Welcome 8th Grade
Mrs. Brown
8th Grade Physical Science Syllabus
Welcome Back, WMS Students and Families!
Our beakers are bubbling over with excitement as we begin our new and improved school year. We will be your 8th Grade Physical Science teachers for your final year of middle school! While this year will be different than a traditional school year we are invested in providing each student with an extraordinary experience.
It will take some time to become acclimated to our new schedule and learn all of the procedures for each class. While using the various and innovative technologies this year students will have to use their WMS accounts. We certainly look forward to meeting and getting to know all of our students both in person and virtually. Included below is a copy of the 8th Grade schedule times, as well as materials/supplies list below. If there are any questions or suggestions please contact us by email kellybrown@warrentboe.org and srizzoli@warrentboe.org or by phone (908)753-5300 extension 6066.
Can’t wait to explore the wonders of science with you all,
Mrs. Kelly Brown & Mr. Steve Rizzoli
Supply List:
To help all students, there are two lists customized below, one for the Hybrid (In Person) Learner and the other for the Full Distance Learner.
Hybrid (In Person) Learning Materials: Please be sure to label your materials with your name and bring these items to school daily.
- Mask to wear
- Extra masks in a plastic bag
- Personal hand sanitizer
- Personal tissues
- Water bottle
- ChromeBook & Charger
- Earbuds
- Towel to sit on outside
- Agenda planner
- Pencil Case
- Pens, pencils and erasers
- Personal sharpener
- Colored markers
- Binder
- Lined paper and graph paper
- Post It Notes
- Ruler
- Calculator
- Safety Scissors
- Glue stick
IMPORTANT! Be sure to fully charge your ChromeBook before coming to school.
Full Distance Learning Materials: If you are learning virtually please have these materials easily accessible.
- ChromeBook & Charger
- Earbuds
- Agenda planner
- Pencil Case
- Pens, pencils and erasers
- Personal sharpener
- Colored markers
- Lined paper and graph paper
- Binder
- Post It Notes
- Ruler
- Calculator
- Safety Scissors
- Glue stick
IMPORTANT! Be sure to charge your ChromeBook or have access to the charger and outlet.
Click on the above link for the schedule.
If there are any questions or suggestions please contact us by email kellybrown@warrentboe.org and srizzoli@warrentboe.org or by phone (908)753-5300 extension 6066.
Thank you, Mrs. Kelly Brown & Mr. Steve Rizzoli
Last modified by Mrs. Brown on Tuesday, August 20, 2024