WMS Announcements - 5/17/2018

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Drumline for Marching Band rehearses today Period 6.

Marching Band rehearses Period 7 tomorrow in the Band Room for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Band members.
All 8th graders in Chorus should meet today in Room 34 during 1st guide for a brief meeting.  Auditions for 8th grade chorus members to sing the Star Spangled Banner will also happen during guide today.  You may ring your lunch.
The Fruit and Veggie tasting event is tomorrow during all lunches!  Do you like pizza? Try ordering mushrooms, onions and green peppers instead of pepperoni and sausage. This swap contains fresher, healthier ingredients and adds some extra vegetables to your day!
Track Team: Please return your shirts to Mr. Hartshorn or Mr. O'Heney.
Do you dance, sing or have a special talent? The SGA Talent Show is looking for YOU! The annual talent show will be held during school on Tuesday, June 19th. Check your school email for the talent show response form...it is due by Friday May 18th. See Mr. VanTine or Mrs. MacGorman if you have questions.
Today is Day B for 6th Grade.