Archived FID Lessons Week of March 23-27



Friday March 27, 2020


Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:

March 27th Newscast

Listen to today's growth mindset lesson here:

Growth Mindset Lesson

Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!


2nd Grade:

  • Reread A Look at Dogs. Make sure to read the headings and the glossary as well. Answer the following questions in your journal. Make sure to turn the question around (TTQA) to state your answer. (see example below)
  1. What is the main idea of this book? Start your answer like this: The main idea of A Look at Dogs is…….  
  2. What questions would you ask the author if you met her? Start your answer like this: If I met the author I would ask her more about…..
  3. What is your favorite part of the book and why? Start your answer like this: My favorite part of A Look at Dogs is ____________________ because___________.


1st Grade:

  • Reread The Humongous Cat. Make sure to make your reading sound interesting and sound like the characters talking.
  • Answer the following questions in your journal. Make sure to turn the question around (TTQA )when you state your answer (see examples below). 
  1. Who are the characters in the story? Start your answer like this:  The characters in the story are_______________________. 
  2. What did Mr. and Mrs. Mack feed the cat? Start your answer like this: They fed the cat________________________________________________________.
  3. What does humongous mean? Start your answer like this: Humongous means____________________

            Remember to check your writing using Smiley Sentences.

Please email me if you have any questions

Have a fantastic weekend! Thank you for working so hard this week! 



Thursday March 26, 2020

Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:


Parents, you may want to share this video with your children. It explains the corona virus in child friendly terms:


Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!


2nd grade:

  • Reread A Look at Dogs (the whole book) making sure to read fluently and reread any parts that don't make sense. 
  • Pick five words from the glossary and write them in sentences. Make sure not to copy right from the bookFor example: Yesterday, when I took my dog for a walk, she got a scent from another animal and ran away from me. 
  • Time yourself reading the words on word list Level 20 (or, all). Record the date and your time on the bottom of the page. Did you beat yesterday’s time?
  • Continue to work on your letter (see sample below from Monday) Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!

1st Grade:

  • Reread The Humongous Cat two times. Make sure to practice reading it in meaningful phrases.To make it more fun, try playing the part of Mr. or Mrs. Mack and making your voice sound like the characters when you are reading. 
  • Discuss the following questions with an adult: 1) Were there any surprises in the story? What surprised you as you were reading? 2) Describe Mr. and Mrs. Mack. What are they like?  3) Do you think the giant and the humongous cat will be happy together? Why or why not?
  • Draw a picture or write about your favorite part in the story.
  • Continue to work on your letter (see sample below from Monday) Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!

Please email me if you have any questions


Wednesday March 25, 2020             

Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:

March 25th LINK

Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!

2nd Grade: 

  • Reread A Look at Dogs pages 3-12. Pick one area of fluency to focus on (making it sound interesting,reading smoothly, reading the punctuation or rate) from How did I sound?
  • Read the rest of A Look at Dogs making sure to review the words in the glossary.
  • Talk to an adult and tell them three new things you learned about Dogs. In addition, tell an adult some important jobs that dogs can do.
  • Time yourself reading the words on word list Level 20 (or, all). Record the date and your time on the bottom of the page. 
  • Continue to work on your letter (see sample below) Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!

1st Grade:

  • Reread a book of your choice that you have already. Pick one area of fluency to focus on (making it sound interesting,reading smoothly, reading the punctuation or rate) from How did I sound?
  • Read The Humongous Cat. Make sure to do a book preview first (picture walk). If you prefer, have mom or dad read it aloud to you first and then you can read it to them. 
  • Time yourself reading the words on list Level 8 (ee) practicing the ee vowel team. Record the date and your time at the bottom of the page. 
  • Continue to work on your letter (see sample below) Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!


Please email me if you have any questions


Tuesday March 24, 2020

Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:

March 24 2020 

For an extra special treat today, listen to Mr. Heaney's read-aloud here: (I can't wait to listen too!)

 Put Me in the Zoo

Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!


2nd Grade:

  • Reread Elephant and Tiger.  Pick one area of fluency to focus on (making it sound interesting,reading smoothly, reading the punctuation or rate) from How did I sound?
  • Open this link and if possible print and complete listing the things that Tiger was best at and the thing that Elephant was best at. If you don't have a printer, write it in your journal.
  • Read A Look at Dogs through page 12 only. Before reading, look through the glossary to become familiar with new vocabulary.
  • Extra challenge: Write a letter and/or draw a picture to a senior citizen who may be feeling lonely because they are not allowed to have visitors where they live. Take your time writing it and mail it whenever you are finished. If you prefer, send a letter to one of your own grandparents! This will be an ongoing assignment throughout the week.

Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!

1st Grade:

    • Reread Ten Happy Elephants. Pick one area of fluency to focus on (making it sound interesting,reading smoothly, reading the punctuation or rate) from How did I sound?
    • Reread Moosling the Babysitter. In your journal, answer this question: What was your favorite part in Moosling the Babysitter and why.



  • Extra challenge: Write a letter and/or draw a picture to a senior citizen who may be feeling lonely because they are not allowed to have visitors where they live. Take your time writing it and mail it whenever you are finished. If you prefer, send a letter to one of your own grandparents! This will be an ongoing assignment throughout the week.

Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!

Please email me if you have any questions



Monday March 23, 2020

Good Morning students.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:

March 23 LINK

Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!

2nd Grade: 

  • Reread Old Jacket, New Jacket and Frog Songs one time. Pick one area of fluency to focus on (making it sound interesting,reading smoothly,reading the punctuation or rate) from How did I sound?
  • Reread Elephant and Tiger one time. Discuss Elephant and Tiger’s character traits and the lesson in the story with an adult.
  • Practice your sight words playing Your Pile My Pile with an adult. See how fast you can read all of them!

Extra challenge: Write a letter and/or draw a picture to a senior citizen who may be feeling lonely because they are not allowed to have visitors where they live. Take your time writing it and mail it whenever you are finished. If you prefer, send a letter to one of your own grandparents! Open this link below for more information. This will be an ongoing assignment throughout the week.

Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!

1st Grade: 

  • Reread Meli at School and Super Fox. Pick one area of fluency to focus on (making it sound interesting,reading smoothly,reading the punctuation or rate) from How did I sound?
  • Read Moosling the Babysitter two times. Retell the story, including the beginning, middle and end, to an adult.
  • Time yourself reading the words on word list Level 8 (Review a,i,o,u). Record the date and your time on the bottom of the page. Did you beat Friday's time?

Extra challenge: Write a letter and/or draw a picture to a senior citizen who may be feeling lonely because they are not allowed to have visitors where they live. Take your time writing it and mail it whenever you are finished. If you prefer, send a letter to one of your own grandparents! Open this link below for more information. This will be an ongoing assignment throughout the week.

Bring a Smile to Someone's Face!


Please email me if you have any questions