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Day 5
October1: District:
October1: Mount Horeb School: After school Drama Club
October1: Mount Horeb School: Garden club (after school)
Day 6
October2: District:
October2: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Square One Art Due
October2: Mount Horeb School: OTC Basketball
October2: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer vs Bridgewater
October2: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer @ Bridgewater
October3: District: Schools Closed – Rosh Hashanah
Day 1
October4: District:
October4: Mount Horeb School: PTO - ART CLUB
October4: Mount Horeb School: SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY
October4: Mount Horeb School: PTO MUSIC & MOVIE NIGHT 6:30
October4: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer vs Readington
Day 2
October7: District:
October7: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Spirit of Giving Food Drive
October7: Mount Horeb School: After School Soccer
October7: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer vs Hillsborough
October7: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer @ Hillsborough
October7: Woodland School: Week of Respect
Day 3
October8: District:
October8: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Spirit of Giving Food Drive
October8: Mount Horeb School: After school Drama Club
October8: Mount Horeb School: Garden club (after school)
October8: Warren Middle School: XC @ South Plainfield
Day 4
October9: District:
October9: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Spirit of Giving Food Drive
October9: Mount Horeb School: OTC Basketball
October9: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer @ Montgomery
October9: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer vs Montgomery
Day 5
October10: District:
October10: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Spirit of Giving Food Drive
October10: Central School: PTO Mom's Night Out @ Luka's
October10: Mount Horeb School: CHESS CLUB
October10: Warren Middle School: XC @ Greenbrook
Day 6
October11: District:
October11: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Spirit Day - Dress Like a Parent
October11: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Spirit of Giving Food Drive
October11: District: Half Day – Staff Dev.
October11: Mount Horeb School: SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY
October11: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer @ Tewksbury
October11: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer vs Tewksbury
October12: Central School: PTO Mini-Photo Fundraiser
October13: Central School: PTO Mini-Photo Fundraiser
October14: District: Schools Closed
Day 1
October15: District:
October15: Mount Horeb School: After school Drama Club
October15: Mount Horeb School: Garden club (after school)
Day 2
October16: District:
October16: Mount Horeb School: OTC Basketball
October16: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer @ Readington
Day 3
October17: District:
October17: Central School: PTO Dad's Night Out
October17: District: SEPAG Fall Meeting info
October17: Mount Horeb School: CHESS CLUB
October17: Woodland School: Bingo Night
Day 4
October18: District:
October18: Central School: Spirit Day
October18: Mount Horeb School: PTO - ART CLUB
October18: Mount Horeb School: SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY wear pink
October18: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer Quaterfinals
October18: Warren Middle School: XC vs Manville
October18: Woodland School: Fun Run
Day 5
October21: District:
October21: Mount Horeb School: After School Soccer
October21: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer Quarterfinals
October21: Warren Middle School: XC Summit Invitational
Day 6
October22: District:
October22: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Picture Retake Day - Smile :-)
October22: Mount Horeb School: After school Drama Club
October22: Mount Horeb School: Garden club (after school)
October22: Warren Middle School: XC vs Longhill
October22: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer Semifinals
October22: Woodland School: PTO Meeting via Zoom
Day 1
October23: District:
October23: Mount Horeb School: OTC Basketball
October23: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer Semifinals
October23: Woodland School: Kindergarten trip to Wightman Farms
Day 2
October24: District:
October24: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Kdg Wightman Farm Field Trip
October24: Mount Horeb School: CHESS CLUB
October24: Warren Middle School: Girls Soccer Finals
October24: Woodland School: Trunk or Treat (Rain date)
Day 3
October25: District:
October25: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: Trunk or Treat 6pm-7:30pm
October25: Central School: PTO Trunk or Treat
October25: Mount Horeb School: PTO - ART CLUB
October25: Mount Horeb School: SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY
October25: Mount Horeb School: PTO - ICE CREAM DAY
October25: Mount Horeb School: PTO - TRUNK OR TREAT 6:30 - 8:00 PM
October25: Warren Middle School: Boys Soccer Finals
October25: Woodland School: Trunk or Treat
Day 4
October28: District:
October28: District: Board Meeting
@ Middle School
October28: Mount Horeb School: After School Soccer
Day 5
October29: District:
October29: District: Virtual Presentation for Newly Enrolled Multilingual Learners Parents
October29: Mount Horeb School: After school Drama Club
October29: Mount Horeb School: Garden club (after school)
October29: Woodland School: Picture - Retakes
Day 6
October30: District:
October30: Central School: Picture Retake Day
October30: Warren Middle School: WMS Picture Retakes
October30: Mount Horeb School: OTC Basketball
Day 1
October31: District:
October31: Angelo L/ Tomaso School: ALT Halloween Parade
October31: Central School: Halloween Parade and parties
October31: Mount Horeb School: Halloween Parade 2:00 K-5
October31: Mount Horeb School: PRESCHOOL HALLOWEEN PARADE 10:00 AM
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