Welcome to Mrs. B.'s Class
Welcome to Kindergarten
Week of January 12, 2025
Being a Reader-Students will continue learning about visualizing. Students will learn how to create mental images as they hear poety. We will continue making text-to-self connections as we read and listen to poetry. Students will be drawing pictures to match the mental images of the poems they hear.
We will review our past vocabulary words, but our new vocabulary words for this week are:
evening, noiseless, grasp, observe
We are continuing to practice the digraphs. (-sh, -th, -ch)
Students are working independently on sight words, reading, identifying CVC words, cooperative game play and handwriting during centers. The small books that come home should be reread to practice fluency and the sight words learned. In addition to Being a Reader, I will try to have students bring home a small book on their level on least once a week. This should be a familiar reread to allow students to practice their reading and fluency. Be sure to ask your child some questions about the story or have them retell the book to you in their own words. Please sign after your child reads the book and return to school.
Students will begin learning about blends in words as they read.
New High Frequency Words- little, was
Perviously taught words: the, is, and, I, see, a, you, me, we, are, can, like, to, he, she, can't, isn't, my, go, down, where, of, by, here, saw, they
Students will keep their composition books in their backpacks with these words. They should be "high-fiving" the words each night to get familiar with the words. Students are not asked to learn the spelling of these words but they should be able to recognize and read these words since they will see them most often throughout their reading and cannot be decoded.
Being a Writer-Students are writing sentences independently by sounding out their words and using their sight words.
In Math, we will be comparing numbers through 10. We will use the words greater, less and equal to when comparing these numbers.
Students should be able to recognize all color words.
Science/SS-We will be learning about the New Year and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Family pictures are due by Monday.
Optional hw will be given twice a week.
Science Day is on Friday. Please be sure your child wears a red shirt.
Library books are due back by Friday.
Book Orders are due by Friday.
Central School Glow Party-Jan. 31st @ 6:30-Hope to see you all there :)
©2025 Warren Township Schools
Last modified by Mrs. Bringuier on Friday, January 10, 2025
Last modified by Mrs. Bringuier on Friday, January 10, 2025