Minutes for November 2, 2020 Archived Minutes
Skip NavigationDue to the public health crisis, the regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day virtually through the online Zoom platform. The Board of Education, administration and the public were present and participating through logon to that platform. The following is a record of that meeting.
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Christian Bellmann.
Open Public Meeting Statement – Board President Christian Bellmann read the following statement:
Re: Chapter 231 P.L. 1975: “The adequate notice of this regular meeting as required by the open public meetings act was provided by the posting, mailing/delivery, and filing of this notice on October 20, 2020. This notice was on that date was posted on the Courier News, and TAP into Warren, all in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.”
II. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Bellmann led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Roll Call
Present: Vaishali Amberkar, Aaron Bellish, Mark Bisci, David Brezee, Marc Franco, Ayanna Taylor, Patricia Zohn and Christian Bellmann
Absent: Lisa DiMaggio
Also Present: Dr. Matthew Mingle, Superintendent, and Patricia Leonhardt, Board Secretary, and members of the public and press.
IV. Minutes
● Mrs. Zohn moved the following:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the public session minutes of the October 19, 2020 Board Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellmann and approved by a 8-0 roll-call vote.
V. Correspondence and Information
Dr. Mingle reported on an email received from the Warren Youth Basketball Association.
· HIB Information
Total # of Investigations: |
0 |
Total # of Determined Bullying Incidents: |
0 |
· Suspension Report
In School: |
0 |
Out of School: |
0 |
· Fire Drills
ALT | Central | Mt. Horeb | Woodland | Middle |
Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A |
October 21 | October 13 | October 14 | October 13 | October 20 |
Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B |
October 23 | October 15 | October 15 | October 15 | October 22 |
· Security Drills
ALT | Central | Mt. Horeb | Woodland | Middle |
Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A | Cohort A |
October 27 | October 20 | October 21 | October 21 | October 27 |
Non-Fire | Non-Fire | Non-Fire | Non-Fire | Non-Fire |
Evacuate | Evacuate | Evacuate | Evacuate | Evacuate |
ALT | Central | Mt. Horeb | Woodland | Middle |
Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B | Cohort B |
October 28 | October 22 | October 22 | October 22 | October 28 |
Non-Fire | Non-Fire | Non-Fire | Non-Fire | Non-Fire |
Evacuate | Evacuate | Evacuate | Evacuate | Evacuate |
VI. President's Remarks – Mr. Christian Bellmann
Mr. Bellmann welcomed all and referenced the shortened school week.
Mr. Bellmann referenced the importance of voting.
VII. Superintendent’s Remarks – Dr. Matthew Mingle
Dr. Mingle reminded everyone of the October stakeholder survey.
Dr. Mingle thanked all who are working together to keep our doors open.
VIII. Presentation
IX. Discussion
XIII. Committee Reports
● Finance Operations and Security Committee - Mr. Breezee reported on the recent meeting at which traffic beacons, the Middle School paving project, Central School security vestibule, Central School slate roof and the 2021-2022 budget were discussed. Lastly a potential referendum was also reviewed.
● Ad Hoc Return to School Committee - Dr. Mingle reported on the meeting at which a request from the WTEA, Hybrid 1.2 and indoor facilities usage were discussed.
XIV. Public Commentary (agenda items only)
Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #0167, adopted on June 18, 2018, provides for public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:
- A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable;
- Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration. If necessary, the public comment portion of the meeting may be extended fifteen minutes with Board approval;
- No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard;
- All statements, questions, or inquiries shall be directed to the presiding officer and any questions or inquiries directed by a participant to another Board member shall be redirected to the presiding officer who shall determine if such statement, question, or inquiry shall be addressed by the presiding officer on behalf of the Board;
The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).
Member(s) of the public discussed the following:
● Jaclyn Joki - 9 Heritage Drive, asked a question regarding the survey questions.
Dr. Mingle responded to the concern.
XV. Items for Board Consideration/Action
Mr. Bellmann asked that D.1. be pulled for discussion and separate vote.
Mr. Bisci asked for discussion and a separate vote for C.4.
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the consent items A.1., through A.4., B.1., B.2., C.1., through C.3., C.5., and C.6., were approved by a 8-0 roll-call vote.
The board discussed motion C.4. with Dr. Mingle responding to some questions.
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Brezee, the consent item C.4. was approved by a 8-0 roll-call vote.
Policy 1648.02 was pulled from motion D.1. for a separate vote.
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the consent item D.1., without Policy 1648.02, was approved by a 8-0 roll-call vote.
Mr. Bellmann stated his objections to P1648.02. (The board agreed on a minor language correction needed in the policy.)
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Franco, P1648.02 was approved by a 6-2 roll-call vote. (Mr. Bellish and Mr. Bellmann voted no.)
The Superintendent recommends that it be:
A. Education
A.1. HIB Report
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the HIB Report submitted by the Superintendent for the period ending on October 19, 2020.
A.2. Bedside Instruction
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the bedside instruction through Learn Well for Student #1856892682, beginning October 20, 2020, at an hourly rate of $39.75, at a cost not to exceed $2,147.
A.3. HIB Self-Assessment
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the HIB Self-Assessment for the 2019-2020 school year.
A.4. Tuition Contract
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves a tuition contract with the Parents of Students #3254607499 and #6020805187 for continued attendance in the Warren Township School, effective November 9, 2020 through December 23, 2020, at a total tuition cost of $4,300.32.
B. Finance/Operations/Transportation
B.1. Board Secretary's and Treasurer's Report
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the report of the secretary for the month of September 2020; and
WHEREAS, this report shows the following balances on September 30, 2020:
(10) General Current Expense Fund |
$6,502,779.52 |
$1,275,641.28 |
(10) General Current Expense |
$0.00 |
(11) Current Expense |
$2,229,309.40 |
(12) Capital Outlay |
$215,920.83 |
(13) Special Schools |
$167,716.24 |
(20) Special Revenue Fund |
($110,465.38) |
$32,288.98 |
$0.00 |
(30) Capital Projects Fund |
$1,129,145.12 |
$0.00 |
$355,825.94 |
(40) Debt Service Fund |
$0.65 |
$0.65 |
$60,336.00 |
$7,521,459.91 |
$2,645,236.10 |
$1,691,803.22 |
(60) Milk Fund |
$4,049.49 |
$ (26,000.00) |
$ 17,207.49 |
(61) Juice and Water Fund |
$1,358.13 |
$ (11,000.00) |
$ 1,358.13 |
$5,407.62 |
($37,000.00) |
$18,565.62 |
WHEREAS, in compliance with law and code the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the reports, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the above reference reports and certifications and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with law and code, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriation section), to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of law and code and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the year.
B.2. Budget Transfers for Month of September 2020
RESOLVED, the Board of Education ratifies the following transfers between budget line items that have been approved by the Superintendent of Schools and that are now being reported to the Board pursuant to Policy 6422:
TO: |
1. |
11-000-216-100-035-04-01 |
Speech & OT - Extra - MHS |
11-000-216-600-033-08-00 |
Speech & OT - Supplies |
$735 |
2. |
11-000-221-110-030-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends CS |
11-000-223-580-030-12-00 |
Workshops & Travel-Staff Training - CS |
$6,720 |
3. |
11-000-221-110-033-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends - MS |
11-000-223-580-033-12-00 |
Workshops & Travel-Staff Training - MS |
$6,720 |
4. |
11-000-221-110-035-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends-MHS |
11-000-223-580-035-12-00 |
Workshops & Travel-Staff Training -MH |
$6,720 |
5. |
11-000-221-110-040-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends-ALT |
11-000-223-580-040-12-00 |
Workshops & Travel-Staff Training -ALT |
$6,720 |
6. |
11-000-221-110-050-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends - WS |
11-000-223-580-050-12-00 |
Workshops & Travel - Staff Training-WS |
$6,720 |
7. |
11-000-221-110-030-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends - CS |
11-000-223-320-030-12-00 |
Staff Training - Purchased Svcs. - CS |
$5,000 |
8. |
11-000-221-110-033-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends - MS |
11-000-223-320-033-12-00 |
Staff Training - Purchased Svcs. - MS |
$5,000 |
9. |
11-000-221-110-035-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends-MHS |
11-000-223-320-035-12-00 |
Staff Training - Purchased Svcs. - MHS |
$5,000 |
10. |
11-000-221-110-040-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends-ALT |
11-000-223-320-040-12-00 |
Staff Training - Purchased Svcs. - ALT |
$500 |
11. |
11-000-221-110-050-12-00 |
Curriculum Development Stipends - WS |
11-000-223-320-050-12-00 |
Staff Training - Purchased Svcs. - WS |
$5,000 |
12. |
11-000-223-500-030-08-00 |
Staff Training - Purch. Svcs.-SPS - CS |
11-000-223-580-030-08-00 |
Workshops & Travel - SPS - CS |
$100 |
13. |
11-000-223-500-033-08-00 |
Staff Training - Purch. Svcs.-SPS - MS |
11-000-223-580-033-08-00 |
Workshops & Travel - SPS - MS |
$100 |
14. |
11-000-223-500-035-08-00 |
Staff Training - Purch. Svcs.-SPS - MH |
11-000-223-580-035-08-00 |
Workshops & Travel - SPS - MHS |
$100 |
15. |
11-000-223-500-040-08-00 |
Staff Training - Purch. Svcs.-SPS - ALT |
11-000-223-580-040-08-00 |
Workshops & Travel - SPS - ALT |
$100 |
16. |
11-000-223-500-050-08-00 |
Staff Training - Purch. Svcs.-SPS - WS |
11-000-223-580-050-08-00 |
Workshops & Travel - SPS - WS |
$100 |
17. |
11-000-230-339-000-01-00 |
Purch. Professional Services- Admin. |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$12,000 |
18. |
11-000-270-390-000-10-00 |
Transportation- Other Purch. Services |
11-000-270-518-000-10-00 |
Contracted Special Ed Transp. - ESC |
$3,890 |
19. |
11-204-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - LLD - MS |
11-214-100-101-033-07-00 |
Salaries - Autism - MS |
$69,910 |
20. |
11-204-100-500-033-08-00 |
LLD - Other Purchased Svcs. - MS |
11-214-100-500-033-08-00 |
Autism - Other Purchased Svcs. - MS |
$1,926 |
21. |
11-204-100-610-033-08-00 |
LLD Supplies - MS |
11-214-100-610-033-08-00 |
Autism Supplies - MS |
$4,250 |
22. |
11-230-100-500-035-12-04 |
Basic Skills - Purchased Services- MHS |
11-230-100-610-033-12-07 |
Basic Skills Supplies - MS |
$128 |
23. |
11-230-100-500-040-12-05 |
Basic Skills - Purchased Services - ALT |
11-230-100-610-033-12-07 |
Basic Skills Supplies - MS |
$264 |
24. |
11-230-100-500-050-12-06 |
Basic Skills - Purchased Services - WS |
11-230-100-610-033-12-07 |
Basic Skills Supplies - MS |
$264 |
25. |
12-000-252-730-000-11-01 |
Equipment - Technology |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$50,140 |
26. |
12-000-263-730-000-09-00 |
Grounds - Equipment |
11-000-263-610-000-09-00 |
Grounds Supplies |
$2,000 |
27. |
12-000-400-334-000-09-BG |
Architect Services - B&G Roof |
11-000-291-270-000-00-00 |
Health Benefits |
$15,264 |
C. Personnel/Student Services
C.1. Substitute Teacher
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following to be appointed as a substitute teacher for the 2020-2021 school year.
Name |
Michelle Ferdinand |
Elizabeth Craig |
C.2. Leave Request
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following leave requests:
Employee ID |
Paid/Unpaid |
#3227 |
FFCRA - November 13, 2020 (paid) FMLA - November 16, 2020 through December 7, 2020 (paid) |
#3171 |
FFCRA - October 25, 2020 through November 6, 2020 (paid) |
#2942 |
FFCRA - October 25, 2020 through November 6, 2020 (paid) |
#1947 |
FFCRA - October 25, 2020 through November 6, 2020 (paid) |
#3454 |
FMLA - November 16, 2020 through November 30, 2020 (paid) |
C.3. WTEA Stipend Position 2020-2021
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following WTEA stipend position for the 2020-2021 school year:
Position |
Name |
Amount |
Student Government Advisor |
Timothy O’Heney |
$1,470 |
C. 4. Approval to Create Positions
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the creation of the following positions for 2020-2021:
Location |
Position |
Full-Time Equivalent |
District |
Computer Technician 13-00-27/blj |
1.0 |
C.5. Long Term Substitute
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following individual as a Long Term Substitute:
Name |
Effective Date |
Replacing Employee |
Thomas Henry* |
November 11, 2020 through December 23, 2020 |
#1312 |
* (This motion supersedes previous motion from October 19, 2020)
C.6. Employment for the 2020-2021 School Year
RESOLVED, upon recommendation from the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following Personnel items including the emergent employment of the following employees (indicated by *) conditional upon the final approval by the New Jersey Department of Education The Board further authorizes the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, et. Seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:6.14.12, et. Seq., if applicable Staff members shall be paid in accordance with provisions in their collective bargaining agreement and/or in accordance with a schedule provided to all employees prior to the beginning of the contract or school year.
Name |
Position/PCR |
Location |
Degree |
Step |
Salary |
Effective Date |
Tenure |
Discussion |
Elizabeth Craig |
Classroom Paraprofessional 08-50-08/bjq |
WS |
N/A |
2 |
$24,580 |
On or about November 9, 2020 |
N |
To replace employee #3456 |
D. Policy
D.1. Policies – Second Reading
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following policies:
Number |
Name |
New/Revision |
Source of Changes |
P1620 |
Administrative Employment Contracts |
R |
P1648.02 |
Remote Learning Options for Families |
R |
P2431 |
Athletic Competition |
R |
P5330.05 |
Seizure Action Plan |
N |
P6440 |
Cooperative Purchasing |
R |
P7440 |
School District Security |
R |
P7450 |
Property Inventory |
R |
P7510 |
Use of School Facilities |
R |
P8420 |
Emergency and Crisis Situations |
R |
R7510 |
Use of School Facilities |
R |
XIII. Unfinished Business
XIV. New Business
● 2021-2022 School Calendar - The board discussed the proposed calendar, with a vote slated for the board’s November 16th meeting.
● Indoor Facility Use - The board discussed the request for interior facilities usage.
The Board of Education hereby requests that the Ad Hoc Return to School committee continue its investigation into interior facilities usage and return to the board with a recommendation.
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Bisci, motion to task regarding recommendation for outside usage, was approved by a 4-2-2 roll-call vote. (Mr. Franco and Mr. Bellmann voted no. Mr. Brezee and Mrs. Taylor abstained.)
XVI. Public Commentary (any topic)
Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #0167, adopted on June 18, 2018, provides for public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:
- A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable;
- Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration. If necessary, the public comment portion of the meeting may be extended fifteen minutes with Board approval;
- No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard;
- All statements, questions, or inquiries shall be directed to the presiding officer and any questions or inquiries directed by a participant to another Board member shall be redirected to the presiding officer who shall determine if such statement, question, or inquiry shall be addressed by the presiding officer on behalf of the Board;
The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).
Members of the public discussed the following:
● Mr. Todd Weinstein - Nothingham Way, increased in person student attendance
● Ms. Stacy Sackett - Trinity Place, increased in person attendance and delivery of instruction methodology
● Mr. Vance Gillenwater - Gregory Lane, use of facilities by Warren Youth Basketball Association.
● Ms. Amy Ohlson - Rachel Ave, delivery of instruction.
Dr. Mingle responded to the array of questions and topics.
XX. Executive Session
● At 8:20 p.m. Mrs. Zohn moved the following:
WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss:
a collective bargaining agreement and/or negotiations related to it
Action may be taken upon return to public session;
the length of the meeting is anticipated to be approximately 15 minutes; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellmann and approved by unanimous voice vote.
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the Board reconvened in open session at 9:02 p.m.
Mrs. Leonhardt reported that the board’s attorney will finalize a decision on the evening’s earlier 4-2-2 vote.
XXI. Adjourn
On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
Minutes submitted by,
Patricia Leonhardt
Board Secretary
Last modified on Thursday, February 24, 2022