The atmosphere was electric (literally) as fourth graders from Angelo L. Tomaso and Mt. Horeb Schools enjoyed all sorts of science fun with the Franklin Institute Traveling Science Show and its hands-on demonstration of the mysteries of ... View article

Counselor's Corner - December 2016

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Mt. Horeb Preschoolers Receive Visit from Special (Fuzzy) Guest

He’s been known to wear pink pig slippers, a cowboy hat, or even an elf costume during the holidays.  But for his recent visit with preschoolers at Mt. Horeb School, therapy horse Michelangelo sported four spiffy black and white ... View article

Warren Township Schools Instructional Specialists

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Thanksgiving Greetings from Students and Staff

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Mt. Horeb’s Budding Journalists

Cub reporters in the Mt. Horeb Newspaper Club interviewed newspaper professionals from the Echoes-Sentinel on November 3, receiving valuable tips on what makes a good print journalist. "I would encourage each of you to write," said Editor Conrad ... View article

Preschool Open House and Registration 2017-2018

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Election Day at Warren Township Schools

Whether deciding on Spirit Day wear, a new fifth grade math lesson or a special cause to support throughout the year, Warren Township elementary students across the district received a timely civics lesson on Nov. 8 while exercising their right and ... View article

Mindfulness at Woodland School

At first glance, it appears that students at Woodland School are dozing off in class.  But stick around and you’ll find that it’s a new pilot program on “mindfulness” being offered by guidance counselor Diane ... View article

WMS Fall 2016 Art Magazine

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Counselor's Corner - November 2016

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Pride in our Schools - September/October 2016

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Just a sampling of our Halloween ... View article

Halloween Greetings from our Students and Staff

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Warren Township Schools Welcomes a New Supervisor of Special Education

As a longtime speech-language specialist with an equally long list of leadership activities and memberships, Shannon Sharkey was uniquely poised to assume the recently created position of Supervisor of Special Education in Warren Township ... View article

Field Day at Central School

Central School celebrated good health and abundant sunshine at its Field Day on Oct. 14 with activities that included “Don’t be a Couch Potato” sack races, Cherry-on-a-Spoon relays, and a life-sized game of strategy modeled after ... View article

Congratulations to our XC Team!

Congratulations to the Warren Middle School cross country team. The girls took second place and the boys finished first in the invitational meet at Pingry on October 4. Way to go, ... View article
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