Welcome to Social Studies 2024-2025
Welcome to
8th Grade Social Studies
What do we do in 8th-grade social studies?
Welcome to our class! Glad to have you aboard! We'll begin our course of study with the roots of European colonization of North America and the struggles and successes that ensued for Britain in the American colonies.
A lot of ground will be covered (almost 300 years) in our study of American history over the next ten months, and it's an exciting story that we and our ancestors all play a part in.
Yes, there'll be lectures, discussions, and movies, along with note-taking and essay writing, but this story is best understood by getting involved in it and that's what we'll be doing in our class.
Group and independent research, artifact analysis, film reviews, reading and analyzing primary source accounts, debates, creative projects, guest speakers, and a few virtual field trips are thrown in for good measure.
Welcome Back letter
Special note to parents:
You can help your child by periodically checking Google Classroom to help keep them up to date on classroom work. Most of their work will be turned in to Google Classroom. If work is overdue, there will be a big red "NOT DONE" next to the assignment.
We will be using Google Classroom for a majority of the work as it will monitor classwork and homework assignments we ask the students to complete.
As a parent, you can check the quality of their work, ask them about what was covered in class, and question them about any work that has not been turned in. Encourage your son or daughter to get help in WIN for anything they might be having trouble with.
We are looking forward to another great year!
Mr. Arnold
Revised 8/16/2024
Last modified by Mr. Arnold on Friday, August 16, 2024