WMS Announcements - 10/19/2020 - REVISED

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Good Morning, Warren Middle

Today is Monday, October 19, 2020

Cohort A


Dates to Remember


10/19 - 10/20 Cohort A - In person school day 

10/21 - Cohort A - In person school day

10/22 - 10/23 - Cohort B - In person school day

10/29 - Cohort D Material Pick Day




Birthday Shout Outs


October 17 - Gianna A.,  Mia A.

October 18 - Emma T. 

October 19 - Colin B.  

October 20 - Gavin M. 

October 21 - Shaan D., Eddie Z. 




Morning Announcements


Beginning this week we will start our weekly shout out for Random Acts of Kindness.

They are all around us at WMS and we want to share and pay it forward!

If you see something, say something! - a student helping another student, a student helping a teacher, a teacher helping a counselor, our wonderful custodians helping us all - don’t leave anyone out and remember “an act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” (Aesop).

Report any act to a teacher, counselor, Ms. Mensinger or Mr. Villar and we will be sure to give a shout out during Wednesday's announcements.


Teacher/Parent conference letter was emailed to parents yesterday. Please check your email for detailed information. Conferences are scheduled for November 2 - 4. 


Retake/missed picture day?  Retake day is scheduled for November 2nd and Cohort D at 12:50 PM.  Please contact Mrs. Berry via email at gberry@warrentboe.org if you plan on a retake or missed the previous days. 


WMS Daily Student Wellness Check should be completed everyday by 7:35 AM. 


Please see attached for a letter regarding application to private school -  Directions for private school application 



We have had several requests for students to be marked present when they are absent from school due to appointments, travel, etc.

While we recognize that students may still be able to complete work by accessing their Google classroom, and they are welcome to do so, our attendance will continue to be based on physical presence in school - the only exception being students who participate in full distance (Cohort D) learning.  This is not meant to be punitive, but our attendance continues to be based on the need to accurately account for students who are physically  present in the building should there be an emergency situation.


Attendance Notification 

Effective Tuesday, September 29, Parents and Guardians are now asked to request a child absence in the Genesis Parent Portal. An absence should be requested for a child in any cohort that cannot participate in school on a given day. You must still submit the daily Covid-19 form. You can access this feature on the Summary Screen of the Student Data tab.


Some information with respect to changes in Cohorts -

If your student is currently in Cohort A, B or C and is requesting to move to Cohort D (full distance) this request should be made to your child’s counselor and will be accommodated as this does not impact transportation, class size, or a change in Cohort groupings.  


If your student is in Cohort D (full distance) and would like to join Cohort A or B, this request will be considered.  However, there will be a 30 day time frame to determine feasibility as well as to set up scheduling, transportation, etc. We must ensure that we keep our class sizes at the level allowing for social distancing as well as meet the needs of the individual student. 

Once a change is made, it is final unless there are extenuating circumstances.




PTO News & Important Dates



Next PTO Meeting November 19th at 4PM