Friendship Making Skills



Girls singing


Parents Can Help Their Young Children Make Friends

Some children are naturally social. They love talking and playing with friends. Others need more encouragement, and that's okay. Here are ways you can help: 

* Practice social skills. Teach your child to say "please," "thank-you," "bye-bye." Work on sharing, talking, listening and problem solving. 

* Encourage friendships. If your child doesn't have any friends, start by arranging one-on-one play dates. Praise him/her for strong social skills, and give him/her lots of practice in areas where he/she may need help. 

*Talk about feelings. It's better for kids to express themselves than to hold things in or react in an inappropriate way. Help your child find words to express what he/she is feeling: happy, sad, disappointed, excited, etc. Role-playing is another way to improve this skill. Using words to express feelings is the first step in becoming a good problem solver. 

*Build self-esteem. Children who feel good about themselves usually relate better with others. Hobbies, responsibilities and good family relationships build self-confidence. It's also important to compliment kids when they've done something well. 


Things that Friends Do: 

  1. Help 
  2. Show they care about other’s feelings 
  3. Share 
  4. Compliment others 
  5. Be nice
  6. Say sorry and work it out with kind words
  7. Smile at others
  8. Stand up for each other
  9. Say nice things to each other
  10. Use good manners and be polite
  11. Show respect
  12. Include others.


 =========================================== (click here) - The award-winning Second Step program teaches social and emotional skills for violence prevention. The program includes research-based, teacher-friendly curricula, training for educators, and parent-education components.


A person holding chalk

We can learn a lot from crayons:

Some are sharp, some are pretty

Some are dull, some have weird names

And all are different colors…but they all

Have to learn to live in the same box.