
  Image result for welcome image clipart

Welcome to my Homepage for the 2019-2020 school year! 

I hope that you had a great summer and that you are ready for a memorable year in fifth grade! 

My pages are intended to provide with you with important announcements regarding 5th grade activities and general information about what your child is learning in Reading.

I will post long-term assignments and upcoming projects in Language Arts. However, students are still responsible for writing down their daily homework in their agendas. On my teacher pages you will find information on their reading, writing, and spelling work.

I look forward to an exciting school year with each and every one of you!              

Test Folders: 

Test Folders go home around the 15th & 30th each month. Please sign and return the following day. If there are any "0's" in the folder, please make sure your child does the assignment and hands them in for a late grade.   The number of papers that are in the folder are marked on the signature sheet.  If you have any questions please contact me. 

Missing/Late Assignments:
After 3 late and/or missing assignments a note will go home and will need to be signed by a parent.  A notation will be made on the note if the assignment was handed in late or was never handed in.

Extra Credit: 
All students have the opportunity to earn extra credit each month. These sheets can be used on an assignment or test of their choosing. 

General Information

Nutrition Policy: 

Please see the approved list below for birthday treats.
Approved Food List

School Supplies:
Adobe Acrobat logo ALT Student Supply List

Back to School Night Slide

Back to School Night Presentation

District Resources: