

Writing Workshop
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Third Marking Period Unit of Study:  Argument
The Research-Based Argument Essay

Establishing and Supporting Positions

During the current unit of study students will learn that when argument writers begin to research a topic, they investigate and collect information about both sides of the issue. They will also learn that writers often use what they know about structuring as essay to help them quickly write a full, rough draft of their argument. Students will discover that argument writers conduct research and provide evidence that supports their claim, and that argument writers add relevant quotes to make their arguments more potent. They will learn that writers draft and draft again in order to write a new draft that incorporates additional evidence and thinking. Students will further learn that writers analyze their evidence and explain their thinking, so that their own voice is powerful throughout their writing. Finally, they will realize that writers carefully consider a variety of formats and choose the one that will effectively convey their message.

Please feel free to contact me on extension 6354 with any questions.