Speech and Language Information
My name is Jennifer McMahon and I am the Speech-Language Pathologist at Mount Horeb School. I am a certified Speech-Language Pathologist in the state of New Jersey and I hold a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The best way for us to communicate is via email, by setting up a phone conference or meeting in person/google meet. Practice of your child’s speech and language skills at home is paramount to their success and progress! By working with your child, you will help in maintaining newly learned skills and generalizing these skills into other environments. Your child is SO important to me and I am always available to discuss goals and progress at any time.
Best regards,
Mrs. McMahon
The Speech-Language Specialists of Warren Township created the following website as a resource for parents, which includes a variety of resources/activities for your child to complete at home: https://sites.google.com/warrentboe.org/speech-languageparentinfo/home
Listed below are suggestions/activities for helping your child develop speech and language skills.
Grades (K–2)
- Talk with your child frequently
- Read a variety of books; read often and talk with your child about the story
- Help your child focus on sound patterns of words such as those found in rhyming games
- Have your child retell stories and talk about events of the day
- Talk with your child during daily activities; give directions for your child to follow (e.g., making cookies)
- Talk about how things are alike and different
- Give your child reasons and opportunities to write
Grades (3–5)
- Continue to encourage reading; find reading material that is of interest to your child
- Encourage your child to form opinions about what he or she hears or reads and relate what is read to experiences
- Help your child make connections between what is read and heard at school, at home, and in other daily activities
- Talk aloud as you help your child understand and solve problems encountered in reading material
- Help your child recognize spelling patterns, such as beginnings and endings of words (e.g., pre- or -ment)
- Encourage your child to write letters, keep a diary, or write stories
Mrs. Jennifer McMahon, MS, CCC-SLP
Speech/Language Specialist
(908) 753-5300 ext 6431
Last modified by Mrs. McMahon on Wednesday, August 28, 2024