
Shore to Enjoy

As long and arduous as this winter has been, many New Jersey residents are yearning for trips to the shore. Warren Middle School students are no exception, however they did not have to wait; the Wetlands Institute of Stone Harbor brought the wonders ... View article

Einstein Would Be Proud

If you were driving by Central School on Friday, March 28th, you could not have missed the large transit bus parked in the faculty lot. That vehicle, dubbed the BioBus, had made its journey from New York City to Warren, for a very specific reason; ... View article

Blast From the Past!

On Friday, March 21, 2014 Central School's second graders came to school incognito. The regular second graders seemed to be replaced by an array of famous faces! Students  from the classes of Jackie Buckley, Amanda Gordon, and Laura ... View article

April 2014 Pride in Our Schools

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  Mt. Horeb School 5th graders have taken writing to a new level with technology under the guidance of Computer teacher Jola Scassera. Fifth grade students completed a progressive story project utilizing Google Docs and Drive.  The ... View article

The Rainforest Transports WMS Students

Dan Ticchio, Science teacher at Warren Middle School, brought the rainforest into the classroom through the Rainforest Connection. Along with his colleague Kelly Brown, arrangements were made for a video conference to take place so that their ... View article

Woodland is an egg-citing place!

For the past fourteen years, Woodland School first graders have experienced an egg-citing, hands-on learning opportunity. First grade teachers, Anita Brower, Laura Fabian, and Dorothy Stolfi were able to coordinate efforts and bring the farm to ... View article

Librarians' Corner: March Book Suggestions

NonfictionHis Name was Raoul Wallenberg: Courage, Rescue and Mystery During World War IIBy Louise BordenAs a wealthy aristocrat from Sweden, Raoul Wallenberg could have spent the years of World War II living comfortably and ignoring the atrocities ... View article

Middle School Musical…. Disney’s Peter Pan Jr!

As the lights dimmed on the evenings of March 6th and 7th, Warren Middle School students transported the audience with their theatrical production of Disney’s Peter Pan Jr!, a timeless adventure to Never Land which showcased amazing talent in ... View article

Planting S.E.E.D.S. for change

Kelly Blessing-Maire, Guidance Counselor at Angelo L. Tomaso School, invited The Arc of Middlesex County to return to Warren Township for the 5th straight year. On February 27th, Amy Burns, Program Intervention Specialist, and Cheryl Minkoff, ... View article

Students were reading across Warren in honor of Read Across America Day

 “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ~Dr. Seuss. So true are those words written by Theodor Geisel whose birthday has been adopted as the date for Read Across ... View article

Interview with Mr. Scott Cook

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REACH, Too! Reaches the Governor of New Jersey

Last Wednesday, February 26, 2014, fifth grade REACH, Too! students from Woodland School attended the Governor’s Town Hall Meeting at the Long Hill Township Community Center.  The event was organized by the governor’s office, and ... View article

March 2014 Pride in Our Schools

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D.A.R.E begins throughout Warren Township Schools...

As the proverb states, it takes a village… Once again, Warren Township Schools is fortunate to have the involvement and support of the Warren Police Department. Starting at the end of February, the D.A.R.E America program began for the ... View article

Update on the Strategic Plan

As you know, a Strategic Plan was developed by members of the Warren Township School community to provide long-term guidance to the Board of Education and Administration.  The Plan is being implemented across the district.  We are proud of ... View article

Warren Welcomes New Dean of Students!

Excitement is in the air as the Warren Township school district welcomes its new Dean of Students. Mr. Max Achtau joined the Warren Middle School staff and hit the ground running! He looks forward to a smooth transition as he replaces Mr. Scott Cook ... View article

CRUNCH Bunch is Top Notch

CReative Understanding of Nutrition and Childhood Health Parents, teachers and experts in various health fields are in agreement. Educating children about making healthy food choices and about being physically active, plays an important role in ... View article

Librarians' Corner

NonfictionHey, Charleston! The True Story of the Jenkins Orphanage Band by Anne RockwellThis story highlights the kindness of Reverend Daniel Joseph Jenkins, a man who opened an orphanage in Charleston, South Carolina and taught his boys how to play ... View article


Over fifty students, and nearly as many parents, attended the Mt. Horeb School Career Expo the evening of Friday, February 7, 2014. This enrichment opportunity was designed in line with current research, stating that exposure to a variety of career ... View article

International Day at Angelo L. Tomaso School

January and February snowfall did not stop Angelo L. Tomaso School from celebrating diversity at its International Day held on February 7, 2014. While past years focused on ethnic cuisine and traditions, this year’s goal was to introduce the ... View article

Welcome WMS Dean of Students

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2014 February Pride in Our Schools

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21st Century Learning Scenarios

Over the last two weeks, a total of six presentations were offered to Warren Township parents and community members to highlight both the components of 21st century learning scenarios and the progress the district has made over the past three years ... View article

Partners in Learning

Mount Horeb School hosted a parent information night on January 16, 2014 welcoming new families, with a focus on those who speak multiple languages or who may have had school experience in countries other than the United States. After introducing ... View article
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