Title 1 District Policy
Skip NavigationSection: Program
Date Created: June, 2018
Date Edited: June, 2018
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)/Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA) 1994, providing funds to help all New Jersey’s school children achieve, at a minimum, proficiency in the State standards. NCLB embodies four key principles or pillars of education reform: accountability, flexibility, choice, and methodology. The Board of Education elects to augment the instructional program of students by projects supported by Federal funds allocated under NCLB and the district will comply with the requirements of all the programs authorized by NCLB.
The district may be eligible for several grant programs funded through NCLB, including, but not limited to, Title I through Title VI. Many of the Titles of NCLB have several parts and subparts that provide a funding source for specific purposes.
Application Procedure
The district will submit an annual No Child Left Behind Consolidated Formula Subgrant Application to the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE). The school district’s application shall include all information required by the NJDOE and NCLB for the district to be considered for funding under NCLB.
Covered Programs
The intent of NCLB is that all children will meet State academic achievement standards to reach their potential through improved programs. The NCLB Consolidated Formula Subgrant includes the following programs:
- Title I, Part A provides the programs and resources for disadvantaged students to meet this intent. It requires the State and the district to close the achievement gap by placing a highly qualified teacher in every classroom, improving the qualifications of paraprofessionals who work with disadvantaged students, and using instructional practices that have proven to be effective.
- Title I, Part D serves neglected and delinquent youth in institutions, community day programs, and correctional facilities to assure they also attain high academic levels of performance.
- Title II, Part A provides the resources for improving teacher and Principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers and Principals in classrooms and schools, thereby raising student achievement in the academic subjects. It focuses on preparing, training, and recruiting high-quality teachers and Principals and requires the State to develop plans with annual measurable objectives that will ensure all teachers teaching in core academic subjects are highly qualified by the end of the 2005-2006 school year.
- Title II, Part D facilitates comprehensive and integrated educational technology strategies that target the specific needs of individual schools. It improves student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools, while addressing the digital divide such that every student is technologically literate by the end of eighth grade. Effective integration of technology resources and systems with teacher training and curriculum development are encouraged in order to identify and showcase best practices in educational technology.
- Title III, Part A focuses on the teaching of English to limited English proficient (LEP) children, including immigrant children and youth.
- Title IV, Part A provides resources for fostering a safe and drug-free learning environment that supports academic achievement.
- Title V, Part A provides a flexible source of funding to help districts in the development and implementation of various innovative reform initiatives.
- Title VI, Part B addresses the unique needs of rural school districts.
- Title IX covers the general provisions applicable to some/all of the programs.
Throughout NCLB, the use of solid research to improve teaching and learning as well as student behavior is required and promoted, and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are provided with information and options to improve the educational opportunities provided for their children. The emphasis on scientifically based methodology encourages the use of teaching techniques and practices that are founded on research and proven to produce positive results.
Title I
The largest Federal program supporting elementary and secondary education is Title I. NCLB strengthens Title I requirements for the State’s assessments, accountability system, and support for school improvement. The law also establishes minimum qualifications for teachers and paraprofessionals in Title I programs.
The school district must use the best available measure for identifying children from low-income families to: identify eligible school attendance areas, determine the ranking of each area, and determine allocations as identified in the Title I guidelines and regulations.
The school district will offer Title I services to eligible children enrolled in private elementary and secondary schools. The services and benefits will be equitable in comparison to services and benefits for participating public school children.
The school district will provide the New Jersey Department of Education assurances it will provide the maximum coordination between the Title I program, the regular school program, and services provided by other programs for specialized populations. The Title I program will consider the special needs of homeless children, migrant children, children with disabilities and limited English proficient (LEP) children. Title I funds will be reserved so that migrant children who are otherwise eligible to receive Title I services, even if they arrive during the school year, are served.
Type of Title I Program
The school district will offer a Target Assistance Title I program.
Target Assistance Program
Schools that are not eligible for (or do not choose to operate) school-wide Title I programs must use Title I funds to provide targeted services to low-achieving students. A Target Assistance program must be established in accordance with the Title I guidelines and regulations and the New Jersey Department of Education.
Academic Standards, Academic Assessments, and Accountability
The district will comply with the requirements as outlined in Policy 2415.01 - Academic Standards, Academic Assessments, and Accountability in accordance with the NJDOE and NCLB.
Fiscal Responsibility
The district will comply with the requirements as outlined in Policy 2415.02 Title I – Fiscal Responsibilities in accordance with the NJDOE and NCLB.
The district will comply with the requirements as outlined in Policy 2415.03 – Highly Qualified Teachers in accordance with the NJDOE and NCLB. In addition, the district will ensure all paraprofessionals meet the requirements as required by NCLB and as outlined in Policy 4125 – Employment of Support Staff Members.
Parental Involvement
The district will comply with the requirements as outlined in Policy 2415.04 – Parental Involvement in accordance with the NJDOE and NCLB.
Student Surveys, Analysis, and/or Evaluations
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) applies to school districts that receive Federal funding from the United States Department of Education. The district will comply with the requirements as outlined in Policy 2415.05 - Student Surveys, Analysis, and/or Evaluations in accordance PPRA.
Unsafe School Choice Option
In the event there is a school in the district designated as Persistently Dangerous in accordance with the Victims of Violent Criminal Offenses as outlined in NCLB, the district will comply with the requirements of Policy 2415.06 – Unsafe School Choice Option in accordance with the NJDOE and NCLB.
Property acquired through Title I funds for use in public or private schools will be acquired in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, will be held in title by the Board of Education, and will not be used for other purposes so long as it is required in the Title I program. Property no longer required for Title I purposes will be used for other, similarly funded projects or disposed of in accordance with State and Federal guidelines.
Capital Expenses
The Superintendent will assure the district abides by New Jersey’s Public Contracts Law; consults appropriate private school officials prior to making any decisions regarding capital expenses; ensure funds that are received to cover capital expenses provide equitable Title I services to private school students; ensure accounts for any capital funding is separately maintained; and assure lease purchase agreements are consistent with applicable statute and administrative code.
Post-Award Requirements
The school district will maintain all project records for five years following the completion of the activity for which the funds were used. The school district will prepare and submit all reports as required by the State Department of Education in a timely manner.
Supplement, Not Supplant
Grant funds provided under Federal programs, including No Child Left Behind funding, shall supplement, not supplant other non-Federal funds that are available to provide programs and services to eligible students, unless otherwise provided in the grant program.
State Waiver from Certain Provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
The State of New Jersey may receive a waiver(s) from certain provisions of NCLB from the United States Department of Education. A waiver(s) may affect the applicability of the school district’s NCLB policies and/or regulations. In the event a waiver(s) affects the applicability of Board of Education NCLB policies and/or regulations, the waiver provisions shall supersede current Board policies and/or regulations and the school district shall comply with the requirements as outlined by the New Jersey Department of Education in accordance with the waiver(s) application and approval(s) from the United States Department of Education.
The Superintendent will evaluate the NCLB programs as required by the United States and the New Jersey Departments of Education.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Adopted: 18 June 2018
Last modified on Monday, October 25, 2021