WMS Announcements - 11/2/2020

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Good Morning, Warren Middle

Today is Monday, November 2, 2020

Cohort A


Dates to Remember


11/2 - Picture Retake/Makeup Day

11/2 - 11/4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

11/2 - In person school - Cohort A

11/3 - ALL students remote learning (Election Day)

11/4 - In person school - Cohort B

11/5 - 11/6 - Schools Closed - NJ Teachers Convention




Birthday Shout Outs


November 2 - Alekos A. 08

November 3 - Yaneen P. 08

November 4 - Lawrence, Reid L. 08, Hailey M. 06, Arhunth N., 06 

November 5 - Angelina H. 07, 

November 6 - Preicel N.A. 06





Morning Announcements


Today is Picture Retake/Makeup day!  Retake day is today,  November 2nd. 

Students that are not in person school on this day and would like your picture taken would arrive at 12:50 PM for retake.  please contact Mrs. Berry via email at gberry@warrentboe.org if you have any questions.  


Teacher/Parent conference letter was emailed to parents yesterday. Please check your email for detailed information. Conferences are scheduled for November 2 - 4. 



WMS Daily Student Wellness Check should be completed everyday by 7:35 AM. 




PTO News & Important Dates

Hello WMS Families 

Just a quick reminder that WMS Spirit-wear will be available for Pick-Up TOMORROW October 31st between 10am and 12 pm at WMS (morning drop-off) parking lot.  This is the same lot used for the MUM's pick up.

Please drive round along by the school and round the U bend,  up to the table/station.  Please have the first letter of your Last Name (or the Last Name you used for the order) clearly visible in the window to help speed up the process. 

Your order will be handed over at the table.

If you are unable to pick up - please make arrangements with an available friend to pick up for you.

Thank you for supporting the WMS PTO

WMS -Spirit Gear Committee


Next PTO Meeting November 19th at 4PM


Save yourself the trouble of making dinner, while supporting the WMS PTO!   A portion of your purchase price will come directly back to the WMS PTO!  Flyers with details have been emailed out!  Make sure to let the restaurant know you are there to support WMS PTO and show the flyer.


Chipotle - 11/18 5pm-9pm

25 Mountainview Blvd

Basking Ridge, NJ

See Chipotle flyer


Panera - 11/30 4pm-8pm

25 Mountainview Blvd

Basking RIdge, NJ


See Panera flyer for details