WMS Announcements - May 31, 2023
Skip NavigationWarren Middle School
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
B Day
Dates to Remember
5/31 I Ready ELA Testing 6/2 It’s 1972 - WMS Celebrates 50 Years 6/5 7:30am - 8:30am 8th Grade Graduation ticket pickup 6/6 8th Grade Trip - Dorney Park 6/7 3:00pm - 4pm 8th Grade Graduation ticket pickup 6/12 Last Day of School - Half Day 6/12 8th Grade Graduation - 3:30pm
Today is
National Smile Day
It’s 1972
WMS is 50 years old!!
Join us in celebrating as we roll back the clock to 1972, when fashion was hip and cool and the music was groovy! We’re talking bell bottoms, platform shoes, peace signs and the best music ever!
We will be celebrating all day on Friday, June 2nd so dress the part and get ready to go back in time! Can you dig it???!!!!
ATTENTION Track team: Please return your CLEAN jersey to Madame Boni in room 41 as soon as possible. Thank you!
Last modified on Saturday, October 23, 2021