Minutes for December 14, 2020 Archived Minutes
Skip NavigationDue to the public health crisis, the regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day virtually through the online Zoom platform. The Board of Education, administration and the public were present and participating through logon to that platform. The following is a record of that meeting.
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Christian Bellmann.
Open Public Meeting Statement – Board President Christian Bellmann read the following statement:
Re: Chapter 231 P.L. 1975: “The adequate notice of this regular meeting as required by the open public meetings act was provided by the posting, mailing/delivery, and filing of this notice on November 20, 2020. This notice was on that date was posted on the Courier News, and TAP into Warren, all in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.”
II. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Bellmann led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Roll Call
Present: Vaishali Amberkar, Aaron Bellish, Mark Bisci, David Brezee, Marc Franco, Ayanna Taylor, Patricia Zohn and Christian Bellmann
Also Present: Dr. Matthew Mingle, Superintendent, and Patricia Leonhardt, Board Secretary, and members of the public and press.
Lisa DiMaggio arrived at 7:02 p.m.
IV. Minutes
● Mrs. Zohn moved the following:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the public session minutes of the November 16, 2020 Board Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellmann and approved by a 9-0 roll-call vote.
V. Correspondence and Information
· HIB Information
Total # of Investigations: |
0 |
Total # of Determined Bullying Incidents: |
0 |
· Suspension Report
In School: |
0 |
Out of School: |
0 |
· Fire Drills
ALT | Central | Mt. Horeb | Woodland | Middle |
Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A |
November 10 | November 10 | November 16 | November 17 | November 17 |
Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B |
November 13 | November 12 | November 19 | November 19 | November 19 |
· Security Drills
ALT | Central | Mt. Horeb | Woodland | Middle |
Cohort A & B | Cohort A & B | Cohort A & B | Cohort A & B | Cohort A & B |
November 4 | November 10 | November 11 | November 11 | November 10 |
Communications | Communications | Communications | Communications | Communications |
· Bus Evacuation Drills
ALT | Central | Mt. Horeb | Woodland | Middle |
Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A |
September 21 | September 22 | September 22 | September 22 | September 29 |
Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B |
September 18 | September 24 | September 18 | September 23 | September 25 |
VI. President's Remarks – Mr. Christian Bellmann
Mr. Bellmann welcomed all to the board’s final meeting of 2020, noting that it is his last as both a member of and President of the Board of Education.
Mr. Bellmann referenced the joy of recently honoring the district’s Educator of the Year winners. In a recap of the board’s and district’s recent accomplishments, Mr. Bellmann spoke of the successful Return to School plan, a zero tax levy increase budget, a zero tax levy increase referendum, five year Strategic Plan, and a fair contract for both district administration and teaching staff.
Mr. Bellmann concluded by thanking all board members for their service, especially outgoing board members Ms. Taylor and Ms. Amberkar.
VII. Superintendent’s Remarks – Dr. Matthew Mingle
Dr. Mingle provided a video update of the district’s Return to School plan as well as addressing snow days.
Dr. Mingle also referenced the district’s Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) submission and the generous donations on the evening’s agenda. Dr. Mingle also expressed his gratitude for the outgoing board members.
VIII. Presentation
● Recognition of Service - Mr. Bellmann read resolutions recognizing their board service for Ms. Amberkar and Ms. Taylor-Venson.
● Recognition of Service - Mrs. Zohn read a resolution recognizing Mr. Bellmann’s board service.
● 2020-2021 Governor’s Educator of the Year Recipients - Dr. Mingle announced the district’s 2020-2021 Governor’s Educator of the Year recipients as follows:
❏ Classroom Teacher Recipients
Angelo L. Tomaso - Brittany Leonard, Special Education Teacher
Central - Patsy Iannacone, Kindergarten Teacher
Mt. Horeb - Cristina Trump, Grade 5 Teacher
Woodland - Susan Leonard, Grade 2 Teacher
Middle - Jeannie Pang - Mandarin and Math Teacher
❏ Educational Services Professional Recipients
ALT - Elizabeth Bisson, Paraprofessional
Central - Alyssa Pech, School Counselor
Mt. Horeb - Doris Zanchelli, School Nurse
Woodland - Alexandra Pranzo, School Counselor
Middle - Linda Yu, LDTC
● 2020-2021 New Jersey Exemplary Educator Recognition Program Recipients - Dr. Mingle also announced the district’s 2020-2021 New Jersey Exemplary Educator Recognition Program recipients:
❏ Central - Julie Jagiello, Special Education Teacher
❏ Central/Mt. Horeb - Mark Weber, Instrumental Music Teacher
❏ Woodland - Amanda McGrath, Grade 3 Teacher/Librarian
IX. Discussion
X. Committee Reports
● Curriculum Communication Technology - Ms. Taylor reported on the committee’s meeting, at which the district’s Gifted and Talented policy, as well as an IReady data tracking tool were discussed.
● Finance Operation Security Committee - Mr. Brezee reported on the recent committee meeting as which pending legislation, traffic beacons, multiple facility projects, a potential referendum, and the 2021-2022 budget were discussed.
● Ad Hoc Return to School - Dr. Mingle reported on the recent committee meeting for which the topics discussed have already been presented.
● New Jersey School Board Association Delegate Assembly - Mr. Brezee reported on his presence and the resolution discussed and voted on at the assembly. The resolution ultimately passed.
XI. Public Commentary (agenda items only)
Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #0167, adopted on June 18, 2018, provides for public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:
- A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable;
- Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration. If necessary, the public comment portion of the meeting may be extended fifteen minutes with Board approval;
- No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard;
- All statements, questions, or inquiries shall be directed to the presiding officer and any questions or inquiries directed by a participant to another Board member shall be redirected to the presiding officer who shall determine if such statement, question, or inquiry shall be addressed by the presiding officer on behalf of the Board;
The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).
XII. Items for Board Consideration/Action
Mr. Brezee asked that motions A.2. and B.10. be pulled for separate vote.
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Franco, the consent items A.1., A.3., A.4., B.1., through B.9., B.11., through B.13., and C.1., through C.8., were approved by a 9-0 roll-call vote.
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the consent item A.2., was approved by a 7-0-2 roll-call vote. (Ms. Amberkar and Mr. Brezee abstained.)
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Franco, the consent item B.10.was approved by a 8-0-1 roll-call vote. (Mr. Brezee abstained.)
The Superintendent recommends that it be:
A. Education
A.1. HIB Report
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the HIB Report submitted by the Superintendent for the period ending on November 17, 2020.
A.2. Tuition Contract
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves a tuition contract with the Parents of Student #1184254398 for continued attendance in the Warren Township School, effective December 8, 2020 through June 21, 2021, at a total tuition cost of $9,791.32
A.3. Public Comments Protocol - Virtual and Hybrid Meetings
RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby adopts the following procedures for comments submitted by members of the public in advance of and/or during virtual public meetings:
In the case of virtual or hybrid meetings, all advanced written comments must be received by the Business Administrator/Board Secretary no later than 9:00 a.m. on the date of the meeting at which they are to be considered. Comments may be submitted as follows:
● E-mail to: BA@warrentboe.org, using “Advance Comments” as the subject
● Mail to: Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Warren Township Board of Education
213 Mt. Horeb Road, Warren, NJ 07059
● Via audio (telephone) and/or video (Zoom) during the public comment portion of the meeting
● Comments will not be accepted via text or chat during the public comment portion of the meeting.
All commenters:
● Will be required to identify themselves by sharing their full name and home address.
● Must conform to basic standards of civility. Disruptive, threatening and/or profane written comments will not be read or entertained. If conveyed during the meeting, the commenter will be stopped and/or muted and may be removed from the meeting.
All advance written comments submitted in accordance with the above requirements that are not duplicative will be read aloud during the public comment portion of the meeting, subject to the 3 minute time limitation placed on all comments, and will be read from the beginning until the time has expired.
Duplicative comments may be passed over, but will be noted for the record with content summarized in the minutes.
A.4. Out-of-District Placement
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the out-of-district placement for Student #9035913229, to Green Brook Township Public Schools, beginning on January 4, 2021 through June 30, 2021, at a cost not to exceed $35,258.
B. Finance/Operations/Transportation
B.1. Payment of Bills
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the payment of bills for the period December 1, 2020 through December 14, 2020 in the amount of $2,355,383.50.
B.2. Partial Payment of Bills
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, pursuant to Policy 6470, to audit pending bills and claims, to pay qualifying bills and claims within approved budget line item amounts, from December 15, 2020 to December 31, 2020, and to submit those bills to the Board of Education for approval at its first meeting in January 2021.
B.3. Board Secretary's and Treasurer's Report
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the report of the secretary for the month of October, 2020; and
WHEREAS, this report shows the following balances on October 31, 2020:
(10) General Current Expense Fund |
$9,728,252.44 |
$1,275,641.28 |
(10) General Current Expense |
$0.00 |
(11) Current Expense |
$2,108,103.35 |
(12) Capital Outlay |
$215,163.75 |
(13) Special Schools |
$167,716.24 |
(20) Special Revenue Fund |
$57,862.26 |
$33,568.98 |
$0.00 |
(30) Capital Projects Fund |
$984,970.31 |
$0.00 |
$355,825.94 |
(40) Debt Service Fund |
$0.65 |
$0.65 |
$60,336.00 |
$10,771,085.66 |
$2,524,552.97 |
$1,691,803.22 |
(60) Milk Fund |
$4,049.49 |
$ (26,000.00) |
$ 17,207.49 |
(61) Juice and Water Fund |
$1,358.13 |
$ (11,000.00) |
$ 1,358.13 |
$5,407.62 |
($37,000.00) |
$18,565.62 |
WHEREAS, in compliance with law and code the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the reports, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the above reference reports and certifications and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with law and code, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriation section), to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of law and code and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the year.
B.4. Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Report
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the report of the secretary for the month of November, 2020; and
WHEREAS, this report shows the following balances on November 30, 2020:
(10) General Current Expense Fund |
$10,831,306.05 |
$1,275,641.28 |
(10) General Current Expense |
$0.00 |
(11) Current Expense |
$2,529,880.83 |
(12) Capital Outlay |
$251,048.75 |
(13) Special Schools |
$167,716.24 |
(20) Special Revenue Fund |
$16,161.32 |
$32,598.98 |
$0.00 |
(30) Capital Projects Fund |
$884,240.83 |
$98,049.27 |
$355,825.94 |
(40) Debt Service Fund |
$0.65 |
$0.65 |
$60,336.00 |
$11,731,708.85 |
$3,079,294.72 |
$1,691,803.22 |
(60) Milk Fund |
$4,049.49 |
$ (26,000.00) |
$ 17,207.49 |
(61) Juice and Water Fund |
$1,358.13 |
$ (11,000.00) |
$ 1,358.13 |
$5,407.62 |
($37,000.00) |
$18,565.62 |
WHEREAS, in compliance with law and code the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the reports, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the above reference reports and certifications and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with law and code, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriation section), to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of law and code and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the year.
B.5. Budget Transfers for Month of October 2020
RESOLVED, the Board of Education ratifies the following transfers between budget line items that have been approved by the Superintendent of Schools and that are now being reported to the Board pursuant to Policy 6422:
TO: |
1. |
11-000-223-500-030-03-00 |
Staff Training - Purchased Svcs. - CS |
11-000-223-580-030-03-00 |
Workshops & Travel - CS |
$195 |
2. |
11-000-223-500-035-04-00 |
Staff Training - Purchased Svcs. - MHS |
11-000-223-580-035-04-00 |
Workshops & Travel - MHS |
$284 |
3. |
11-000-223-500-035-08-00 |
Staff Training - Purch. Svcs.-SPS- MHS |
11-000-223-580-035-08-00 |
Workshops & Travel - SPS - MHS |
$219 |
4. |
11-000-223-500-040-08-00 |
Staff Training - Purch. Svcs.-SPS - ALT |
11-000-223-580-040-08-00 |
Workshops & Travel - SPS - ALT |
$279 |
5. |
11-000-263-420-000-09-00 |
Grounds - Repairs & Maintenance |
11-000-261-420-033-09-07 |
Maintenance Repairs - MS |
$13,970 |
6. |
11-000-270-420-000-10-00 |
Transportation - Repair & Maintenance |
11-000-270-518-000-10-00 |
Contracted Special Ed Transp.- ESC |
$5,200 |
7. |
11-190-100-500-030-11-01 |
Other Purchased Services - Tech - CS |
11-190-100-610-033-11-01 |
Supplies - Instructional Hardware - MS |
$161 |
8. |
11-190-100-500-035-11-01 |
Other Purchased Services - Tech - MHS |
11-190-100-610-033-11-01 |
Supplies - Instructional Hardware - MS |
$161 |
9. |
11-190-100-500-040-11-01 |
Other Purchased Services - Tech - ALT |
11-190-100-610-033-11-01 |
Supplies - Instructional Hardware - MS |
$161 |
10. |
11-190-100-500-050-11-01 |
Other Purchased Services - Tech - WS |
11-190-100-610-033-11-01 |
Supplies - Instructional Hardware - MS |
$161 |
11. |
12-000-400-334-030-03-02 |
Architect Svcs. - Security Vestibule - CS |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$8,190 |
B.6. Budget Transfers for Month of November 2020
RESOLVED, the Board of Education ratifies the following transfers between budget line items that have been approved by the Superintendent of Schools and that are now being reported to the Board pursuant to Policy 6422:
TO: |
1. |
11-000-213-100-030-03-02 |
Nurse Substitute - CS |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$4,500 |
2. |
11-000-213-100-033-07-02 |
Nurse Substitute - MS |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$7,800 |
3. |
11-000-213-100-035-04-02 |
Nurse Substitute - MHS |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$4,500 |
4. |
11-000-213-100-040-05-02 |
Nurse Substitute - ALT |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$4,500 |
5. |
11-000-213-100-050-06-02 |
Nurse Substitute - WS |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$4,500 |
6. |
11-000-218-104-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Guidance - MS |
11-000-222-100-050-06-02 |
Salaries - Librarian - WS |
$15,000 |
7. |
11-000-219-105-030-03-00 |
Salaries - CST Secretary - CS |
11-000-219-104-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Child Study Team - CS |
$946 |
8. |
11-000-230-100-000-01-01 |
Salaries - Admin. - Support Staff |
11-000-221-176-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Math/Literacy Coach - MS |
$1,000 |
9. |
11-000-240-103-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Principal - CS |
11-000-262-100-000-09-00 |
Salaries - Custodians |
$33,200 |
10. |
11-000-251-100-000-01-01 |
Salaries - Business Office Staff |
11-000-261-100-000-09-00 |
Salaries - Maintenance |
$1,601 |
11. |
11-000-262-107-030-03-00 |
Salaries-Lunch & Playground Aides-CS |
11-000-261-100-000-09-00 |
Salaries - Maintenance |
$1,210 |
12. |
11-000-262-107-035-04-00 |
Salaries-Lunch & Playground Aides-MH |
11-000-261-100-000-09-00 |
Salaries - Maintenance |
$665 |
13. |
11-000-263-100-000-09-00 |
Salaries - Care & Upkeep Grounds |
11-000-261-100-000-09-00 |
Salaries - Maintenance |
$5,100 |
14. |
11-000-270-107-000-10-00 |
Salaries- Transportation - Bus Aides |
11-000-270-161-000-10-00 |
Salaries - Transportation |
$12,620 |
15. |
11-000-270-514-000-10-00 |
Contracted Special Ed Transportation |
11-000-270-518-000-10-00 |
Contracted Special Ed Transp.-ESC |
$3,503 |
16. |
11-105-100-101-035-04-00 |
Salaries - Preschool Teachers - MHS |
11-130-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Grades 6-8 Teachers |
$1,145 |
17. |
11-110-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries-Kindergarten Teachers - CS |
11-130-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Grades 6-8 Teachers |
$21,385 |
18. |
11-110-100-101-035-04-00 |
Salaries-Kindergarten Teachers - MHS |
11-130-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Grades 6-8 Teachers |
$9,750 |
19. |
11-110-100-101-040-05-00 |
Salaries - Kindergarten Teachers - ALT |
11-000-222-100-035-04-02 |
Salaries - Librarians - MHS |
$13,000 |
20. |
11-110-100-101-040-05-00 |
Salaries - Kindergarten Teachers - ALT |
11-000-222-100-040-05-02 |
Salaries - Librarians - ALT |
$13,000 |
21. |
11-110-100-101-050-06-00 |
Salaries - Kindergarten Teachers - WS |
11-000-222-100-040-05-02 |
Salaries - Librarians - ALT |
$6,600 |
22. |
11-120-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - CS |
11-204-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - LLD Teachers - MS |
$36,675 |
23. |
11-120-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - CS |
11-204-100-106-033-07-00 |
Salaries - LLD Aides - MS |
$28,895 |
24. |
11-120-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - CS |
11-209-100-106-040-05-00 |
Salaries - SEED - Aides - ALT |
$79,335 |
25. |
11-120-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - CS |
11-213-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - RC Teachers - CS |
$91,755 |
26. |
11-120-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - CS |
11-213-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - RC Teachers - MS |
$1,340 |
27. |
11-120-100-101-035-04-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - MHS |
11-213-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - RC Teachers - MS |
$25,000 |
28. |
11-120-100-101-035-04-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - MHS |
11-213-100-101-040-05-00 |
Salaries - RC Teachers - ALT |
$36,000 |
29. |
11-120-100-101-035-04-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - MHS |
11-213-100-101-050-06-00 |
Salaries - RC Teachers - WS |
$37,000 |
30. |
11-120-100-101-040-05-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - ALT |
11-213-100-101-050-06-00 |
Salaries - RC Teachers - WS |
$46,060 |
31. |
11-120-100-101-040-05-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - ALT |
11-214-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Autism Teachers - CS |
$10,940 |
32. |
11-120-100-101-040-05-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - ALT |
11-230-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Basic Skills Teachers- CS |
$84,000 |
33. |
11-120-100-101-050-06-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - WS |
11-230-100-101-030-03-00 |
Salaries - Basic Skills Teachers- CS |
$55,000 |
34. |
11-120-100-101-050-06-00 |
Salaries - Grades 1-5 Teachers - WS |
11-230-100-101-035-04-00 |
Salaries - Basic Skills Teachers- MH |
$84,000 |
35. |
11-209-100-101-040-05-00 |
Salaries - SEED - Teacher - ALT |
11-230-100-101-035-04-00 |
Salaries - Basic Skills Teachers- MH |
$75 |
36. |
11-213-100-106-040-05-00 |
Salaries - RC Aides - ALT |
11-230-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Basic Skills Teachers- MS |
$31,500 |
37. |
11-215-100-106-035-04-00 |
Salaries - Preschool Aides - MHS |
11-000-221-176-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Math/Literacy Coach - MS |
$20,700 |
38. |
11-215-100-500-035-08-00 |
Preschool - Other Purch. Services.-MH |
11-215-100-600-035-08-00 |
Preschool - Supplies - MHS |
$50 |
B.7. NJQSAC Submittal Approval
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the submittal of the District Performance Review (DPR) of the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC).
B.8. Instructional Technology Purchasing Approval
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following purchasing from Dell:
● Dell 75 4K Interactive Touch Monitors with wall mount displays -
20 @ $3,330.78 for a total cost of $66,615.60.
Purchasing through State of NJ Purchasing Contract M0483/19TELE0656.
B.9 Sale of Obsolete Items
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education declares as obsolete the following items:
Item Type |
Make |
Snow Blower, Asset Tag 00794 |
Bolens (approximately 25 years old) |
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the sale of the listed equipment in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A:45 – Sale of Property.
B.10. Donation - Mr. and Mrs. David Brezee
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts, with gratitude, a donation in the amount of $1,100 from Mr. and Mrs. David Brezee to be used to offset support for community members in need.
B.11. Donation - Watchung Hills Elks
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts, with gratitude, a donation in the amount of $1,000 from Watchung Hills Elks to be used to offset support for community members in need.
B.12. School Employees’ Health Benefits Program Waiver Payments
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 52:14-17.31a, in conjunction with N.J.S.A. 52:14-17.46.11, permits employers participating in the School Employees’ Health Benefits Program (“SEHBP”) to unilaterally establish an amount to be paid to employees who agree to waive their health benefits coverage in exchange for a cash payment; and
WHEREAS, the employer has sole discretion as to whether or not to offer employees health benefits waiver payments which are not subject to the collective bargaining process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-17.31a(c); and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education previously offered an incentive for eligible employees who waive medical insurance in the amount of 25%, or $5,000, whichever is less, of the amount saved by the employer because of the employee's waiver of coverage; and
WHEREAS, the supporting waiver language has been removed from the agreements with each of the district’s bargaining units; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education is exercising its discretion in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-17.31a(c) to offer an incentive for eligible employees who waive medical insurance;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of the Township of Warren, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, that it will offer an incentive for eligible employees who waive medical insurance in the amount of 25%, or $5,000, whichever is less, of the amount saved by the employer because of the employee's waiver of coverage for Calendar Year 2020; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an employee who has health benefit coverage through a spouse or from another source, other than the State Health Benefits Plan or the SEHBP, and who can demonstrate same to the Business Administrator, may elect to forego all or a portion of his/her medical, dental and/or prescription coverage for a full year and receive a cash payment of twenty-five percent (25%) of the premium savings to the Board of Education, or $5,000, whichever is less, of the amount saved by the employer. Said payment will not be considered salary, nor will it be considered pensionable. The Business Office shall provide the forms by which an employee shall waive coverage and apply for payment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an employee who has waived all or a portion of his/her medical benefit coverage will be allowed to restore such coverage on an immediate basis, without the necessity of a health questionnaire for the employee or his/her family members, in the event of a hardship or change of life event. Reentry to all health benefit coverage for reason of hardship or change of life applies only in the following situations, which result in the loss of health benefits coverage through the employee's spouse or other source:
● Termination of employment (proof of termination of benefits required);
● Legal Separation (a copy of decree is required);
● Group contract/policy terminated (proof of termination of benefits required);
● Disability of spouse which eliminates benefits (proof of termination of benefits required);
● Divorce (a copy of the decree is required);
● Death of Spouse (a copy of death certificate is required);
● Military Discharge (a copy of DD214 is required);
● Application under these circumstances must be made within sixty (60) days of the life event to the Board of Education's Payroll/Benefit Office;
● In addition, any employee who has waived all his/her health benefit coverage may automatically restore his/her coverage by applying during the open enrollment period during any year. The reinstatement date under such conditions will be January 1. It will not be necessary for any employee or his/her family members to complete a Statement of Health (proof of insurability) to restore coverage during the open enrollment period.
B.13. Submission of Amendment for Federal Grant Monies
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the submission to the Department of Education of an amendment of the application for 2020-2021 ESEA Federal Grant Programs to reflect 2019-2020 carryover funds and reallocation of current monies among grant budget lines as follows:
● Title IA - $2,067
● Title III - $1,529
● Title IV-A - $5,046
C. Personnel/Student Services
C.1. Employment for the 2020-2021 School Year
RESOLVED, upon recommendation from the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following Personnel items including the emergent employment of the following employees (indicated by *) conditional upon the final approval by the New Jersey Department of Education. The Board further authorizes the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, et. Seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:6.14.12, et. Seq., if applicable Staff members shall be paid in accordance with provisions in their collective bargaining agreement and/or in accordance with a schedule provided to all employees prior to the beginning of the contract or school year.
Name |
Position/PCR |
Location |
Degree |
Step |
Salary |
Effective Date |
Tenure |
Discussion |
Ahmad Price |
1:1 Paraprofessional, 32.5 hrs. 08-40-08/bgh |
N/A |
1 |
$26,162 |
On or about December 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021 |
N |
To replace employee #3459 |
Victoria Cruz |
.80 School Social Worker 02-40-22/bkg 02-50-22bkh |
MA |
1 |
$51,780 |
January 25, 2021 through June 30, 2021 |
N |
To replace employee #3245 |
Mary Pat Kinney |
Leave Replacement Spanish Teacher |
BA+15 |
16-17 |
$74,736 |
December 21, 2020 - April 9, 2021 |
N |
To replace employee #3214 |
C.2. Substitute Teachers
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following to be appointed as substitute teachers for the 2020-2021 school year.
Name |
Darcy Passaro |
Gloria Rodriguez |
Richard Benn |
C.3. Leave Request
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following leave requests:
Employee ID |
Paid/Unpaid |
#2058 |
FFCRA - December 3, 2020 (½ day) through December 4, 2020 (paid) |
#1623 |
FFCRA - November 30,2020 through December 8, 2020 (paid) |
#2060 |
FFCRA - November 30, 2020 through December 11, 2020 (paid) |
#2496 |
FFCRA - December 1, 2020 through December 23, 2020 (paid) FMLA - January 4, 2021 through February 26, 2021 (paid) |
#2885 |
FFCRA - November 30, 2020 through December 7, 2020 (paid) |
#2570 |
FFCRA - December 3, 2020 through December 11, 2020 (paid) |
#2263 |
FFCRA - December 8, 2020 (paid) |
#2600 |
FFCRA - December 8, 2020 through December 15, 2020 (paid) |
#2217 |
FFCRA - December 14, 2020 through December 23, 2020 (paid) |
#3464 |
FFCRA - December 10, 2020 through December 23, 2020 (paid) |
#1312* |
FMLA - September 14, 2020 through December 4, 2020 (paid) Extended Leave - December 7, 2020 through April 15, 2021 (paid) |
* (This motion supersedes previous motion from September 21, 2020.)
C.4. 2020-2021 Approval of Title I - Extended Day Tutor
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the appointment of the following staff members as Title I - Extended Day Tutors, to be paid the contractual rate of $50 per hour. Total cost is dependent upon the needs of identified students in the district’s Title I school(s), which are Central and Angelo L. Tomaso Schools, at a total cost not to exceed $40,465. Cost to be fully funded by ESEA Title I.
Name |
Lauren Farrell |
Ali Steffner |
Rebecca Leshchinsky |
Kristina Traynor |
Patricia Pillinger |
C.5. Transfer/Change in Assignment
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the transfer/change in
assignment of the following district staff:
Name |
Effective Date |
From |
To |
Susan Kline |
November 30, 2020 - June 30, 2021 |
Grade 5 Teacher ALT |
Reach Teacher .25 MH,.25 CS, .25 WS, .25 ALT |
Beth Ann Figueira |
November 30, 2020 - June 30, 2021 |
Grade 2 Teacher ALT |
Grade 5 Teacher ALT |
Catherine Murphy |
November 30, 2020 - June 30, 2021 |
Kindergarten Teacher ALT |
Grade 2 Teacher ALT |
Kevin Pacheco |
On or about January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021 |
Multi-Duty Paraprofessional 08-40-15/bes $22,015 |
Computer Technician 13-00-27/blj $35,000 |
Sara von Bartheld |
January 25, 2021 through June 30, 2021 |
.8 School Social Worker WS/CS $54,051.20 |
1.0 School Social Worker MH/ALT $67,564 |
C.6. Nursing Plans
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the 2020-2021 Nursing Plans for Angelo L. Tomaso School, Central School, Mount Horeb School, Woodland School and Warren Middle School.
C.7. Summer Fun Positions - 2020-2021
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following Summer Fun/ESY positions for the 2020-2021 school year.
Name |
Position |
Location |
Salary |
Meryl Lettire |
Summer Fun/ESY Principal/Supervisor |
$16,367.52 |
Jessica Decelle |
Summer Fun/ESY Assistant Principal/Supervisor |
$9,842 |
C.8. Long Term Substitute
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following individual as a Long Term Substitute:
Name |
Effective Date |
Replacing Employee |
Giulia LoPiccolo-Stewart |
On or about December 15, 2020 through February 26, 2021 |
#2496 |
XIII. Unfinished Business
XIV. New Business
Food Service - Ms. Amberkar discussed the potential needs within the community for assistance in the 2021-2022 school year.
XV. Public Commentary (any topic)
Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #0167, adopted on June 18, 2018, provides for public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:
- A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable;
- Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration. If necessary, the public comment portion of the meeting may be extended fifteen minutes with Board approval;
- No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard;
- All statements, questions, or inquiries shall be directed to the presiding officer and any questions or inquiries directed by a participant to another Board member shall be redirected to the presiding officer who shall determine if such statement, question, or inquiry shall be addressed by the presiding officer on behalf of the Board;
The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).
Members of the public discussed the following:
● Ms. Heather Silver - Quail Run, thanked the outgoing board members for their service.
● Ms. Lisa DiMaggio - Sawmill Road, commended Ms. Ronkiewicz on her creativity as a teacher.
XVI. Adjourn
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Minutes submitted by,
Patricia Leonhardt
Board Secretary
Last modified on Thursday, February 24, 2022