Welcome to 8th grade Social Studies

Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies! We'll be focusing on certain periods of US History this year. 

You have choice in your classroom supplies. You need paper, a writing implement and a place to keep handouts. Please bring these and your Chromebook to class every day. You also need access to a stapler at home to staple homework assignments. I have no preference as long as I can read your work and your Social Studies materials are organized. Use whatever system works best for you. 


I am looking forward to a great year with you all. Key tips to success will be respect, kindness, effort and appropriate and mature behavior. Do not stress over this class; as long as you are working to your best, you will do fine. I'm excited to share new lessons and material from my studies this summer.

Please note: announcements and homework assignments will be posted in Google Classroom. 

Homework: Please refer to Google Classroom. 
        Image result for glitter waving flag gif                    eagle bling