Minutes for November 14, 2005History icon Archived Minutes

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A regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day in the Board of Education Administration Building, Mt. Horeb Road. The following is a record of that meeting.

I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Board of Education President
Gina Voorhees.

II. OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT – Mrs. Voorhees read the following statement:
In accordance with the provisions New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law, the Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be posted in the Board Office and in the Township Office, mailed to the Courier News and Echoes Sentinel, and filed with the Clerk of the Township of Warren.

III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mrs. Voorhees led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present: Pamela Coley, Peter Fallon, Roberta Monahan, Mildred Spiller,
Gina Voorhees, Jay Wilpon, Kathleen Winter, Dr. Ellen Zimmerman
Absent: John Henschel
Also Present: Dr. James Crisfield, superintendent, MaryGrace Suitovsky, assistant school business administrator, public and press

V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Monahan moved the following.
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the minutes of the following meetings as printed and distributed:October 10, 2005 – Open Session

October 10, 2005 – Closed Session

The motion was seconded by Mrs. Spiller and approved by unanimous voice vote

VI. PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS - Mrs. Voorhees spoke about various grants and competitive awards.

VII. COMMITTEE REPORTS - Mrs. Monahan and Mrs. Coley reported on the activities of their committees.

VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTARY - Three members of the public spoke on after-school release procedures and other safety issues.

IX. PRESENTATIONS- Sondra Markman, Curriculum Supervisor and Robert Comba, Principal of Warren Middle School made a presentation on standardized testing results during the 2004-2005 school year.

X. DISCUSSION – The Board discussed the following topics:
Warren Middle School Graduation/Awards Night and Honor Roll
·  2004-2005 Quality Assurance Annual Report-QAAR (See Motion A.1.)

Mrs. Winter left the meeting at 9 p.m.


Mrs. Coley moved the following:

RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the following:

A. Education

A.1. Quality Assurance Annual Report
Approve the 2004-2005 Q.A.A.R. for submission to the Somerset County Superintendent of Schools.

A.2. Out of District Placement
Approve one student (ID#0000251) to attend the Cherokee Creek Boys School for the 2005-2006 school year at a tuition cost of $39,375 prorated from October 12, 2005 to June 30, 2006.

A.3. PTO 2005-2006 Activities Calendar
Approve the PTO Activities Calendars for the 2005-2006 school year for ALT, Central, Mt. Horeb, Woodland, Middle, and SePTO.

A.4. Out of District Placement
Approve the increase of tuition for one student (ID#0120098) (June 13, 2005 I.X., A., A.6) to reflect the increase of cost from $32,934 to $69,521 for the 2005-2006 school year. (The receiving district has advised that student's program requires 1:1 aide for which they had neglected to charge.)

B. Finance/Operations/Transportation

B.1. Payment of Bills
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves payment of checks numbered 020097, 020099-020100, 020151-020442 in the amount of $3,344,710.67

B.2. Board Secretary's and Treasurer's Report
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the report of the secretary for the month of September 2005, and

WHEREAS, this report shows the following balances on September 30, 2005:

(10) General Current Expense Fund $1,461,243.10   $ 671,381.00
(11) Current Expense   $2,346,302.45  
(12) Capital Outlay   124,793.96  
(13) Special Schools   2,812.98  
Capital Reserve 1,323,897.79 0.00 1,312,897.79
(20) Special Revenue Fund (70,200.11) 54,292.28 0.00
(30) Capital Projects Fund 269,929.74 983,001.41 227,005.47
(40) Debt Service Fund 157,311.93 0.00 0.68
TOTAL $3,131,182.45 $3,511,203.58 $2,211,284.94

WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C.6:20-2A(d) the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the reports, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the above reference reports and certifications and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with N.J.A.C.6:20-2A.10(e), the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriation section), to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C.6:20-2A.10(a)(1), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the year.

B.3. State Aid Funding
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the New Jersey Character Education Partnership (NJCEP) Initiative state aid funding for fiscal year 2006 in the amount of $6,063.

B.4. Acceptance of Donation
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts with appreciation the donation by the Warren-Watchung Rotary Club of dictionaries for all Warren third and fourth grade students in the amount of $2,133.

B.5. Budget Transfers for Month of September 2005
Approve the following Resolution:

RESOLVED, the Board of Education ratifies the following transfers between budget line items that have been approved by the Superintendent of Schools and reported to them pursuant to Policy 3160:

11-000-100-562-08-01 11-000-100-566-08-01 13,300.00
11-000-100-562-08-01 11-000-240-103-00-00 3,700.00
11-000-100-562-08-01 11-000-252-100-01-00 7,400.00
11-000-100-562-08-01 11-000-262-100-00-00 9,800.00
11-000-100-562-08-02 11-000-100-566-08-02 700.00
11-000-100-566-08-01 11-000-100-562-08-01 (13,300.00)
11-000-100-566-08-02 11-000-100-562-08-02 (700.00)
11-000-213-600-03-00 11-190-100-610-03-10 240.00
11-000-213-600-04-00 11-190-100-610-04-10 265.00
11-000-216-100-00-00 11-000-219-104-00-00 350.00
11-000-217-100-00-01 11-000-219-104-00-00 300.00
11-000-217-100-00-02 11-000-219-104-00-00 15,800.00
11-000-217-320-08-00 11-000-251-100-01-00 4,100.00
11-000-217-320-08-00 11-000-262-100-09-00 12,900.00
11-000-218-104-00-00 11-000-240-103-00-00 20,500.00
11-000-218-105-00-00 11-000-219-104-00-00 300.00
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-216-100-00-00 (350.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-217-100-00-01 (300.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-217-100-00-02 (15,800.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-218-105-00-00 (300.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-219-104-00-01 (2,000.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-219-105-00-00 (2,000.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-222-100-00-01 (2,800.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-222-100-00-02 (3,000.00)
11-000-219-104-00-00 11-000-240-103-00-00 (116,460.00)
11-000-219-104-00-01 11-000-219-104-00-00 2,000.00
11-000-219-105-00-00 11-000-219-104-00-00 2,000.00
11-000-221-102-00-00 11-000-221-105-00-00 (625.00)
11-000-221-105-00-00 11-000-221-102-00-00 625.00
11-000-222-100-00-01 11-000-219-104-00-00 2,800.00
11-000-222-100-00-02 11-000-219-104-00-00 3,000.00
11-000-222-600-04-13 11-190-100-610-04-10 125.00
11-000-222-600-05-12 11-190-100-610-05-10 (1,300.00)
11-000-223-500-03-00 11-000-230-590-01-02 1,000.00
11-000-223-500-03-00 11-190-100-640-03-00 2,000.00
11-000-230-105-01-00 11-000-251-100-01-00 400.00
11-000-230-590-01-02 11-000-223-500-03-00 (1,000.00)
11-000-230-610-01-00 11-230-100-600-03-00 (1,000.00)
11-000-240-103-00-00 11-000-100-562-08-01 (3,700.00)
11-000-240-103-00-00 11-000-218-104-00-00 (20,500.00)
11-000-240-103-00-00 11-000-219-104-00-00 116,460.00
11-000-240-110-00-00 11-000-262-100-00-00 (85,954.00)
11-000-240-580-06-00 11-000-270-512-06-00 (200.00)
11-000-251-100-01-00 11-000-217-320-08-00 (4,100.00)
11-000-251-100-01-00 11-000-230-105-01-00 (400.00)
11-000-251-100-01-00 11-000-251-100-01-01 (1,200.00)
11-000-251-100-01-00 11-000-291-290-00-00 (32,000.00)
11-000-251-100-01-01 11-000-251-100-01-00 1,200.00
11-000-252-100-01-00 11-000-100-562-08-01 (7,400.00)
11-000-262-100-00-00 11-000-100-562-08-01 (9,800.00)
11-000-262-100-00-00 11-000-240-110-00-00 85,954.00
11-000-262-100-09-00 11-000-217-320-08-00 (12,900.00)
11-000-262-100-09-00 11-000-270-161-10-00 (15,000.00)
11-000-262-100-09-10 11-000-262-105-09-00 (325.00)
11-000-262-100-09-10 11-000-270-161-10-00 (4,500.00)
11-000-262-105-09-00 11-000-262-100-09-10 325.00
11-000-270-160-10-00 11-000-270-161-10-02 300.00
11-000-270-161-10-00 11-000-262-100-09-00 15,000.00
11-000-270-161-10-00 11-000-262-100-09-10 4,500.00
11-000-270-161-10-02 11-000-270-160-10-00 (300.00)
11-000-270-512-06-00 11-000-240-580-06-00 200.00
11-000-270-512-06-00 11-190-100-800-06-00 200.00
11-000-291-290-00-00 11-000-251-100-01-00 32,000.00
11-110-100-101-00-01 11-120-100-101-00-01 4,600.00
11-120-100-101-00-01 11-110-100-101-00-01 (4,600.00)
11-130-100-101-00-01 11-213-100-101-00-00 (92,000.00)
11-190-100-106-00-00 11-204-100-101-00-00 9,700.00
11-190-100-610-03-10 11-000-213-600-03-00 (240.00)
11-190-100-610-04-10 11-000-213-600-04-00 (265.00)
11-190-100-610-04-10 11-000-222-600-04-13 (125.00)
11-190-100-610-05-10 11-000-222-600-05-12 1,300.00
11-190-100-610-05-10 11-190-100-640-05-00 1,000.00
11-190-100-610-05-10 11-190-100-640-05-00 500.00
11-190-100-640-03-00 11-000-223-500-03-00 (2,000.00)
11-190-100-640-05-00 11-190-100-610-05-10 (1,000.00)
11-190-100-640-05-00 11-190-100-610-05-10 (500.00)
11-190-100-800-06-00 11-000-270-512-06-00 (200.00)
11-204-100-101-00-00 11-190-100-106-00-00 (9,700.00)
11-204-100-101-00-00 11-213-100-101-00-00 (10,700.00)
11-204-100-101-00-00 11-215-100-101-00-00 (1,000.00)
11-204-100-101-00-00 11-215-100-106-00-00 (9,500.00)
11-204-100-101-00-00 11-240-100-101-00-00 (250.00)
11-213-100-101-00-00 11-130-100-101-00-01 92,000.00
11-213-100-101-00-00 11-204-100-101-00-00 10,700.00
11-215-100-101-00-00 11-204-100-101-00-00 1,000.00
11-215-100-106-00-00 11-204-100-101-00-00 9,500.00
11-230-100-600-03-00 11-000-230-610-01-00 1,000.00
11-240-100-101-00-00 11-204-100-101-00-00 250.00

B.6. Warren Township Education Foundation Grants
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts with appreciation the following Grants awarded by the Warren Township Education Foundation:
a) Angelo L. Tomaso School - Geography Skills (Mary Lynch $250)
b) Mt. Horeb School - Versatiles (Lisa Lukko $700)
c) Woodland School - Chess (Rita Brown $91.69)
d) Middle School - Poetry Supermarket (Lisa Bottone $492), WMS News Program (Steve Verger and Susan Cooper $400 each), Reading & Critical Thinking (Susan Horn $338), and Quirky Titles (Hanne Walsh $250)

B.7. Warren Middle School PTO Grant
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts with appreciation the following PTO Grants awarded to the following Middle School Teachers:
a) Susan Cooper and Steven Verger ($180 each) for Software for WMS News
b) Laura Sudo, MaryAnn Szatkowski, Caroline Clark ($68 each) for Elemento Software
c) Bev MacGorman, Gladys Veitch ($50 each) for Iron Chef
d) Bev MacGorman ($150) for Quilts for Kids
e) Caroline Clark, MaryAnn Szatkowski ($180 each) for White Board and Science Related Supplies

B.8. Somerset County United Way P.E.A.C.E. Mini Grants
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts with appreciation the following Somerset County United Way P.E.A.C.E. Mini Grants awarded to the following Middle School Teachers:
a) Susan Cooper and Robin Savage ($441 each) for Peer-to-Peer Outreaching to 6th Graders
b) Susan Cooper and Steven Verger ($500 each) for Terrific Tabloids

B.9. Joint Transportation Agreements with Green Brook and Watchung Borough
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the following joint transportation agreements with Watchung Borough and Green Brook for the 2005-2006 school year.
a) Approve transportation for one student from Green Brook to Center School for a total cost of $1,425.60 per annum.
b) Approve transportation for one student from Green Brook to Warren Middle School for a total cost of $3,600 per annum.
c) Approve transportation for three algebra students from Watchung Hills Regional High School to Valleyview Middle School for a total cost of $927.09 per annum.

B.10. Central School South Wing Expansion Project Change Orders
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves Change Order #2 in the amount of $10,000 (piping relocation for temporary egress corridors) and Change Order #4 in the amount of $52,000 (convert two small rooms to one kindergarten classroom) for the Central School South Wing Expansion Project.

B.11. ALT Roof Project Funding
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the transfer of $250,000 (initial budgeted amount) and an additional $80,000 from Capital Reserve to Fund 30 in support of the ALT Roofing Project.

B.12. ALT Roof Project Award of Contract
RESOLVED, the Board of Education awards a contract for replacement of certain portions of the ALT School roof pursuant to bids accepted by the Board at its June 27, 2005 meeting to Lauimar Roofing in the total amount of $509,000. (Project schedule to be determined, based on the emergent needs of the district, but in any case not to extend beyond August 2006.)

C. Personnel/Student Services

C.1. Employment for the 2005-2006 School Year (ATTACHMENT 6)
Approve the application for emergent hiring for the following positions for the 2005-2006 school year under the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:16-1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq., and N.J.S.A. 6-4.14 et seq., as listed below:
a) Alexis Asaro, Grade 6 Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher, Middle School, step 1, BA+15, effective December 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. (Ms. Asaro is a maternity leave replacement.)
b) Philip Jones, Classroom Paraprofessional, Woodland School, step 3, 32.5 hours, effective November 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.

C.2. Per Diem Deduct Request
a) Approve two days per diem deduct request for Stacey Katcher, Angelo L. Tomaso School, for January 2-3, 2006 (honeymoon).
b) Approve one day per diem deduct request for Randi Tishler, Mt. Horeb School, for November 9, 2005 (family trip).
c) Approve one day per diem deduct request for Janet DelNero, Central School, for November 14, 2005 (visiting daughter in Atlanta).

C.3. Family Leave Request
a) Approve the following family leave request for Dana Baldari, Kindergarten Teacher Mt. Horeb School, Family Leave (unpaid with benefits) from April 7, 2006 through June 30, 2006. Returning September 1, 2006.
b) Approve the following family leave request for Megan O'Donnell, Grade 1 Teacher, Central School, Family Leave (unpaid with benefits) from April 21, 2006 through June 30, 2006. Returning September 1, 2006.

C.4. Revised Family Leave Request
Approve the revised family leave request for Leslie Ortega, Special Education Teacher Mt. Horeb School, Family Leave (unpaid, with benefits) from November 23, 2005 through February 28, 2006 and Child Rearing Leave (unpaid, without benefits) from March 1, 2006 through April 30, 2006. Returning to work May 1, 2006. (Doctor's orders restricted Mrs. Ortega to bed rest effective October 6, 2005. Mrs. Ortega had her baby boy October 26, 2005.)

C.5. After School Activities One on One Aide
Approve Erica Cheshire as an aide for student (ID#0000248) during the after school Library Club for one hour per week from October 12, 2005 through January 25, 2006 at a total cost to the District of $180. (The student's IEP states that an aide is required for school and after school activities.)

C.6. Advancement on Salary Guide
Approve the following advancement on the teachers' negotiated salary guide effective October 1, 2005:
a) Denise Kennedy to MA+15
b) Carla Cicalese to MA+15

C.7. Change in Employment
a) Approve the change in employment for Erica Cheshire, Grade 1 Teacher, from a Maternity Leave replacement in Woodland School to a Maternity Leave Replacement, Grade 2, in ALT effective January 2, 2006 through June 30, 2006.
b) Approve the change in employment for Feuakham "Carrie" Vongvilay, Night Custodian, Woodland School from hourly to contracted at an annual salary of $29,800 effective and prorated from November 12, 2005 through June 30, 2006. (Ms. Vongvilay is completing her 60 day probationary period.)

C.8. Middle School Recreation Evening Chaperones
Approve the following personnel to chaperone 4 Middle School Recreation Evenings during the 2005-2006 school year for approximately 2.5 hours per evening at $30 per hour:
a) Eileen Haddican
b) Linda Myers

C.9. Substitute Teachers (ATTACHMENT 7)
Approve the following Substitute Teachers for the 2005-2006 school year:
a) Tammy Ciullo
b) Jan Brennan (School Nurse)
c) Kristen MacGorman
d) Janice Hope
e) MaryJo DeFonzo (current paraprofessional)
f) Robert Smith
g) Joseph Heath

C.10. After School Activity/Club Cancellation
Approve the cancellation of the following After School Activity/Clubs (Advisor will be prorated stipend as applicable):
a) Drama Club - January to May, Middle School, Mrs. Wood. (Mrs. Wood withdrew her name for sponsorship due to a graduate school conflict.)
b) Homework Help Club - September to May, Middle School, Mrs. Brasile. (Lack of student enrollment.)
c) Before School Basketball - September to May, Middle School, Mrs. Granrath, (Lack of student enrollment).
d) Community Service Club - September to May, Middle School, Ms. Apicella, (Lack of student enrollment).
e) Puppet Theater - September to May, Middle School, Mrs. Brasile, (Lack of student enrollment).
f) Graphic Novel - September to May, Middle School, Mrs. Bottone, (Lack of student enrollment).
g) German Club - October to January, Middle School, Mrs. DeHartchuck, (Lack of student enrollment).
h) Latin Club - October to January, Middle School, Mrs. DeHartchuck, (Lack of student enrollment).
i) Morning Channel - September to March, Middle School, Mrs. Cooper, (Lack of student enrollment).

The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilpon and the above resolutions approved by unanimous roll call vote.

D. Policy

Mrs. Coley moved the following:

RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the following regulation on first reading and directs that it be placed on the next regular agenda for final adoption
Regulation 5131 Conduct/Discipline

The motion was seconded by Mr. Fallon and approved by unanimous roll call vote

XII OLD BUSINESS – the Board of Education discussed:
· Before school care services
· Procedure for development of a budget for the 2006-2007 school year

XIII. NEW BUSINESS – the Board of Education discussed:
· Field trips and after school activities
· Substitute teacher procedures and payment

XIV PUBLIC COMMENTARY – One member of the public asked about PTO payment for the use of schools on weekends.


At 9:50 p.m., Mr. Fallon moved the following:

WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters, now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss:

1) a collective bargaining agreement and/or negotiations related to it, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists.

The motion was seconded by Mrs. Coley and approved by unanimous voice vote.

The Board reconvened in open session at 9:59 p.m.


The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Wilpon, second by Mr. Fallon and a unanimous voice vote.

Minutes recorded by:

MaryGrace Suitovsky, Secretary Pro Tem