Nutrition Guidelines for Warren Township Schools
In an effort to create consistency among schools and strike a balance between parents who feel there are too many school parties and those that delight in school celebrations, the following nutrition guidelines go into effect September 2013.
New Nutrition Guidelines Effective September 2013/REVISED November 2019
-Each class is permitted 5 classroom/school wide parties:
-Any additional food related celebrations must receive prior approval from the principal
-During EACH Party Celebration ONLY the following items are allowed:
- To drink: ONLY WATER
- ONE sweet treat off the district approved list (brought by ONE parent)
- ONE savory treat (pretzel, goldfish or popcorn) (brought by ONE parent)
- ONE fruit or vegetable platter (brought by ONE parent)
No other celebrations or rewards for the class can involve food.
Warren Township Schools
Effective September 2013/REVISED November 2019
Approved Foods for School Wide/Classroom Celebrations and Parties
Homemade items made from scratch are welcomed as long as they are limited to cookies, brownies, cupcakes, muffins or rice krispie treats.
Please avoid nut ingredients in baking.
If using a boxed baking product, please check the ingredient label for allergens (peanut, tree nuts,seeds, etc). Boxes and containers of ALL ingredients must be brought in along with food.
***Please continue to check ingredients on all labels as they are subject to change. Include all ingredient lists with food whether store bought or homemade.
Foods should be brought to Main Office by 10 am.
Cake Mix, Brownie Mix, Muffin Mix and Frosting:
Betty Crocker
Pillsbury (EXCEPT the refrigerated premade batter i.e. slice and bake)
School Safe brand
Entenmann's- Little Bites and small donuts: glazed, chocolate, powdered
Chips Ahoy- Chocolate Chip
Oreos (regular, golden, or minis)
Hershey chocolate chips (NOT Tollhouse or Ghirardelli)
Barnum Animal Crackers
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables (cucumber, carrots, celery,etc)
Pudding Snacks (Jell-O brand) Kellogg’s brand Rice Krispie Treats (original)
Ice Pops Shoprite Pretzels
Philly Swirls (gluten, nut, dairy free) Goldfish crackers
Breyer's Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream Skinny Pop & Smart Pop Popcorn
Parents of students with food allergies or food intolerances may bring in a separate supply of snacks for their child as needed for classroom celebrations.
Last modified by Mrs. Keller on Wednesday, December 18, 2019