Minutes for July 25, 2005History icon Archived Minutes

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Re: Chapter 231 P.L. 1975
Board President, Mrs. Voorhees, called the meeting to order and read the following statement:
"The adequate notice of this regular meeting as required by the open public meetings act was provided by the posting, mailing/delivery, and filing of this notice on May 3, 2005.  This notice was on that date posted on the bulletin board in the Township Office, mailed to the Courier News and the Echoes Sentinel, and filed with the Township Clerk of the Township of Warren, all in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act."

Mrs. Voorhees led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:   Mrs. Coley, Mr. Henschel, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Spiller, Mrs. Voorhees, Mr. Wilpon, Mrs. Winter, and Dr. Zimmerman
Absent:   Mr. Fallon arrived at 7:17
Also Present: Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James Crisfield, and School Business Administrator, Ms. Patricia Cranley

See XIV.

July 11, 2005 Public and Private Session Minutes
On motion by Mrs. Coley, seconded Mr. Wilpon and approved 9-0, the Board approved the public and private session minutes of the July 11, 2005 board meeting.  


  • Fire Drills



Mt. Horeb



June 6, 8

June 6, 17

June 6, 17

June 8, 17

June 14, 22

  Fire Drills were reviewed and ordered filed.

Mrs. Voorhees welcomed Dr. Weitzman and the parents in attendance at the meeting.

Mrs. Voorhees continued the discussion of the Board’s goal of a closer association with schools and staff. The Board discussed changing some meetings to the school sites to review facilities.  Secondly the Board also proposed recognizing achievements of staff and students through correspondence.  Mrs. Voorhees and Dr. Crisfield’s staff developed Board stationery. Mrs. Monahan suggested that a personal welcome to new staff members would be appropriate.


  • Bond Refinancing Options
    John Draikiwicz, Warren Township’s bond attorney, discussed the refunding of bonds from the Middle School and Woodland School projects.  The purpose of refunding is to provide a savings through the sale of bonds and to receive a better interest rate. Mr. Draikiwicz encouraged the Board to pass the preliminary resolutions and paperwork to be approved by the Local Finance Committee of the Department of Community Affairs.  After approval by the Local Financing Board on August 10, 2005, the Board has one year for Mr. Draikiwicz to review the values of the bonds and recommend refunding.   
  • Angelo L. Tomaso School Grade 3
    Leslie Duncan, Julie Bu, and Donna Perry requested information on the class grouping of third grade students at ALT for 2005-2006.  Parents spoke of the benefits of four sections and discussions with parents.  All three parents cited the improvements that occurred as a result of the Administration and Board’s review of the situation.  Dr. Crisfield cited that the additional programs and discussions for parents and children provided by Guidance Department and Pupil Services still exist and have been expanded.  Mrs. Duncan said that she would be speaking with other third grade parents regarding the increase in guidance services and the strengths of the district wide Marshall Plan. 
  • Special Education - Out of District and Project Grow (Attachment 1)
    Dr. Weitzman, Director, Student Personnel Services, provided information on the Project Grow Program for pre school students in need of additional services as identified by the Child Study Teams.  Dr. Weitzman indicated that the program has greatly increased in the number of students from ages 3 to 5 in attendance over the last few years.  The sections are filled toward the end of the year. In-district placements continue to require additional services.  Students, who are attending the Giving Nest, considered a “least restrictive environment” also receive other related services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech.  Out of district pre school placements occur for students with more complex needs. Bernards Township has developed an autistic program which accepts our students.

There was no comment from the public at this time.

The Board identified its consent agenda and took action as follows: 
On motion by Mrs. Coley, seconded by Mr. Wilpon, and approved 9-0, the Board approved the consent agenda.  Consent items are noted below.


A.1. Related Services Summer 2005

a)  Approved one student (ID #0120540) to receive OT 1 time per week for 30 minutes, PT 1 time per week for 30 minutes and Speech 1 time per week for 30 minutes, effective August 1, 2005 through August 12, 2005 at Angelo L. Tomaso School.         - Consent 9-0
b)  Approved on student (ID #0120483) to receive OT 2 times per week for 30 minutes, PT 2 times a week for 30 minutes and Speech 2 times per week for 30 minutes, effective August 15, 2005 through September 2, 2005 at Mt. Horeb School.           - Consent 9-0

A.2. Initiative for Education Excellence Facilitator (Attachment 2)
Approved the attached contract with Dr. Fran Prolman for professional development contracted services for the 2005-2006 school year.              - Consent 9-0

A.3. Board and District Goals - 2005-2006 (Attachment 3)
Approved the attached list of Board and District Goals for the 2005-2006 school year.           - Consent 9-0


B.1. Payment of Bills (Attachment 4)

a)  Approved the attached final partial bill list for the month of June in the total amount of $1,025,538.54 for a grand total of $4,277,529.26 for the month of June.    - Consent 9-0
b)  Approved the attached bill list for the month of July in the total amount of $1,553,676.78.       - Consent 9-0

B.2. Financial Reports and Certifications (Attachment 5)
Approved the Report of the Secretary, A-148, and Report of the Treasurer of School Monies, A-149, for the month of May 2005 and the certification of the Board Secretary pursuant to NJAC 6A:23-2.11(c) 3 that as of May 31, 2005 no monetary line item account has been over expended in violation of NJAC 6A:23-2.11(a) and the certification of the Board of Education that as of May 31, 2005 and

pursuant to NJAC 6A:23-2.11(c) 4 we certify that after review of the secretary's certification and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of NJAC 6A:23-2.11(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's fiscal obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.  - Consent 9-0

B.3. Transfers for May 2005 (Attachment 6)
Approved the attached transfers for May 2005.     - Consent 9-0

B.4. Refunding of Bonds (Attachment 7)
Approved the refunding of bonds from the original issue of $9,799,000 for Middle School and Mt. Horeb School additions and renovations.              - Consent 9-0

B.5. Trash Collection
(Revised and approved as trash services)
Approved trash services to Active Disposal, Somerville, NJ, in the amount of $22,740 for the second year of the three year bid with the district.          - Consent 9-0

B.6. Milk and Juice Bid - Child Nutrition Program
Approved the bid specifications for the District supply of milk and juice for the 2005-2006 school year due on July 28, 2005 at 10:00 am for participation in the Federal Child Nutrition Program.  - Consent 9-0

B.7. Title 39 - Traffic Regulations at All School Sites (Attachment 8)
Approved traffic regulations to be made applicable and enforceable at all schools as determined by site visits by the New Jersey Department of Transportation and Warren Traffic Safety Officer, Richard W. Ayres.          - Consent 9-0

B.8. Motor Vehicle Commission:  Memorandum of Understanding (Attachment 9)
Approved the request of the Motor Vehicle Commission for an executed Memorandum of Understanding for the purpose of providing On-Line Access to bus driver history.     - Consent 9-0

B.9. Award of National Class Action Suit for Roofing Replacement
Revised:  correction of the funds awarded as listed below)
Accepted payment by Class Action Suit for roofing products installed on Middle School roof and Angelo L. Tomaso School roof for the following:            - Consent 9-0
Middle School Roof, Part 1     $21.402.94
Middle School Roof, Part 2     $21,402.94
ALT School Roof, Part 1    $15,192.62

B.10. Joint Transportation Agreement
Amended the joint transportation contract for one student from Watchung Borough attending the Children's Institute in Verona for 20 days at the rate of $1,468.40.  (Correction.)    - Consent 9-0

B.11. Somerset County Educational Services Joint Transportation Agreement
Approved the joint transportation agreement with the S.C.E.S.C. for the transportation of special education students for the 2005-2006 school year.              - Consent 9-0

B.12. Purchasing Authorizations-State Contracting and Public Bid Threshold (Attachment 10)
Approved the participation of the District for participation in the State of New Jersey Cooperative Purchasing Program for State Contracts through the Division of Purchase and Property of the State Treasury of vendors under NJSA 18A:18A-10a. and further acknowledge adjustment of Public Bidding Threshold as of July 1, 2005 from $25,000 to $29,000 and a quotation threshold of $4,350 under NJSA 18A:18A-3(b).    - Consent 9-0

B.13.  2005-2006 Non Public Programs
Approved the acceptance and expenditure of Non Public Program Aid as follows: - Consent 9-0

 Non Public Technology Program
Non Public Nursing Program
Non Public Textbook Program

B.14.  Central School South Wing Expansion Project Change Order
Approved Change Order #3 for the Central School South Wing Expansion Project in the revised amount of $50,969.66. - Consent 9-0 


C.1. Employment for the 2005-2006 School Year (Attachment 11)
Approved the application for emergent hiring for the following positions for the 2005-2006 school year under the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:16-1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq., and N.J.S.A. 6-4.14 et seq., as listed below:      - Consent 9-0

a)  Lara Siegel, Classroom Paraprofessional, Central School, Step 3, 35 hours per week, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
b)  Jason Sandt, Night Custodian, Mt. Horeb School, effective August 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at an annual salary of $27,287.  (90 day probationary period shall apply.)
c)  Randi Tishler, Classroom Paraprofessional, Mt. Horeb School, Step 3, 32.5 hours per week, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.

C.2. Employment of Dean of Students - Middle School
Approved Christopher Huss as Dean of Students of Warren Middle School, effective August 15, 2005 through June 30, 2006.  Salary and conditions of employment are per the terms of the Warren Township Administrators Association (WTAA) Agreement. - Consent 9-0

C.3. Resignation (Attachment 12)
Accepted the resignation for the purpose of retirement with appreciation for her service to the children of Warren, of Patricia Cranley, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, effective September 1, 2005.        - Consent 9-0

C.4. Change of Assignments
Approved the change of assignments for the following personnel: - Consent 9-0

a)  Terry Kraminitz, LDTC, from full time at Middle School to .5 Angelo L. Tomaso School and .5 Woodland School.
b)  Alida Gorin, LDTC, from .5 Angelo L. Tomaso School and .5 Woodland School to full time at Middle School.
c)  Ann Hall, Resource Room Teacher from .60 to .80 and Classroom Paraprofessional from .40 to .20, Middle School, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
d)  Mary Jo Matinho, Guidance, Woodland School, from full time to .93, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
e)  Carol Brown, SAC, Middle School, from 30 hours to 35 hours, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
f)  Susan Lieto, Classroom Paraprofessional, Mt. Horeb from 30 hours to 27 hours effective September 1, 2005 through June 20, 2006.
g)  Kathryn O'Brien Speckin, from Permanent Sub to 6th Grade Math Teacher, Middle School, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
h)  Ann Frank, Multi Duty Paraprofessional, Central School from 16.5 hours to 19.5 hours, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
i)   Carmella Motyczka, Multi Duty Paraprofessional, Central School, from 24.5 hours to 27.5 hours, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.

C.5.    Warren Middle School Cafeteria Stipend Positions
Approved the following staff for the cafeteria stipend positions for the 2005-2006 school year:       - Consent 9-0

Grade 6
Lunch A - Barbara LaSaracina, Brenda Sasso
Lunch B - Peggy Cihocki, Joshua Funk

Grade 7
Lunch A - Deb Granrath, Kurt Reck
Lunch B - Sean Convery, John Seremula

Grade 8
Lunch A - Laurie Wood, Robert Hartshorn
Lunch B - Rosemary Poyatt, Kurt Reck

C.6.    Summer Fun Paraprofessionals
Approved the following paraprofessionals for the Summer Fun Program, along with their respective hourly rates, effective June 28, 2005 through July 28, 2005:     - Consent 9-0
Jenn Darby   $15.00
Michelle Orofino $15.00
Ashley Berger    $12.50
Holly Cedro  $12.50
Jenn Howell  $12.50
Ashley Roberts   $12.50
Stella Wangler    $12.50
Cara Healey  $10.00
Samantha Holmes   $10.00

C.7.    Substitutes Teachers (Attachment 13)
Approved the following Substitute Teachers for the 2005-2006 school year:  - Consent 9-0
a)  Jaclyn Gavornik
b)  Elena Mariello
c)  Susan Sage
d)  Lara Siegel
e)  Kathleen Salvo

C.8.    Related Services
Approved the following personnel to provide related services from August 1, 2005 through September 2, 2005:   - Consent 9-0
a)  Kara Malandrakis, OT for one student (ID #0120540) 1 time per week for 30 minutes and for one student (ID #0120483) 2 times per week for 30 minutes.
b)  Therapeutic Associates, PT for one student (ID #0120540) 1 time per week for 30 minutes and for one student (ID #0120483) 2 times per week for 30 minutes.
c)  Allison Reu, Speech therapist for one student (ID #0120540) 1 time per week for 30 minutes.

C.9.    Outside Speech Therapist (Attachment 14)
Approved Helene Amin, Speech Therapist, for one student (ID #0120483) 2 times per week for 30 minutes at a cost to the district of $55.00 an hour, effective August 15, 2005 through September 2, 2005.  - Consent 9-0

C.10.  ABA Training Stipend
Approved the stipend of $600 to be paid to Tara Waldron to be trained for five days to work with and learn additional information on ABA and autism.        - Consent 9-0

C.11.  New Classroom Paraprofessional Position
Approved the creation of a new Classroom Paraprofessional position for one autistic child for the 2005-2006 school year.   - Consent 9-0

C.12.  Employment Contract (Attachment 15)
Approved the attached employment contract for Christopher Huss, Dean of Students, Middle School, for the 2005-2006 school year. - Consent 9-0

C.13.  Sick and Vacation Day Pay
Approved the payment of four months of COBRA benefits on behalf of Ed Novy, Skilled Maintenance Worker, in lieu of payment for his accrued sick and vacation days upon his retirement.   - Consent 9-0

C.14.  Additional Pay
Approved the payment of $2,177.76 to Mary Grace Suitovsky, Assistant School Business Administrator for additional hours worked during the months of May and June 2005.       - Consent 9-0

C.15.  Job Description (Attachment 16)
Approved the attached revised job description for Summer School Supervisor/Principal. - Consent 9-0

C.16.  Interim Board Secretary/School Business Administrator (Attachment 17)
Approved the attached contract with Steve Gillingham for Board Secretary/School Business Administrator services effective September 1, 2005 through the date of hire of the district's to be determined permanent Board Secretary/School Business Administrator.  - Consent 9-0

C.17.  Architect of Record
Approved the appointment of USA Architects as the District's Architect of Record for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.             - Consent 9-0

C.18.  Summer Secretarial Position
Approved Andrea Pasquarello, Grade 3 Teacher, Central School, for an additional 10 hours, as a secretary for Student Personnel Services, at $14 per hour.  (Ms. Pasquarello was approved on June 13, 2005 for 35 hours per week, for three weeks in July 2005.) - Consent 9-0

C.19.  Summer 2005 Curriculum Positions (Attachment 19)
Approved the attached list of teachers to work on curriculum projects for the 2005 summer at the rate negotiated in the WTEA work agreement.            - Consent 9-0


  • Employment Guides (Attachment 18)
    1. The Board received the Buildings and Grounds employee guide.  The current salary guides are being compared with other district guides for custodians and maintenance staff.
    2. Central School water remediation is being reviewed by Ken Brenn and U.S.A. Architects.  Mr. Brenn is seeking a solution to water penetration and surface water at the APR exterior entrance, floor, and window wells facing Mt. Bethel Road. 
    3. The Architect is making final modifications for phase II of Central School project. 


  • September 12, 2005 New Staff Reception (6:00 PM)
    Date is tentative.

On a motion by Mr. Fallon, seconded by Mr. Wilpon and approved 9-0, the Board moved into Executive session at 9:50 P.M. to discuss litigation and personnel.

On a motion by Mr. Fallon, seconded by Mr. Wilpon and approved 9-0, the Board returned to Public Session at 10:09 p.m.


There being no further business, it was moved Mr. Fallon, seconded by Mrs. Voorhees and approved 9-0, that the Board adjourn its meeting at 10:10 P.M.