WMS Announcements - 11/6/2017

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The Buddy to Buddy Club will be collecting candy to give to children in need.  Please consider donating some of your Halloween Candy.  Bring in wrapped candy this week.  All candy should be dropped off in the guidance office.

On Tuesday, our students will be given the opportunity to vote in a mock gubernatorial election similar to last year's mock presidential election.  The students will vote using their Chromebooks in homeroom using a Google Form ballot.  Sixth and 8th graders will vote period 1, and 7th graders will vote period 2.  The students will receive an email from Sheridan Ameo (SGA officer) who created the ballot.  When the students log onto their Chromebooks, they will merely open the Google Form and choose one candidate (Republican or Democrat) and submit.  Easy.
Today is Day B for 6th grade.