Unit 2: Decimals and Fractions: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction
- Understand decimal place value
- Understand powers of 10
- Read and write decimals
- Compare and round decimals
- Add decimals
- Subtract decimals
- Add fractions
- Subtract fractions
- Add and subtract fractions in word problems
Lessons will take place over the course of a few days, divided into 3 or 4 sessions.
Students are expected to complete at least 45 minutes of My Path in iReady for homework and 4 days of Xtra Math per week. If your child is having trouble putting in the expected amount of time, simply contact me and together we can find an amount that works best for them.
Xtra Math and My Path.
Students should be practicing and mastering their multiplication facts.
Writer's Workshop - WEEK AT A GLANCE
This week, students continued to revise, edit and improve their Bend 2 Narrative Draft. Students spent time conferencing 1:1 with a teacher to help them to identify areas where they are shining and areas where they can use some support.
This week students will learn and practice:
- paragraph rules
- stretching out the tension
- how to use figurative language
- every character must play a role
- how to add and use proper dialogue.
Students will learn eat strategy through a mini-lesson, will have time to work independently to apply the skill to their writing and will have time to conference with a teacher to continue to improve their writing.
The Famous Dinner Table Dialogue due FRIDAY 11/19 (all directions in Google Classroom)
Bend 2 Narrative: Tentative Due Date 12/3
This week students will be moving into our first science unit. Students will begin by researching an inventor/invention of their choosing. Students will create a brochure to share information.
We finished lesson 5 of our Spaceship Earth unit which teaches the students about the moon and why there are different phases of the moon.
Students should make sure that their interactive notebooks include a completed table of contents, along with completed assignments.
This week students will be guided through an inquiry to explore and establish what. it means to write well about reading. Students will learn that readers who write about their reading are extra alert, seeing more in their books.
Last modified by Mrs. Jeffers on Monday, November 15, 2021