Physical Education/Health

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

Please review the Physical Education safety guidelines below. Thank you for your assistance with keeping us safe!

Safety is as easy as ABC... Always Be Careful!

To avoid injuries, students should wear athletic sneakers that either tie or velcro in the gymnasium. It is also suggested that students wear comfortable clothing on their scheduled PE days since students will be very active during class. In good weather, all grades will be going outside as much as possible. Students may wear layered clothing and if desired, your child can bring a hat and/or sunglasses. Please label everything with your child's name so nothing gets lost!

Medical excuses from Physical Education class go as follows: A parent's note is good for 2 days. Any days beyond that are only excused with a doctor's note. If a doctor's note is given and your child is out for an extended period of time, they may only return to physical activity with permission from another doctor's note.


Below is the current schedule for when specific Health Education units will be taught this school year. Each unit will fall within the designated 2 month timeframe.


K-2 Health Unit




Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs


Personal Safety/Community Health Skills


Social & Emotional Health/Family Life



3-5 Health Unit


Social & Emotional Health


Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs


Personal Safety/Community Health Skills


Personal Growth & Development/Family Life


Have questions, comments, or concerns? Please email