WMS Announcements - 11/21/2019

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Today is Day B


Backstage club is canceled for today.


Students interested in being in the show - SHREK, need to go to the webpage of either Mr. Van Tine or Mrs. McCloskey and fill out the application , print it out and TURN it in to Mrs. McCloskey in room 33. Remember to also print out the letter from Mr. Villar and turn that in also. 

All applications need to be in by the end of the month. 


The 2020 Yearbook is now on sale! The early bird pricing for the yearbook expires on December 31st! Order your yearbook now to save! All ordering is done online. Order your yearbook now by going to https://ybpay.lifetouch.com. The ID code is 13393420.


Students in all grades will be included in the yearbook. Your picture from picture day will be shown on your class page.  There will also be pictures of clubs, after school sports, and classroom pictures. Don’t miss out on the chance to get the yearbook! If you have any questions, see Ms. Cassidy or Mrs. Alger.




Sport Announcements



PTO News

PTO Meeting *  17th December at 9am followed by Holiday cookie wrap

Fooddays Cycle 3 opens *2nd -12th December - opportunity to also pay membership dues and donate as well as order food lunch items.


Holiday Boutique * 3rd-5th December 

Get excited!! Candy, toys cosmetics, home goods gift items personalized gifts and spirit wear will be available!!  Items from $2-$25. Shop for the holidays during lunch!  


The Lost and Found has too much of your stuff in it!!  Reclaim your lost items from the APR before the holiday donation is made. When it's donated it's gone forever.  IG @warrenmiddlepto will show some recognizable items.


Keep in Contact! wmsptoinfo100@gmail.com is our email address. Visit the PTO website and verify your details:  https://wmspto.membershiptoolkit.com



Thank you volunteers for all your hours of effort!!