Minutes for January 22, 2019History icon Archived Minutes

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A regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day at the Warren Middle School, 100 Old Stirling Road. The following is a record of that meeting.

I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board President

David Brezee.

Open Public Meeting Statement – Mr. Brezee read the following statement:

Re: Chapter 231 P.L. 1975: “The adequate notice of this regular meeting as required by the open public meetings act was provided by the posting, mailing/delivery, and filing of this notice on January 8, 2019. This notice was on that date was posted on the Courier News, and TAP into Warren, all in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.”

II. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Brezee led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Roll Call

Present: Aaron Bellish, Christian Bellmann, Naresh Chand, Lisa DiMaggio,

Marc Franco, Ayanna Taylor-Venson, Patricia Zohn and David Brezee

Absent: Jeannine Sarosy

Also Present: Dr. Matthew Mingle, Superintendent, and Patricia Leonhardt, Board Secretary, and members of the public and press.

IV. Executive Session

● At 6:02 p.m. Mrs. DiMaggio moved the following:

WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters, now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss:

pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation and/or matters of attorney-client privilege,

specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected request an open session,

protection of public safety and property and/or investigations of possible violations or violations of law and

a collective bargaining agreement and/or negotiations related to it

Action will be taken upon return to public session;

the length of the meeting is anticipated to be approximately 60 minutes; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellmann and approved by unanimous voice vote.

At 6:58 p.m., Mrs. Taylor-Venson left the meeting.

On motion by Mrs. DiMaggio, seconded by Mr. Franco, the Board reconvened in open session at 7:00 p.m.

V. Minutes

● Mrs. DiMaggio moved the following:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the public session minutes of the January 7, 2019 Board Meeting.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellmann and approved by 7-0 roll-call vote.

VI. Correspondence and Information

· HIB Information

Total # of Investigations:


Total # of Determined Bullying Incidents:


· Suspension Report

In School


Out of School


VII. President's Remarks - Mr. David Brezee

Mr. Brezee referred to the rescheduling of the Township Representatives now slated for the board’s February 22nd meeting.

Mr. Brezee read out the committee memberships as follows:

● Curriculum, Communications & Technology - Mrs. DiMaggio - Chairperson,

Dr. Chand, Mr. Franco and Mrs. Taylor-Venson

● Finance/Operations/Security - Mr. Bellmann - Chairperson, Mr. Bellish, Mr. Brezee, and Mrs. Zohn

● Personnel/Negotiations - Mrs. Taylor-Venson - Chairperson, and Mrs. Sarosy

Mr. Brezee also requested that any board member interested in serving on the Strategic Plan Ad Hoc to advise him accordingly.

Mr. Brezee thanked the Central School PTO for its generous donation (B.6.).

Lastly, Mr. Brezee referenced the evening’s Referendum Vote.

VIII. Superintendent’s Remarks - Dr. Matthew Mingle

Dr. Mingle referenced the Referendum Vote also, noting there was still approximately 1 hour of voting time remaining.

In this, Board of Education appreciation month, Dr. Mingle extended his gratitude to all who serve so well in this important volunteer position.

IX. Presentations

● AlphaBest Mid-Year Update - Darryl Price and Jeanette Rysdeck - AlphaBest presented an overview of its program.

X. Discussion

● 2019-2020 Budget - Mr. Bellmann provided the framework for the board to discuss

the 2019-2020 budget. The board will continue the conversation at the next board meeting.

XI. Committee Reports

● Finance, Operations and Security Committee - Mr. Bellmann reported on the recent meeting, highlighting the Central School Health Office renovation, the Boiler and Pump Replacement project, the 2019-2020 budget, and the Security Action plan.

XII. Public Commentary (agenda items only)

Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #9322, adopted on January 21, 2013, provides for and encourages public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:

  1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name and place of residence;
  2. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate);
  3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard; and
  4. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer—no participant may address or question Board members individually.

The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).


XIII. Items for Board Consideration/Action

Mrs. DiMaggio asked that motion A.1., be pulled for a separate vote.

On motion by Mrs. DiMaggio, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the consent items A.2., through A.5., B.1., through B.7., and C.1., through C.12., were approved by a 7-0 roll-call vote.

On motion by Mr. Brezee, seconded by Mr. Bellmann, the consent item, A.1., was approved by a 6-0-1 roll-call vote. (Mrs. DiMaggio abstained.)

A. Education

A.1. HIB Report

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the HIB Report submitted by the Superintendent for the period ending on January 7, 2019.

A.2. HIB Report - July 16, 2018

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education affirms the HIB Report submitted by the Superintendent for the period ending on July 16, 2018 Report B.

A.3. Out-of-District Tuition

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves an out-of-district placement for Student #7406541196, to Montgomery Academy, beginning January 28, 2019 through June 30, 2019, at a cost not to exceed $31,149.

A.4. Board of Education Appointments

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby appoints the following representatives:

● The election of Dr. Chand as Board Representative to the NJSBA Delegate Assembly for the Calendar Year 2019 and the election of Mr. Bellish as the alternate.

● The election of Mr. Franco as Board Representative to the Watchung Hills Municipal Alliance Committee for the Calendar Year 2019 and the election of Mrs. Zohn as the alternate.

A.5. Bedside Instruction

RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the extended bedside instruction through Silvergate Prep for Student #6672870988, beginning November 26, 2018, at an hourly rate of $40, at a cost not to exceed $800.

B. Finance/Operations/Transportation

B.1. Payment of Bills

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the payment of bills for the month of January 2019 in the amount of $2,421,968.20.

B.2. Board Secretary's and Treasurer's Report

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the report of the secretary for the month of December, 2018; and

WHEREAS, this report shows the following balances on December 31, 2018:





(10) General Current Expense Fund



(10) General Current Expense


(11) Current Expense


(12) Capital Outlay


(13) Special Schools


(20) Special Revenue Fund




(30) Capital Projects Fund




(40) Debt Service Fund








WHEREAS, in compliance with law and code the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the reports, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the above reference reports and certifications and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with law and code, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriation section), to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of law and code and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the year.

B.3. Budget Transfers for Month of December 2018

RESOLVED, the Board of Education ratifies the following transfers between budget line items that have been approved by the Superintendent of Schools and that are now being reported to the Board pursuant to Policy 3160:





Purchased Professional Services


Health Benefits




BOE - Meeting Supplies


Administration - Supplies




Purchased Prof. & Tech. Svcs. - Maintenance


Building Supplies - Maintenance




Contracted General Ed Transportation


Contracted Special Ed Transp. - ESC




Transportation Supplies


General Transportation Supplies




Home Instruction - Purchased Services - MS


Tuition - Other LEAs




Purchased Tech. Svcs - Technology- CS


Other Purchased Services - Tech - CS




Purchased Tech. Svcs - Technology- MS


Other Purchased Services - Tech - MS




Purchased Tech. Svcs - Technology - MHS


Other Purchased Services - Tech - MHS




Purchased Tech. Svcs - Technology - ALT


Other Purchased Services - Tech - ALT




Purchased Tech. Services - Technology - WS


Other Purchased Services - Tech - WS




PSD - Other Purchased Services - MHS


PSD - Supplies - MHS




Summer Fun - Purchased Services - MHS


Summer Fun - Purchased Services - MHS


B.4. Travel Approval

Whereas, in accordance with State of New Jersey School District Accountability Act (A-5) and the Warren Township Schools’ policy number 4133-Travel and Work Related Expense Reimbursement, travel by school district employees and Board of Education members must be approved in advance.

Now Therefore Be It RESOLVED, the Warren Township Schools Board of Education approves the following expenses for faculty, staff, administrators, and board members for seminars, conferences and workshops. The expense includes travel costs, if applicable:



Workshop/ Conference




Michael Pate


New Jersey Schools Building and Grounds Association

Atlantic City

Mar 2019


Paula Williams


New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages / New Jersey Bilingual Educators 2019 Spring Conference

New Brunswick

May 2019


Jeff Sutherland


New Jersey Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 2019 Annual Conference

Long Branch

Feb 2019


Martha Mendez


Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey 2019 Annual Conference


Apr 2019


Bernadette Danner


Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey 2019 Annual Conference


Apr 2019


Kristen Boni


Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey 2019 Annual Conference


Apr 2019


Zaida Hernandez


Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey 2019 Annual Conference


Apr 2019


Noralys Rebimbas


Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey 2019 Annual Conference


Apr 2019


Hildegarde Jackson


Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey 2019 Annual Conference


Apr 2019


Lisa Seccamanie


Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey 2019 Annual Conference


Apr 2019


Lisa Lontai


New Jersey State School Nurses Association


Mar 2019


Priscilla Bledsoe


Boiler License


Mar and Apr 2019


Iberca Jimenez


Boiler License


Mar and Apr 2019


Beatrice Schwarzkopf


Section 504 in New Jersey


Feb 2019


All of the above travel has been approved by the Superintendent. The School Business Administrator shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded.

B.5. Sale of Obsolete Items

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education declares as obsolete the following items:

Item Type


Serial Number


Chevy, 20 passenger



Transtech, 15 passenger


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the sale

of the listed equipment in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A:45 – Sale of Property.

B.6. Donations - Central School PTO

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts, with gratitude, donations from the Central School PTO as follows:

● Books for second grade classroom libraries - $1,535

● Books for fifth grade classroom libraries - $1,243

● Baby chicks for Kindergarten - $1,050

B.7. Submission of Amendment for Federal Grant Monies

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the submission to the Department of Education of an amendment of the application for 2018-19 ESEA Title IV Federal Grant Programs as follows:

● ESEA - Title IV- $ 10,000

Amendment reflects a reallocation of monies between account lines from instructional supplies to support for consultants.

C. Personnel/Student Services

C.1. Employment for the 2018-2019 School Year

RESOLVED, upon recommendation from the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following Personnel items including the emergent employment of the following employees (indicated by *) conditional upon the final approval by the New Jersey Department of Education The Board further authorizes the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, et. Seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:6.14.12, et. Seq., if applicable Staff members shall be paid in accordance with provisions in their collective bargaining agreement and/or in accordance with a schedule provided to all employees prior to the beginning of the contract or school year.







Effective Date


Jordan Gelber

1:1 Paraprofessional





$23,817 (prorated)

2/1/2019 - 6/30/2019

Replacing employee #2654

Deborah Ruocco

Leave Replacement

Special Education Teacher






2/19/2019 - 6/30/2019

Replacing employee


C.2. Substitute Teachers

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following to be appointed as substitute teachers for the 2018-2019 school year.


James C. Zilinski

James Graziani

Anthony Lentini

C.3. Leave Request

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following leave requests:

Employee ID



FMLA - December 14, 2018 through January 1, 2019 (paid)

FMLA - January 2, 2019 through February 4, 2019 (unpaid)

(This motion supersedes the previous motion approved January 7, 2019.)


FMLA - January 2, 2019 through January 21, 2019 (paid)

(This motion supersedes the previous motion approved January 7, 2019.)


FMLA - May 14, 2019 through June 19, 2019 (paid)

FMLA - June 20, 2019 through June 30, 2019 (unpaid)


FMLA - April 26, 2019 through May 20, 2019 (paid)

FMLA - May 20, 2019 through June 30, 2019 (unpaid)


FMLA - January 26, 2019 through February 7, 2019 (paid)


FMLA - November 21, 2018 through January 11, 2019 (paid)

FMLA - January 14, 2019 through February 15, 2019 (unpaid)

Extended Leave - February 19, 2019 - February 21, 2019 (unpaid)

(This motion supersedes the previous motion approved January 7, 2019.)


FMLA - January 14, 2019 through January 24, 2019 (paid)


December 5, 2018 through March 19, 2019 (paid with benefits)

(This motion supersedes the previous motion approved December 11, 2018.)


FMLA - May 28, 2019 through June 19, 2019 (paid)

FMLA - June 20, 2019 through June 30, 2019 (unpaid)

C.4. Compacted Schedule for Summer 2019

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves a 4-day compacted work schedule for Summer 2019, from the week of July 8th, up to and including the week of August 19th.

C.5. Increment Withholding

WHEREAS, the Superintendent has recommended that the Warren Township Board of Education withhold the employment and adjustment increments of Employee #2322 for the 2019-2020 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Board has considered the Superintendent’s recommendation together with the entire record; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the Superintendent’s recommendation to the Board that the Employee’s employment and adjustment increments be withheld for the 2019-2020 school year is amply supported by the record as a whole; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby adopts and affirms the Superintendent’s recommendation to withhold the Employee’s employment and adjustment increments for the 2019-2020 school year for the reasons set forth in the Superintendent’s letter to the Employee, dated November 28, 2018; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board hereby requests that the Board Secretary/Business Administrator provide the Employee with written notice that his/her employment and adjustment increments for the 2019-2020 school year are being withheld, together with the reasons therefore, within 10 days of the date of this Resolution, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:29-14.

C.6. Central School Pick-Up Supervision Pilot Extension

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following staff for reimbursement as pick-up supervisors at Central School from January 28, 2019 through June 30, 2019, per the WTEA contractual rate, at a total cost not to exceed $2,350.


Laura Lamson

Alyssa Pech

C. 7. Long Term Substitutes

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following Long Term Substitutes:


Effective Date


William Mellott

2/7/2019 - 4/5/2019

Replacing employee #1120

Tam Quach

12/7/2018 - 1/31/2019

2/1/2019 - 3/11/2019

(This motion supersedes the previous motion approved January 7, 2019.)

Replacing employee #1952

Replacing employee #1324

C.8. Warren Academy Courses Instructor Stipend 2018-2019

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following staff for reimbursement as an Instructor. Each instructor will be reimbursed at the WTEA contractual rate $50 per hour. The total cost shall not exceed $1,850.

Staff Member



Prep Hours

Instructor Hours

Cost Total

Cynthia Cassidy

When in doubt, go to the library!

Mar 11, 2019




Susan Cooper

Chess-A Workshop for Teachers

Jan 30, 2019




Amanda Rodrigues

Nutrition: No Fads, Just Facts!

Feb 11, 2019




Amanda Rodrigues

What Makes Us The Professionals We Are?

Feb 6, 2019




Kristen Stoyanov


Jan 30, 2019




Kristen Stoyanov

Reading Workshop: Back to Basics

Jan 30, 2019




Nicholas Zebrowski

Nutrition: No Fads, Just Facts!

Feb 11, 2019




Michelle Zgombic

Encore: Hyperdocs

Mar 19, 2019




C.9. CPR / First Aid Professional Development 2018-2019

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following staff for reimbursement as an Instructor. Each instructor will be reimbursed at the WTEA contract rate $50 per hour according to the following table. The total cost shall not exceed $1,200.


Staff Member


Prep Hours

Instructor Hours

Cost Total


Jan Brennan

Mar 13, 2019





Lisa Lontai

Mar 13, 2019





Harriet Stambaugh

Mar 13, 2019




First Aid

Jan Brennan

Mar 20, 2019




First Aid

Sharon Carroll

Mar 20, 2019




First Aid

Doris Zanchelli

Mar 20, 2019




C.10. Additional Service Provider

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the provider Speech & Hearing Associates, LLC to add the service of AAC Evaluation with a written report at a rate of $750 for the 2018-2019 school year.

C.11. Employee Discipline

RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the suspension, without pay, of Employee #2478 for January 17th, 18th and 22nd, 2019.

C.12. Employee Termination

RESOLVED, the Board of Education terminates, for cause, the 2018-2019 employment contract for Employee #2478 effective January 23, 2019.

XIV. Unfinished Business


XV. New Business


XVI. Public Commentary (any topic)

Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #9322, adopted on January 21, 2013, provides for and encourages public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:

  1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name and place of residence;
  2. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes’ duration (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate);
  3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard; and
  4. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer—no participant may address or question Board members individually.

The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).


XVII. Adjourn

On motion by Mrs. DiMaggio, seconded by Mrs. Zohn, the meeting adjourned at

7:48 p.m.

Minutes submitted by,

Patricia Leonhardt

Board Secretary