Archived FID Lessons Week of March 16-March 20
Friday March 20, 2020
Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:
Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!
Each week, I will be adding resources to use at home to my webpage. Please check it out!
Today is Free Choice Friday!
2nd Grade:
- Time yourself reading the words on word list Level 13 (Doubling ff,ss,ll,zz). Record the date and your time on the bottom of the page. Did you beat Wednesday’s time?
- Choose any fiction book of your choice, preferably a book you have never read that you have at home.
- Write a few sentences stating your opinion about the book. Make sure to include the title and author of the book and evidence from the book that supports your opinion. If you wish, have an adult take a picture of your opinion response and email it to me at
Here is an example of one that I wrote:
I read the book, Old Jacket, New Jacket by Elliott Goldberg. I really enjoyed reading this book because I was interested to see how Iris would make her jacket look special. I thought her design was very pretty and creative. I love how she used things she had around the house to make the old jacket look so cool. This story made me want to design and decorate my own denim jacket so that I could make an old jacket look new again! What a perfect Flexible Instruction Day activity!
I can’t wait to read your opinion piece!
1st Grade:
- Read any fiction book of your choice, preferably a book that you have at home that you have never read. If you prefer, you can choose a picture book or a favorite story that an adult reads to you.
- Write a sentence telling the main characters and the setting (where the story takes place) of the story.
- Draw a picture of your favorite part or if you prefer, write about your favorite part.
- Practice your sight words playing Your Pile My Pile with an adult. See how fast you can read all of them!
- Time yourself reading the words on word list Level 8 (Review a,i,o,u). Record the date and your time on the bottom of the page. Did you beat Wednesday’s time?
Please email me if you have any questions
Have a great weekend! Thanks for working so hard this week! I’m looking forward to our return to school!
Thursday March 19, 2020
Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:
Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!
2nd Grade:
- Reread All About African Elephants.
- Write three facts you learned about African Elephants in your writing journal. Be sure to write in complete sentences. Please do not write about the facts on page 16.
- Write a sentence or two explaining the genre of African Elephants and how you can tell.
- Write each word from the Glossary in African Elephants in a sentence. Be sure to use detail and descriptive words in your sentences.
- Read Elephant and Tiger one time. Remember to preview the book and make predictions. Then retell the story to an adult. You can use the book to help you. Make sure to include your favorite part and why.
1st Grade:
- Read Ten Happy Elephants. This is a great book to practice your reading fluency, particularly fluent phrasing.
- Retell the story to an adult. You can use the book to help you. Make sure to include your favorite part and why.
- Make a list of all of the pairs of rhyming words you can find in your journal.
- Draw a picture in your journal of your favorite elephants and label what they are doing.
Have fun! Don't be afraid to be silly while you're reading this silly story.
Please email me if you have any questions
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning newscast here:
LINK to Morning Newscast for WED, March 18
Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!
2nd Grade:
- Read Frog Songs two times. Make sure to listen to how you sound when you are reading. Answer the following questions in your journal: (Try to answer in complete sentences and be sure to put the title of the book and the date on the top of the page.)
- What was the main idea of the story? For example, The Main idea in this story was…..
- What lesson did Froggy and the other characters learn?
- Did this book remind you of any other books you’ve read? Explain. (Hint: The Wise Blackbird)
- How did Froggy’s feelings change throughout the story?
- Time yourself reading the words on word list Level 13 (Doubling ff,ss,ll,zz). Record the date and your time on the bottom of the page.
1st Grade:
- Reread Super Fox and make sure to listen to how you sound when you are reading. Answer the following questions in your journal: (Try to answer in complete sentences and be sure to put the title of the book and the date on the top of the page.)
- Can you write about a time when you felt like Roxy. Describe it.
- What is Roxy like? What makes you think that?
- How do you think Father felt at the end of the story? How can you tell?
- Time yourself reading the words on word list Level 8 (Review a,i,o,u). Record the date and your time on the bottom of the page.
Please email me if you have any questions
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Good Morning students. Please listen to Mr. Heaney’s morning announcement here:
Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!
2nd Grade:
- Reread Old Jacket, New Jacket and self-evaluate your fluency as you are reading. How did you sound?
- Write a paragraph in your journal describing the jacket you designed yesterday. Add descriptive words, so if I didn’t see your picture, I would be able to visualize what your jacket looks like. Use smiley sentences to check your writing.
- Time yourself reading word list Level 13 (ck) and write your new time and the date on the bottom of the page. Were you able to beat yesterday’s time?
- In your journal, draw three columns and put ‘ar’ ‘or’ ‘er’ at the top of each column. How many words can you think of that end with those R controlled vowels? Write the words in your journal.
1st Grade:
- Reread Meli at School and self-evaluate your fluency while you are reading. How did you sound? What do you need to work on?
- Read Super Fox two times. Do a book preview (picture walk) first. No reading response for Super Fox today.
- Time yourself reading word list Level 6 (Review a, i, o, x) and write your new time and the date on the bottom of the page. Were you able to beat yesterday’s time?
- In your journal, draw two columns and put ‘ay’ and ‘ee’ at the top of each column. How many words can you think of that end with those vowel teams? Write the words in your journal.
Please email me if you have any questions
Check out my webpage Resources at Home for more tips to help your child with their reading at home.
Monday, March 16. 2020
Good Morning students! I hope you had a terrific weekend. Please listen to Mr. Heaney's morning announcement here:
Link to Mr. Heaney's Morning Newscast
Please complete this assignment today, so you don't fall behind. Please email me with any questions you have!
2nd Grade:
- Reread How Bear Lost His Tail and practice reading it fluently. Read the play as well with different family members reading different parts, if possible. Remember to make your reading sound like talking!
- Read Old Jacket New Jacket two times. Draw a picture of what your jacket would look like if you were Iris. Feel free to make this the first page in your new journal.
- Time yourself reading word list Level 13 (ck) (inside folder in bag) and write your time and the date on the bottom of the page.
1st Grade:
- Read Meli at School two times. Do a book preview (picture walk) before reading it. Answer these questions in your writing journal: 1)Write about three things that Meli learns at Dog School. 2) How does Karen get Meli to learn these new things? Remember to use Smiley Sentences to help you check your writing.
- Time yourself reading word list Level 6 (Review a, i, o, x) (inside folder in bag) and write your time and the date on the bottom of the page.
Please email me if you have any questions
Last modified by Mrs. Braunstein on Monday, May 4, 2020