Homework, Grading, and Classroom Policies
Homework will be posted to Google Classroom Daily
Each week one IReady Path is due and will be worth 10 points. The week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
Homework policy: Homework is extremely important in math class. It helps you to practice the skill you learn in class each day. Incomplete and missing assignments will lower your grade and cause you confusion when you go back to study for quizzes and tests. It is the responsibility of the student to copy homework assignments and upcoming test and quiz dates. Both will be posted in class on the board and on google classroom. Homework is worth 5 points. Late homework will be accepted one week after it is assigned for partial credit (3 points).
Grading Policy: All tests and quizzes will be announced about a week in advance. Tests will be 40 points; Quizzes 30 points; Independent Work will range from 5-25 points depending on the assignment.
Class Rules:
1.Be respectful to others, yourself and other things.
2. Come to class prepared with homework and supplies.
3. Raise your hand when you wish to speak.
4. Sign out to leave the classroom.
Classroom Procedures
Entering/Exiting classroom: Must enter and exit the classroom quietly. After entering the classroom each day, students must go directly to the assigned seat, and complete the DO NOW on the smart board and copy homework into your planner.
If you are absent: All classwork will be posted in Mr. Bardy’s google classroom. Students who are absent will be given the amount of days they were out to make up their work (including homework, class work, and any test given during their absence). Students absent one day can get their work upon return. Parents of students out two or more days can pick up the student's work in the office upon request. Students are always welcome to come to WIN if they need help making up their work.
If you are tardy: Come in quickly and quietly. Start working on what we are doing. Talk to me after class about what you have missed. Three tardies to class and you will earn lunch detention.
Answering Questions: Students must raise hands to answer a question. Please do not call out, as it may take some students longer to calculate an answer. Everyone is here to learn, you must respect all others in the class by staying quiet when someone else is talking. Rude comments will not be tolerated.
Leaving the room: . Only one person will be let out of the room at one time and you must sign in and out.
When announcements are being made: The room should be silent when an announcement is being made.
If Finished Early With Independent Classwork:
If a student has finished early with independent classwork, they may work on an IReady lesson or practice skills on Deltamath.
Last modified by Mr. Bardy on Tuesday, August 27, 2024