Minutes for August 17, 2020History icon Archived Minutes

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Due to the public health crisis, the regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day virtually through the online Zoom platform. The Board of Education, administration and the public were present and participating through logon to that platform. The following is a record of that meeting.

I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Christian Bellmann.

Open Public Meeting Statement – Board President Christian Bellmann read the following statement:

Re: Chapter 231 P.L. 1975: “The adequate notice of this regular meeting as required by the open public meetings act was provided by the posting, mailing/delivery, and filing of this notice on August 6, 2020. This notice was on that date was posted on the Courier News, and TAP into Warren, all in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.”

II. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Bellmann led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Roll Call

Present: Aaron Bellish, Mark Bisci, David Brezee, Marc Franco, Patricia Zohn

and Christian Bellmann

Absent: Ayanna Taylor

Also Present: Dr. Matthew Mingle, Superintendent, and Patricia Leonhardt, Board Secretary, and members of the public and press.

Susie Chu and Lisa DiMaggio arrived at 7:01 p.m.

IV. Minutes

● Mrs. Zohn moved the following:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the public session minutes of the August 3, 2020 Board Meeting.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Brezee and approved by a 8-0 roll-call vote.

V. Correspondence and Information

Dr. Mingle reported on received correspondence.

· HIB Information

Total # of Investigations:


Total # of Determined Bullying Incidents:


· Suspension Report

In School:


Out of School:


VI. President's Remarks – Mr. Christian Bellmann

Mr. Bellmann welcomed all and acknowledged the work of the district to ensure a safe return for students and staff.

Mr. Bellmann also wished all wonderful final weeks of summer.

VII. Superintendent’s Remarks – Dr. Matthew Mingle

Dr. Mingle reported on the ongoing work of the district which includes hiring and orientation of new staff. While Dr. Mingle referenced Governor Murphy’s announcement regarding an all virtual learning option, he reiterated that Warren’s hybrid plan has already been approved..

Dr. Mingle shared that parents will receive their student’s cohort tomorrow (Tuesday, August 18). Communication regarding homeroom teachers is scheduled to be sent next week.

Lastly, Dr. Mingle provided an update regarding the Middle School’s yearbook and the inadvertent and unacceptable use of a religious border.

VIII. Presentation

● Distance Learning Overview - Mr. Kimmick provided an overview of the plan for integration of students on distance learning days with students attending in person, noting a multitude of elements of support.

IX. Discussion

The board asked follow up questions and expressed its gratitude for the work behind all of the planning.

X. Committee Reports

● Personnel Committee - Mr. Franco reported on the meeting at which the job description review schedule, Superintendent and Board self evaluation timelines and accommodation requests were discussed.

● Curriculum/Communications & Technology Committee - Mrs. DiMaggio reported on the meeting held earlier this evening at which the interplay of this committee and Return to School Ad hoc, a more depth review of grading responsibilities and additional return to school topics were discussed.

● Finance, Operations and Security Committee - Mr. Brezee reported on the committee meeting at which changes to the SEHBP, Panic buttons, traffic beacons and project work including paving at Middle School and partial roof replacement at buildings and grounds were discussed.

● Ad Hoc Return to School - Dr. Mingle reported that school hours, substitute nurses, an August parent survey and a multitude of other Return to School topics were discussed.

XI. Public Commentary (agenda items only)

Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #0167, adopted on June 18, 2018, provides for public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:

  1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable;
  2. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration. If necessary, the public comment portion of the meeting may be extended fifteen minutes with Board approval;
  3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard;
  4. All statements, questions, or inquiries shall be directed to the presiding officer and any questions or inquiries directed by a participant to another Board member shall be redirected to the presiding officer who shall determine if such statement, question, or inquiry shall be addressed by the presiding officer on behalf of the Board;

The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).

The following community members asked questions and provided comments regarding Return to School plans:

● Ms. Vidhu Dev, Nicole Lane

● Ms. Laura Keller - Skyline Drive

● Ms. Nicolle Gameiro - King George Road

● Ms. Debra Pincus - Birchmont Lane

● Ms. Rachel Singleton - Deerwood Trail West

● Ms. Gretchen Minieri - Mundy Lane

● Ms. Jaclyn Joki - Heritage Drive

● Ms. Linda Draper - Briarwood Drive East

● Ms. Catherine Heldt - Mt. Horeb Road

● Ms. Vidhu Dev - Nicole Lane

● Ms. Catherine Heldt - Mt. Horeb Road

Upon notice that this Public Commentary portion of the meeting had reached 15 minutes,

Mr. Brezee made the following motion:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves to extend Public Commentary an additional 15 minutes.

Seconded by Mrs. Zohn, the consent item was approved by a 8-0 voice vote.

● Mr. Shefali Tejani - Aspen Court

● Mr. Todd Joki - Heritage Drive

● Ms. Rosa Krause - Holly Drive

Dr. Mingle provided answers to the wide array of questions and topics.

XII. Items for Board Consideration/Action

On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mrs. DiMaggio, the consent items A.1., through A.6., B.1., through B.3., C.1. through C.7., and D.1., were approved by a 8-0 roll-call vote.

The Superintendent recommends that it be:

A. Education

A.1. HIB Report

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the HIB Report submitted by the Superintendent for the period ending on August 3, 2020.

A.2. Approval of School Schedules - Regular School Schedules

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the following school schedules:


Regular School Day

Delayed Start

Early Dismissal

Middle School

8:10 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

10:10 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

8:10 a. - 12:50 p.m.

Angelo L. Tomaso School

8:10 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

10:10 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

8:10 a.m. - 12:50 p.m.

Central, Mt. Horeb and Woodland Schools

8:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

10:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

8:50 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

A.3. Approval of School Schedules - Hybrid 1.0

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the following school schedules:

Hybrid 1.0 In-Facility Instructional Hours





Total Instructional Time


8:10 a.m.

12:40 p.m.

4 hours, 30 minutes


8:50 a.m.

1:20 p.m.

4 hours, 30 minutes

Warren Middle

8:00 a.m.

12:40 p.m.

4 hours, 40 minutes


AM and PM Sessions

9:15 a.m.

12:15 p.m.

11:30 a.m.

2:30 p.m.

2 hours, 15 minutes

A.4. Out-of-District Tuition

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves an out-of-district placement to attend Green Brook Public School:


Destination School

Student Id


Warren Twp

Green Brook Public School


$60,422.50 SY*

*(This motion supersedes the previous motion on June 8, 2020.)

A.5. Tuition Contract - ESY 2020 and SY 2020-2021

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the tuition contracts with Long Hill Township School District, to attend Warren Township School District’s 2020-2021 LLD program:


Destination School

Student Id


Long Hill

Warren Township

School District


$28,997 SY

$1,900 ESY*

* (This motion supersedes the previous motion on June 8, 2020.)

A.6. Board Goals

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the Board Goals for the

2020-2021 school year as follows:

1. Develop a process for engaging community stakeholders.

2. Define student achievement.

B. Finance/Operations/Transportation

B.1. Payment of Bills

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the payment of bills for the month of August 2020 in the amount of $6,858,099.09.

B.2. Sale of Obsolete Items

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education declares as obsolete the following items:

Item Type


Dell Computers/Equipment

Model 5530 (69), 5520 (62), 5510 (2), 5430(30), 5440(5), D520(1), Optiplex 390(12), Optiplex 380(4), Optiplex 3010 (16), Optiplex 9010(23), Optiplex 980(5), Optiplex 9020 (2), Docking stations (95)


Assorted model 45 and 55s(20)

Switches and Appliances

Sophos 1100(2), Sophos UTM(1), Cisco ASA500(1), Cisco router (1), HP switches - assorted 3500, 2910, 2520 (25)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the sale of the listed equipment in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A:45 – Sale of Property.

B.3. Transportation for Out-of-District Student - SY

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the transportation contract with Somerset County Educational Services Commission for 2020-21 SY transportation for out of district student as follows:



Student Id



P.G. Chambers


$259.61 per diem


Hunterdon Prep


$66.63 per diem


New Beginnings


$114.95 per diem

C. Personnel/Student Services

C.1. Leave Request

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following leave requests:

Employee ID



FFCRA - August 15, 2020 - August 29, 2020 (paid)


NJFLA - September 14, 2020 through December 4, 2020 (unpaid)


FFCRA - September 1, 2020 through November 20, 2020 (paid)


FFCRA - September 1, 2020 through November 20, 2020 (paid)


FFCRA - September 1, 2020 through November 20, 2020 (paid)


FMLA - September 1, 2020 through November 20, 2020 (unpaid)

C.2. Warren Middle School Stipend Positions 2020-2021

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following stipend positions for the 2020-2021 school year as per the WTEA agreement:

Team Leaders

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8


Ann Marie Christou

Daniel Ticchio

Lynn Degen

Beverly MacGorman

Justina Thomson

Myranda Shimko

Heather Saum

C.3. Retirement/Resignation

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the retirement/resignations of the following staff:






Dates of Service

Laura Healey

Classroom Paraprofessional



8/28/19 - 8/10/2020

Gloria Villamarin

School Bus Driver



1/28/2008 - 9/30/2020

C.4. Transfer/Change in Assignment

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the transfer/change in

assignment of the following district staff:


Effective Date



Jessica Halpern

10/1/2020 - 1/29/2021

Special Education Teacher



Supervisor of

Special Services, District

Per diem rate of $50.00 per day in addition to $76,000

Sara von Bartheld

9/8/2020 - 11/20/2020

.8 Social worker



1.0 Social worker



Patricia Doll

9/1/2020 - 6/30/2021

Bus Monitor,

5 hours per day


Bus Monitor,

7 hours per day


Marcela Stefanikova

9/1/2020 - 6/30/2021

Bus Monitor,

5 hours per day,


Bus Monitor,

7 hours per day


Annette Vecchio

9/1/2020 - 6/30/2021

Bus Monitor,

5 hours per day,


Bus Monitor,

7 hours per day


C.5. WTEA Sidebar Agreement

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the sidebar agreement between the Warren Township Board of Education and the Warren Township Education Association.

C.6. Return to School Professional Development and Program Development

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following additional staff for the Return To School Professional Development and Program Development project, as per the WTEA negotiated agreement, at a rate of $50 per hour, at a cost not to exceed $33,600:


Meredith Fishelman

C.7. Custodial Substitutes

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following as Substitute Custodians for the 2020-2021 school year at the approved substitute custodian pay rate.


Robert Dallas

Joanna Kania

Nickita Henry

Ana Martinez

D. Policy

D.1. Policies – Second Reading

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the second reading of the following policies:




Source of Changes


Restart and Recovery Plan




Remote Learning Options for Families




Waiver of Student Transportation



XIII. Unfinished Business


XIV. New Business

● Future Board Meeting Locations - Mr. Brezee opened the topic for discussion. The board discussed a variety of associated topics including public participation and state restrictions on the size of gatherings. Also discussed was the technology aspect of equipment and video. It was determined that legal guidance will be sought.

● Warren Middle School Yearbook - Mrs. Zohn began the conversation regarding the border error, and the board discussed its desire to collect the yearbooks and order replacement books at district costs.

Mrs. Zohn made the following motion regarding the Warren Middle School Yearbooks:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Warren Township directs the administration to:

1. Make every best effort to retrieve and collect all copies of the 2019-2020 Warren Middle School Yearbook (the “Yearbook”); and

2. Provide for the reprint of the Yearbook omitting the use of any Religious Borders or any other imagery inconsistent with Warren Middle School’s mission as a public school (the “New Yearbook”); and

3. Distribute the New Yearbook to all who purchased the Yearbook at no additional cost to the purchasers.

Seconded by Mr. Franco, the consent item was approved by a 7-0-1 roll-call vote. (Mr. Bisci abstained.)

Mrs. DiMaggio left the meeting at 9:06 p.m.

● Town Hall - Mrs. Chu brought up for discussion a town hall meeting. Mr. Bellmann reported that as community engagement is one of the board’s goals, the matter will be reviewed as part of the board’s work on its goals.

XV. Public Commentary (any topic)

Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #0167, adopted on June 18, 2018, provides for public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:

  1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable;
  2. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration. If necessary, the public comment portion of the meeting may be extended fifteen minutes with Board approval;
  3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard;
  4. All statements, questions, or inquiries shall be directed to the presiding officer and any questions or inquiries directed by a participant to another Board member shall be redirected to the presiding officer who shall determine if such statement, question, or inquiry shall be addressed by the presiding officer on behalf of the Board;

The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).

● Ms. Danielle Lader - Briarwood East, thanked the board for its yearbook decision.

● Ms. Rachel Singleton - Deerwood Trail West, asked a question regarding hybrid models and expressed support for the board’s yearbook decision.

● Ms. Rosa Krause - Holly Drive, asked a question regarding hybrid learning.

● Ms. Darby Finkelstein - Trinity Place, thanked the board for its yearbook decision.

● Ms. Jaclyn Joki - Heritage Drive, asked a question regarding hybrid learning.

● Ms. Catherine Heldt - Mt. Horeb Road, asked a question regarding the cumulation of absences.

● Ms. Heather Silver - Quail Run, expressed gratitude for the work on the hybrid plan and thanked the board for its yearbook decision.

● Mr. Adam Gioia - Sugarwood Way, asked a question regarding grading and yearbook replacement expenses.

● Ms. Sofi Mehta - Cardinal Drive, asked a question regarding distance learning and the district’s preschool.

Dr. Mingle provided answers to the wide array of questions and topics.

XVI. Adjourn

On motion by Mrs. Zohn, seconded by Mr. Franco, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m.

Minutes submitted by,

Patricia Leonhardt

Board Secretary