WMS Announcements - 3/9/2023

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Warren Middle School

Today, Thursday, March 9, 2023

B Day



Dates to Remember


 3/10                    Battle of the Books - Finals

4/3/23-4/7/23  School Closed - Spring Recess

 5/25                     Half Day Dismissal @ 12:50 PM

 5/26                     Schools Closed 

 5/29                     Schools Closed - Memorial Day

“I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.”Malala Yousafzai



Congratulations to Laila Morin and Nina Vittorello for correctly guessing that Wyoming was the first state to let women vote, and that women's history month began in 1987. Please come to room 51 to collect your prize.


Two 7th grade Battle of the Books teams continued the 2023 Battles yesterday with great energy!


Teams “Wise Wolves” and “Razor Sharp Readers” all brought their best effort to the ring with close scores at halftime.  


Congratulations to team “Wise Wolves”, who scored a total of 64 points and advanced to the finals which will take place on Friday! 


Way to go, everyone, who makes reading an enjoyable pastime!


Today, the 8th grade teams go head to head in their grade level battle starting at 9:00 in the library. Stay tuned tomorrow for the results of the 8th grade battle!





Track tryouts start on Tuesday, March 14th. Please meet in the gym after school, dressed to run. Do not forget to bring a water bottle. 



Softball tryouts will be on March 17th



Spring sports sign-ups have begun on Genesis. Be sure to sign up for a spring sport if you are interested and then make sure that you have the required sports physical paperwork into the health office to be cleared to play. Deadline for sports physical is March 1st.






PTO News


This fundraiser will benefit the Class of 2023. You can order these items for ANY CLASS - and for ANY SPORT and with YOUR NAME HERE!

Click the flyer to see the order form and place your order and pay. 


We are also opening this opportunity to the future WMS Class of 2026 aka - our future Wolverines, currently in our Warren Elementary Schools. These may make a nice graduation from 5th grade gift!!