Mrs. Annese's
Homework will be given on a daily basis with the exclusion of weekends. The assignment should take no more than 30 minutes to complete and is to be returned the next morning. The material will either be a review or an extension of what we covered in class that day and should be completed with relative ease. Please contact me if you notice your child experiencing a high level of frustration with any given assignment so that I may assist him/her the next day.
Until December 1st, reading is encouraged but not required. After December 1st students will read at least 20 minutes per night and be prepared to talk/write about their independent reading.
I realize that things happen and life can sometimes get in the way. If your child cannot get to the homework one evening for what you consider to be a valid reason, please email me to let me know that you need an extension.
Last modified by Mrs. Stoyanov on Wednesday, October 5, 2016