WMS Announcements 9/13/2017

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All 8th Grade Chorus Members will meet today in Room 34 during 1st Guide today. Please tell your Guide teachers before coming to Chorus.
8th Grade Band will meet on Wednesday during 1st Guide.
7th Grade Band will meet this week on Wednesday during 2nd Guide.
The Boys' Soccer Team will practice today and tomorrow after school on the Turf Field. Practice will end at 4:30PM and you will need a ride home.
Anyone interested in trying out for the Cross-Country Team: in order to try out, your permission slip and Health Forms must be handed in to Nurse Lontai. Tryouts will take place on Friday, September 15th and Monday, September 18th. Please meet Mdme. Boni and Mrs. Kraminitz in the Gym after school and make sure you have sneakers and a water bottle. Tryouts will end at 4:00 PM. There will be NO late buses; therefore, you must have a ride home. For more info on tryouts and practice, please see Mdme. Boni or Mrs. Kraminitz's teacher webpage.
If any 7th or 8th Grader is interested in participating in a Walking and Bus Tour of Princeton on Sunday, October 8th, please stop by Mrs. Cooper's room (32) for details. This is an excellent Field Trip open to all 7th and 8th Graders. You will walk throughout the campus of Princeton University and then take a bus throughout Princeton to learn about some of the most fascinating people in history including Einstein, Oppenheimer, President Woodrow Wilson, several Nobel Prize winners, and so many more. This entertaining tour will truly overwhelm your brain with amazing information.
Today is Day A for 6th Grade.