Announcements - 6/14/16

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All school owned instruments must be returned by the end of this week.  

Also, all other instruments must be taken home.
Last call for all marchers to turn in their lyres! Bring them down to the Band Room ASAP.
Reminder to all 8th Grade Band members going to the High School- Tonight is the meeting for Marching Band at the High School. See Mrs. McCloskey if you need more details.
Attention Madame Boni and Madame Gower's 6th grade French students:  PLEASE hand in your French textbook this week. Merci.
The Talent Show Dress Rehearsal is this Wednesday. Please check out
Mrs. MacGorman's website or the message outside the Home Arts Room for details.
Any girls from the Track Team who have not yet returned their uniforms to Mrs. Bardy in Room 25A should do so ASAP.
Today is Day A for 6th Grade.