Minutes for May 23, 2011 Archived Minutes
Skip NavigationA regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day in the Middle School, Old Stirling Road. The following is a record of that meeting.
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by the Board Vice-President, Mrs. Spiller
OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT - Mrs. Spiller read the following Statement:
In accordance with the provisions New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law, the Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be posted in the Board Office and in the Township Office, mailed to the Courier News and Echoes Sentinel, and filed with the Clerk of the Township of Warren.
II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mrs. Spiller led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Tia Allocco, John De Bellis, Roberta Monahan, James Sena, Mildred Spiller and Patricia Toubin
Absent: Susan Burman
Donald Huber arrived at 7:14 p.m.
Gregory Przybylski arrived at 7:50 p.m.
Also Present: Dr. Tami Crader, Superintendent, Peter Daquila, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, members of the staff, public, and press
- Recognize Middle School Student Achievements
Dr. Crader acknowledged the Middle School students that will be receiving awards.
Dr. Crader and Mrs. Spiller presented the following awards to the Middle Scholl students:
New Jersey State Bar Foundation - Law Adventure Contest - 2nd Place - 7th Grade
Michelle Gekhtman Rebecca Sinha
Alexandria Hentschel LizAnn Sung
Parima Kadikar Emily Tang
Junwoo Park Johnny Penek
Continental Math - National Winners (perfect scores on all 5 meets) - Grade 8
Abhiram Karuppur
Kevin Lu
Geography Bee - Placed 5th in New Jersey - 6th Grader
Will DiGrande
Seton Hall Prep Pirate Bowl - Champions - Grade 8
Abhiram Karuppur
Andrew Greenberg
Scott Brown
Joseph Da
Scholastic Gold Key Writing Awards - Grade 8
Shayna Bezozo - short story "The Glass Slipper"
Joseph Da - poetry "Tornado", "Hopelessness"
Olivia Fogel - personal essay/memoir "The Power of Pasta" and poetry "Behind the Scenes Lies a Dream: Memoirs of a Poet"
Sarah Kweit - 2 short short stories "Master Keys" and "Elephant Leather"
Amanda Larson - 2 short short stories "What Sound Sounds Like" and "Sing Me to Sleep..."
Rebecca Novik - short short story "The Monster"
Carl Valentino - short short story "The Turquoise Chair"
Emily Wilson - short story "Murderous Irony"
William Zhang - science fiction/fantasy "A Weapon of God"
Elks - "Why I am Proud to be an American Essay Contest
Olivia Fogel - grade 8
Gregory Puccio - grade 8
French Le Grand Concours
8th Grade placed 10% Nationally 7th Grade placed 20% Nationally
A.J. Bisci Jenna Charko
Karen Chi Zuzanna Kasper
Katie Mathison
Valerie Saro (5th nationally & 4th in NJ
Tiffany Yu
Emma Zeng
Mrs. Monahan moved the following:
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the minutes, as amended, of the following meeting:
May 9, 2011 public and private session
The motion was seconded by Mr. Sena and approved by 6-0-1 roll call vote. (Mrs. Toubin abstained.)
Mr. Huber arrived at this point in the meeting (7:14 p.m.).
Mr. Daquila informed the board about Watchung Hills Soccer Association's request to use temporary lights on the Middle school soccer field in the fall. The board had a few questions and concerns. Mr. Daquila will follow up and report back to the board.
Mrs. Spiller congratulated the Excellence in Education Award winners at the schools.
Susan Jackson- ALT
Megan Harvey - Central
DorisZanchelli - Mt. Horeb
Christine Beekman-Brink - Woodland
Mary PatForenza - Middle
Dr. Crader commented on the projected enrollment for 2011/12 and class sections at ALT, Central, and Mt. Horeb that will be going from 3 sections to 2 sections. The board discussed the declining enrollment.
Dr. Crader commented that the Comparative Spending Guide is now called the Tax Payers Spending Guide and noted that Warren spends a lot of money in the classroom and not as much on administration expenses.
She indicated that the Middle School students will be going to WHRHS for a bullying presentation on Tuesday, May 24th.
Mrs. Spiller reported that once Dr. Przybylski arrives the committees can be discussed.
Mrs. Monahan reported from the Middle School PTO meeting that 50 kids are not attending the 8th grade trip. Additional information will be gathered so the board can discuss the 8th grade trip again.
XI. PUBLIC COMMENTARY (including opportunity to speak about items for Board Consideration/Action)
Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #9322, adopted on April 14, 2008, provides for and encourages public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:
1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name and place of residence;
2. Each Statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes' duration (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate);
3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard; and
4. All Statements shall be directed to the presiding officer-no participant may address or question Board members individually.
The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).
Jodi Schinner, 6 Hazelwood Ct., commented about a letter received regarding 5th grade math and the placement of the students in the 5th grade math classes.
Dr. Crader responded that she spoke to the principals regarding the placements and feels the process is working. The teachers should be teaching at different levels. Dr. Crader will follow up with Mr. Schinner on the process.
Patricia Zohn spoke about the 5th grade math placements for the current 6th graders and the issues with the high math classes. She noted that the class was monitored and the information was reported monthly to the board.
Mr. Sena asked a question about agenda item A.2. - why it seems that home instruction appears on almost every agenda.
Dr. Crader will report in her update the reason why home instruction is being provided.
Dr. Przybylski arrived at this point (7:50 p.m.) and presided over the meeting.
Mr. Huber asked a question about agenda item B.3. - about the transfers and asked that a process be created to establish limits on the dollar amounts transferred.
Mr. Daquila noted that the finance committee should establish a process for budget transfers.
Mr. Huber asked a question about agenda item B.4. - how the Somerset Hills YMCA is selected as the after care provider. Mr. Daquila and Mrs. Monahan responded that here is no financial relationship between the board and the YMCA. The parents that use the YMCA after care program pay the YMCA for the service.
Mr. Huber asked a question about agenda item B.5. - the Professional Development Plan. Dr. Crader noted that the plan is in the board office for review and this plan doesn't include financial issues and impact.
Mr. Huber asked a question about agenda item B.7. - the maintenance agreement. Mr. Daquila verified that this does not take work away from district staff and the MUJC is one of the vendors that services the district transportation vehicles.
On motion by Mrs. Spiller, seconded by Mrs. Toubin, the consent agenda items A.1.-4., B.1. - 9., C.1. - 10., were approved by an 8-0 roll-call vote.
A.1. Assistive Technology Evaluation Follow-Up
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the follow-up assistive technology evaluation for one student (ID#0000629) to be conducted by Joan Bruno of TECHConnection on June 9, 2011 for a total cost to the district of $405.
A.2. Home Instruction
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the following:
a) One student (ID#620727) to receive 8 hours per week of home instruction from May 23, 2011 through May 20, 2011 at a cost to the district of $640.
b) One student (ID#120508) to extend home instruction for 30 days with reduced hours from 10 to 5 hours per week for a cost to the district of $1,600.
c) One student (ID#121234) to extend home instruction for 30 days for 3 hours per week beginning May 16, 2011 for a cost to the district of $2,000.
d) One student (ID#2001172) to extend home instruction for 30 days for 10 hours per week continuous for a cost to the district of $2,000.
A.3. ABA Training
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves two hours of ABA training for Brenda Hockstein on May 12, 2011 for a total cost to the district of $100.
A.4. Out of District Placements for the End of School Year Program
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the list of out of district placements for the ESY program dated May 19, 2011.
B.1. Payment of Bills
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the payment of bills for May 2011 in the amount of $1,951,396.79
B.2. Board Secretary's and Treasurer's Report
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the attached report of the secretary for the month of April.
WHEREAS, this report shows the following balances on April 30, 2011
(10) General Current Expense Fund |
$4,878,938.36 |
$1,065,558.62 |
(11) Current Expense |
$2,030,696.59 |
(12) Capital Outlay |
$206,164.99 |
(13) Special Schools |
$129.18 |
(20) Special Revenue Fund |
($86,803.54) |
$26,344.99 |
$0.00 |
(30) Capital Projects Fund |
$16,626.45 |
($83,935.82) |
$422,125.34 |
(40) Debt Service Fund |
$14,239.21 |
$14.25 |
$14,224.96 |
$4,823,000.48 |
$2,179,414.18 |
$1,501,908.92 |
WHEREAS, in compliance with law and code the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the reports, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the above reference reports and certifications and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with law and code, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriation section), to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of law and code and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the year.
B.3. Budget Transfers for Month of April 2011
RESOLVED, the Board of Education ratifies the following transfers between budget line items that have been approved by the Superintendent of Schools and that are now being reported to the Board pursuant to Policy 3160:
TO: |
11-000-219-390-08-00 |
CST Prof./Technical Services |
11-000-219-104-00-01 |
Child Study Team - Extra Pay |
$5,000 |
11-000-222-100-11-01 |
Computer Technician - Hourly |
11-000-222-100-00-01 |
Educ. Media/Library - Salaries |
$12,500 |
11-000-251-800-01-00 |
Business Office - Misc. Exp. |
11-000-251-592-01-00 |
Misc. Purch. Svcs.-Bus. Office |
$900 |
11-000-252-100-11-01 |
Computer Technician - Hourly |
11-000-252-100-01-00 |
Tech. /Network Staff - Salaries |
$4,200 |
11-000-262-610-09-00 |
Building Supplies - Maint. |
11-000-262-621-07-00 |
Heat - Middle |
$9,000 |
11-000-263-610-09-00 |
Grounds - Supplies |
11-000-263-420-09-00 |
Grounds - Services |
$8,000 |
11-150-100-101-00-00 |
Home Instruction - Salaries |
11-190-100-640-12-00 |
Textbooks - Series Replace. |
$5,000 |
11-150-100-300-08-00 |
Home Instruction- Educ. Svcs. |
11-190-100-640-12-00 |
Textbooks - Series Replace. |
$5,000 |
11-209-100-106-00-00 |
Behavioral Develop. - Aide |
11-230-100-101-00-00 |
Basic Skills Staff - Salaries |
$7,000 |
12-000-260-730-00-00 |
Operations & Maint. Equip. |
11-000-262-340-09-00 |
B&G - Purch. Technical Svcs. |
$36,500 |
12-000-270-734-00-00 |
School Bus - Special Ed. |
11-000-262-621-03-00 |
Heat - Central |
$4,000 |
12-000-270-734-00-00 |
School Bus - Special Ed. |
11-000-262-621-04-00 |
Heat - Mt. Horeb |
$5,700 |
12-000-270-734-00-00 |
School Bus - Special Ed. |
11-000-262-621-05-00 |
Heat - ALT |
$5,000 |
12-000-270-734-00-00 |
School Bus - Special Ed. |
11-000-262-622-03-00 |
Electricity - Central |
$6,000 |
12-000-400-390-00-00 |
Prof. Svcs. (Capital Projects) |
11-000-262-622-07-00 |
Electricity - Middle |
$5,500 |
12-000-400-450-00-00 |
Construction Services |
11-000-262-622-07-00 |
Electricity - Middle |
$15,500 |
Total Transfers |
$134,800 |
B.4. Somerset Hills YMCA After Care Services for 2011-2012
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the contracting with Somerset Hills YMCA for After Care Services at the four Warren elementary schools for the 2011-2012 school year, dated May 23, 2011.
B.5. Professional Development Plan
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the district's Professional Development Plan, dated April 15, 2011, for the 2011-2012 school year that was approved by the Somerset County Professional Development Board on May 5, 2011.
B.6. Approve Tax Payment Schedule for 2011-2012 School Year
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the following tax payment schedule for 2011-2012 from the Township of Warren:
Tax Payments 2011-2012 |
July 6, 2011 |
$ 700,000.00 |
January 4, 2012 |
$3,130,654.50 |
July 19, 2011 |
$ 700,000.00 |
February 1, 2012 |
$3,130,660.00 |
August 1, 2011 |
$ 700,000.00 |
March 1, 2011 |
$3,130,660.00 |
August 23, 2011 |
$1,000,000.00 |
April 2, 2012 |
$3,130,660.00 |
September 6, 2011 |
$2,000,000.00 |
May 1, 2012 |
$3,130,660.00 |
September 20, 2011 |
$2,000,000.00 |
June 1, 2012 |
$3,130,660.00 |
October 3, 2011 |
$3,894,651.50 |
November 1, 2011 |
$3,894,651.50 |
December 1, 2011 |
$3,894,651.50 |
Total |
$18,783,954.50 |
Total |
$18,783,954.50 |
Total Taxes for 2011-2012 |
$37,567,909.00 |
B.7. Maintenance Contract Between MUJC and Warren Township Board of Education
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the maintenance contract between the Morris Union Jointure Commission and the Warren Township Board of Education dated May 23, 2011 at a rate of $67.00 per hour.
B.8. Appropriation from Capital Reserve
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the appropriation of $330,000 from Capital Reserve to Fund 12 for the funding of the ALT Partial Roof Replacement Project.
B.9. Travel Approval
Whereas, in accordance with State of New Jersey School District Accountability Act (A-5) and the Warren Township Schools' policy number 4133 - Travel and Work Related Expense Reimbursement, travel by school district employees and Board of Education members must be approved in advance.
Now Therefore Be It RESOLVED, the Warren Township Schools Board of Education approves the following expenses for faculty, staff, administrators, and board members for seminars, conferences and workshops. The expense includes travel costs, if applicable:
July 2011
- Justice Ndewere, B&G - Black Seal Boiler License Training, Somerset, NJ $600
All of the above travel has been approved by the Superintendent. The School Business Administrator shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded.
B.10. Resolved that the Board of Education approves the proposed salary increases for the non-union employees.
C.1. 2011-2012 Staffing Assignments
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the list of 2011-2012 staffing assignments dated May 19, 2011.
C.2. Employment for the 2011-2012 School Year
RESOLVED, upon recommendation from the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following Personnel items including the emergent employment of the following employee conditional upon the final approval by the New Jersey Department of Education, for the 2011-2012 school year and the Board further authorizes the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, et. Seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:6.14.12, et. Seq."
a) Kelly Stankiewicz, Guidance Counselor, Mt. Horeb School, MA+45, Step 3-4 of the 2009-2010 salary guide (2011-2012 step will be determined once collective bargaining is concluded), effective September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
C.3. 2011-2012 Non-WTEA Stipends
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the list of 2011-2012 Non-WTEA stipends dated May 23, 2011.
C.4. Appointment of 2011 Summer Fun Staff
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the list of Summer Fun Staff dated May 23, 2011, effective June 27, 2011 through July 29, 2011 at the following hourly rates:
Teacher - $40
OT - $70
Speech Therapist - $70
Nurse - $40
Paraprofessionals - up to $15
Extended Day and After Care Teachers - $40
Extended Day and After Care Paraprofessionals - up to $15
Substitutes - $17
C.5. Amend Employee Hours
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education amends the employment hours for Zachary Liu, Classroom Paraprofessional, Middle School, from 35 hours per week to 32.5 hours per week for the 2011-2012 school year.
C.6. 2011 Curriculum Positions
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following staff working at the WTEA negotiated rate:
a) Language Arts Grade Level Alignment of Common Core Standards K-5 - up to 160 hours total - effective April 14, 2011 through June 3, 2011:
Carol Monica, Christina Beekman, Megan O'Donnell, Susan Leonard, Dorothy Stolfi, Christine Ryan, Diane Bell, Carla Annese, Rita Brown, Cathy Murphy, Anabela Ordner, Lisa Lukko, Jill Andrews, Kara Miletic, and Michelle Cebula
b) Fine Motor Curriculum for Kindergarten - up to 44 hours total - effective April 28, 2011 through June 10, 2011:
Marlene Roth, Christine Beekman, Barbara Pellicano, Carol Monica, Laurie Donovan, and Allison Hales.
C.7. Family Leave Request
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the family leave request for Jill Graef, Special Education Teacher, Central School, from November 15, 2011 through February 21, 2012 (unpaid with benefits), and child rearing from February 22, 2012 through June 30, 2012 with a return date on or about September 1, 2012.
C.8. ABA In-Home Training
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Brenda Hockstein to replace Kerry Fee to provide 10 hours per week of ABA in-home training and one hour per month for team consultation to begin immediately. Ms. Hockstein is a former Warren teacher and her credentials are on file. No additional cost to the district.
C.9. Part-Time Substitute Bus Monitor/Part-Time Substitute Bus Driver
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Rey Rodriguez as a part-time substitute bus monitor at a salary of $12.02 per hours and a part-time substitute bus driver at a salary of $17per hour, effective May 23, 2011 through June 30, 2011
C.10. Resignation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the resignation of Rita Brown, Grade 3 Teacher, Woodland School, effective June 30, 2011.
High School BOE meeting date conflicts: July 18, August 22, April 16.
The board discussed the conflicts. The April 16th meeting will be moved to April 10th and the July 18th meeting to July 11th. Board members will check their availability for August 15th and August 29th and e-mail Dr. Crader.
Mrs. Monahan reported that she attended the Tri-County meeting and the main discussion was about the two charter schools that will be opening.
The board discussed the charter school issues and the potential impact on Warren.
Mr. Huber reported that information from the governor to school board members has been issued but not distributed. Mr. Huber will e-mail the on-line link to the board members.
Dr. Przybylski reported that Dr. Crader, Mr. Daquila, and he attended a shared services meeting in Long Hill, with the sending and receiving districts. Superintendents and B.A.s will monitor the numerous ideas and coordinate continued and future shared services ideas.
Mrs. Spiller asked about the class size guidelines for middle school and average class size.
Dr. Crader will find out the information and report back to the board.
Mrs. Monahan asked about the hiring of non-Warren teachers being approved for Summer Fun. Dr. Crader noted that teachers are appointed and hired if justified by enrollment. No Warren staff members are being bumped due to the non-Warren teachers.
Patricia Zohn noted that she has been following the charter school issue, and attended various meetings about establishing charter schools and the legislation regarding charter schools.
She asked about the status of negotiations. Dr. Crader noted that fact finding is June 8th.
At 8:23 p.m. Mrs. Spiller moved the following:
WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss
a collective bargaining agreement and/or negotiations related to it, and
specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected request an open session
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists.
The motion was seconded by Mrs. Toubin and approved by unanimous voice vote.
On motion by Mrs. Spiller, seconded by Mrs. Toubin the board reconvened in open session at 9:06 p.m.
On motion by Mrs. Spiller, seconded by Mrs. Toubin, the board approved agenda item B. 10 on a 8-0 roll call vote.
XVII. ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Mrs. Spiller seconded by Mrs. Toubin, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Minutes recorded by:
Peter Daquila
Last modified on Thursday, February 24, 2022