Mrs. Zanchelli's Website

Contact Information Page
A contact book
How to get in contact with me.
A blue circle with a question mark
What to do when your child is ill or will be absent.
A share icon
Interesting places on the web.
Medications at school
A scale
What to do if your child needs medication during school hours.
Lice Prevention
Paper with a pencil
Prevention methods and information on how lice spreads.
Revised-Snacks and class celebrations
A volleyball
Approved School Wide/Classroom Celebration Food List
New immunizations update
Paper with a pencil
As of September 1, 2008 new vaccine requirements for 6th grade and preschool students.
Gym excuses
A soccer ball
Notes when unable to participate in PE class.
Physical Examinations
Paper with a pencil
Exams upon entering school in the district.
Nutrition Policy
Food guidelines for class room celebrations
Body Mass Index
A volleyball
Breakfast foods Body Mass Index Portion vs. Serving size
Childcare for Illnesses
Paper with a pencil
Sunshine Suite at Somerset Medical Hospital- childcare for illnesses
A football
Information on concussion
scoliosis screening
March scheduled for screenings, permission forms to be sent home in Feb.
District School Nurse Website
Please go to Home page and on left side of page click on Health
Flu Season
A blue circle with a question mark
Updates Where can I get the flu shot?