Fifth Grade Essential Skills and Lesson Progressions
Grade 5
Essential Skills
multiply 1 digit by up to 4-digit numbers
read,write,compare decimals to hundredths
add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators
multiply multidigit whole numbers
multiply fractions by whole numbers
multiply fractions and whole numbers by fractions
solve word problems using multiplication and division
identify angles and parallel and perpendicular lines
create and use number lines
Click on a link for a video overview of the unit's skills and the manner it which they will be taught
Unit 1: Whole Number Operations and Applications (Volume, Multiplication, & Division)
Unit 2: Decimals & Fractions (Place Value, Addition, & Subtraction)
Unit 3: More Decimals & Fractions (Multiplication & Division)
Unit 4: Measurement, Data, & Geometry (Converting Units, Using Data, & Classifying Figures)
Last modified by Mr. Kilroy on Tuesday, September 6, 2022