Directions to Warren Township Schools
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For all schools the easiest way would be Route 22 East to Warrenville Road
north to Warren.
Central School-109 Mt. Bethel Road-entrance on 213 Mt. Horeb Road 908
Take Warrenville road north. At first light (cross street is Washington
Valley Road) Warrenville becomes Mt. Bethel Road continue straight up hill.
Make first left onto Mt. Horeb Road at the Mobil Station. Continue about ¼
of a mile you will see a large blue sign for Central School and Warren
Township Board of Education on your right. Make right and continue straight
on drive to Central School.
Mt. Horeb School-80 Mt. Horeb Road
732 356-3313
Take Warrenville road north. At first light (cross street is Washington
Valley Road) Warrenville becomes Mt. Bethel Road continue straight up hill.
Make first left onto Mt. Horeb Road at the Mobil Station. Continue about 1½
to 2 miles Mt. Horeb school will be on left.
Angelo L. Tomaso School-46 Washington Valley Road
732 302-0541
Take Warrenville road north. At first light Washington Valley Road make a
left. ALT is about 2 miles on left.
Woodland School-114 Stirling Road-908
Take Warrenville road north. At first light (cross street is Washington
Valley Road) Warrenville becomes Mt. Bethel Road continue straight up hill.
Pass Central School. Make first right onto Dubois Road. Take to end and make
right onto Reinman Road. Take Reinman Road to first Light, Stirling Road.
Make left. Woodland School in on right past Watchung Hills Regional High
Warren Middle School 100 Old Stirling Road Warren,
New Jersey 07059 (908)753-5300
Directions From Route 78:
On Route 78, travelling west, you will take Exit 36 marked Basking
Ridge/Warrenville. Turn left at the end of the exit ramp and you will drive
back over the highway. This will be King George Road.
On Route 78 travelling east, exit at 36, Baking Ridge/Warrenville, and keep
to the right at . You will be on King George Road.
Remain on King George Road which becomes Mt. Bethel Road at the Inn at Mount
Bethel (formerly the King George Inn). Approximately 1.4 miles from the exit
off Route 78 is Reinman Road. Turn left onto Reinman Road and travel one
mile to Old Stirling Road. Turn right onto Old Stirling Road. Enter the
Warren Middle School at the first driveway and parking area.
Directions From Route 22:
From Route 22 East or West take Warrenville Road up the mountain to the
first traffic light. Bardy Farms Shopping Center will be to your right. Turn
right at the traffic light onto Mountain Boulevard. Continue on Mountain
Boulevard passing the Warren-Watchung Medical Building on your right. Warren
Commons will be on your left. Turn left onto Old Stirling Road. You will
remain on Old Stirling Road for almost one mile. Enter Warren Middle School
from the second driveway and parking area on your right.
Board of Education 213 Mt. Horeb Road, Warren, New
Jersey 07059
Directions From Route 78:
78 EAST to Exit 36 (Warrenville/Basking Ridge). Bear right which is King
George Road. King George becomes Mt. Bethel Road. Go approximately 1.5 miles
to Dinardo's Shell Service Station. Turn right onto Mt. Horeb Road. Go
approximately 1/8 of a mile to Central School entrance. Free-standing
building at entrance is the Administration Building.
78 WEST - to exit 36 (Warrenville/Basking Ridge). Turn left (you will be
crossing over Route 78). Follow above directions.
Directions From Route 22:
22 EAST - Take 22 East to Warrenville Road. Take Warrenville Road exit,
cross over Route 22 and continue up the hill to light at center of town.
Continue through the light and go up the hill to the next light. At this
light, make a left onto Mt. Horeb Road (DiNardo's Shell Station on the
corner). Go approximately 1/8 of a mile and look for Central School driveway
on right. Turn right into driveway and another right into the Administration
Building parking lot.
22 WEST - Take 22 West to Warrenville Road. Turn right onto Warrenville
Road. Follow above directions.
Last modified on Monday, May 29, 2017