WMS Announcements -June 5, 2023
Skip NavigationWarren Middle School
Monday, June 5, 2023
A Day
Dates to Remember
6/6 8th Grade Trip - Dorney Park 6/7 3:00pm - 4:00pm 8th Grade Graduation ticket pickup 6/8 Awards Night 6/9 Half Day of School 6/12 Last Day of School - Half Day 6/12 8th Grade Graduation - 3:30pm
If anyone who did not originally purchase a yearbook would like to purchase a yearbook, they may do so on Friday, June 9.
Please bring in a check for $35 made out to Warren Middle School.
6th graders will be able to purchase a yearbook during period 4, 7th graders during period 5, and 8th graders during period 6.
Attention WMS Baseball and Softball teams!
The annual Softball versus Baseball wiffle ball game will be held this Wednesday, June 6th after school from 3-4. Please arrange for a ride home. See Mr. Arnold if you have any questions.
Baseball players, please bring your baseball jerseys to Mr. Arnold at your earliest convenience to room 51.
ATTENTION Track team: Please return your CLEAN jersey to Madame Boni in room 41 as soon as possible. Thank you!
Last modified on Saturday, October 23, 2021