Baldwin's Blast - 5-a-day Fruit & Vegetable Promotion - Guideline for when to keep your child at home due to illness -

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March 11       PTO Adult Social 7 PM

March 13       Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 25-April 1      Spring Recess – School Closed

April 5                        Harlem Wizards – WHRHS


FRUIT and FITNESSThe students at Central School will be participating in a Fruit/Vegetable Promotion during the week of March 14-18. (Think 5 a DAY Fruit and Veggies).  The students will be keeping track of the fruit and vegetables consumed that week. In addition, we will be having a fruit and vegetable tasting on Tuesday March 15th, complements of the Central School PTO 

During National Nutrition Month, we are encouraging children to enjoy the great taste and health benefits of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. Your child will be bringing home information and activities to share with you.


Monday is purple/blue day
Tuesday is white, tan, and brown day
Wednesday is yellow/orange day
Thursday is green day
Friday is red day

Here is a great resource for suggestions on what fruits and vegetables to pack for each day for  next week:     content/uploads/UserFiles/File/pdf/kids/pack_week_2010/Colorful_Fruit_and_Veggie_ Ideas.pdf


Attached is a handy guideline sheet for when to keep your child at home due to illness.