Annual Board Election

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During the general election scheduled on November 5, 2024, the Warren Township Board of Education expects that three seats on the Board will be up for election. The terms of each seat will run from January 2025 to December 2027, a three year term.

Candidates interested in running for the Board should consider these prerequisites for election. Each member of any board of education shall, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:12-1:

  • Be a United States citizen;
  • Be a resident of the district for at least one year at the time of election or appointment;
  • Be able to read and write;
  • Be a registered voter in the district where the person is submitting the nomination petition (or being appointed);
  • Not be disqualified as a voter pursuant to J.S.A. 19:4-1;
  • Not have been convicted of any of the crimes or offenses enumerated in J.S.A. 18A;12-1 or conspiracy to commit or attempt to commit any of said crimes;
  • Not be the mayor or a member of the governing body of the municipality; or
  • Not have a direct or indirect contract with or claim against the board.

According to the Somerset County Clerk’s office, board member candidates must obtain a minimum of 10 signatures (pursuant to NJSA 19:60-7).  The deadline this year is 4pm on July 29, 2024 (the last Monday in July). Petitions from all candidates must be received in the appropriate office by that date and time. More information can be found on the Somerset County Clerk website.

Additional information can be obtained from the New Jersey School Boards Association at