Minutes for May 10, 2010History icon Archived Minutes

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A regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day in the Board of Education Administration Building, Mt. Horeb Road. The following is a record of that meeting.

I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by the Board President, Dr Przybylski

OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT - Dr Przybylski read the following Statement:

In accordance with the provisions New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law, the Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be posted in the Board Office and in the Township Office, mailed to the Courier News and Echoes Sentinel, and filed with the Clerk of the Township of Warren.

II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Dr Przybylski led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present: Donald Huber, Roberta Monahan, Dr. Gregory Przybylski, Tony Sardis, James Sena, Mildred Spiller, and Patricia Toubin

Absent: Kathleen Winter arrived at 7:30 p.m.

Sue Burman

Also Present: Dr. James Crisfield, Superintendent, Peter Daquila, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, members of the staff, public, and press


  • Donated Painting of Warren's 5 Original Schools

Mrs. Monahan displayed the painting that Susan McDermott is donating to the district and discussed the five schools that are depicted in the painting.


Mrs. Spiller moved the following:

RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the minutes, of the following meeting:

April 26, 2010 public and private session

The motion was seconded by Mrs. Toubin and approved by 6-1 roll call vote. (Mr. Sardis voted no.)


Fire Drills

The superintendent reported the following fire drills had been held.



Mt. Horeb



April 8, 21

April 16, 18

April 13, 23

April 7, 15

April 15, 20


Dr Przybylski thanked Mrs. McDermott for the generous gift of the beautiful painting. He thanked the Mt. Horeb School for the wonderful science affair. He also congratulated the Middle School tract team for their recent outstanding performance.





X. PUBLIC COMMENTARY (including opportunity to speak about items for Board Consideration/Action)

Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #9322, adopted on April 14, 2008, provides for and encourages public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:

1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name and place of residence;

2. Each Statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes' duration (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate);

3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard; and

4. All Statements shall be directed to the presiding officer-no participant may address or question Board members individually.

The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).

Dan Picaro, 24 Mountain View Rd. clarified that he is not in the bus business and not looking to do the busing in Warren. He asked if the teachers were offered a pay freeze

Dr Przybylski responded.

He asked about the district providing bottled water to the teachers

Mr. Daquila responded.

Mr. Picaro asked about the process of settling the budget and how the township council is involved in the process.

He also asked about the bus bidding process and the information received from his OPRA statement for bus bidding.

Tia Allocco, 7 Mustang Trail, noted that she attended the township meeting and is opposed to raising taxes if programs are being cut.


Mrs. Toubin asked a question about C.3. Dr. Crisfield and Mr. Daquila responded.

Mr. Sena asked about Summer Fun. Dr. Crisfield responded and explained the Summer Fun program.

Mr. Sardis asked to pull agenda item B.3.

Mr. Huber asked to pull agenda item C.5.

Mrs. Winter arrived at this point in the meeting (7:30 p.m.).

On motion by Mrs. Toubin, seconded by Mrs. Monahan, the consent agenda (items A.1 - 4, B.1 & 2, C.1-4, and C.6-9.), was approved by unanimous 8-0 roll-call vote.

Mr. Sardis questioned item B.3 and the renewal. He asked if dental insurance was included in the professional services RFP rotation.

Dr. Crisfield pulled the motion.

Mrs. Spiller noted that dental was part of the health benefit broker RFP process. Mrs. Winter also stated that that dental was part of the health benefit broker RFP process

Mr. Huber asked a question on item C.5. about the results of the summer employees and if they are providing a valuable service.

Mr. Daquila responded. Mr. Huber stated that he just wanted to verify that employees' children do not receive an unfair advantage.

On motion by Mrs. Winter, seconded by Mrs. Toubin, the board approved agenda item C.5 on a 8-0 roll call vote.

A. Education

A.1. Summer Fun 2010 Program Brochure
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the Summer Fun 2010 Program Brochure as on file in the Superintendent's office.

A.2. Extension of Home Instruction
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves a 30 day extension of home instruction for one student (ID#2001172) for a total cost to the district of $2,400, effective May 11, 2010 through June 21, 2010.

A.3. 2009-2010 Extended Out of District Placement
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the list of out of district placement for the 2009-2010 extended school year dated May 3, 2010.

A.4. Relocation of LLD Program
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the relocation of the district's LLD (Special Education) Program from Woodland School to Central School effective September 1, 2010.

B. Finance/Operations/Transportation

B.1. Transportation for Out of District Student
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the increase of $660 to the existing contract with the Somerset Educational Services Commission for a wheel chair bus to transport one Warren student to the Arc Kohler School, effective May 3, 2010 through June 18, 2010.

B.2. Approval of Donation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves with extreme gratitude the donation of a painting from Ms. Susan McDermott that appears priceless.

B.3. Dental Trust Renewal Pulled for discussion and removed from consent agenda
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves a two year renewal in the Grinspec Dental Trust at a renewal rate of 5% for the period of July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012.

C. Personnel/Student Services

C.1. Amendment on Salary Guide
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following amended placement on the teachers' negotiated salary guide:

a) Amanda McGrath, Woodland School, MA to MA+15 (remaining at step 11-12), effective April 1, 2010.

b) Jennifer Curran, Mt. Horeb School, MA+30 to MA+45 (remaining at step 5-6), effective April 1, 2010.

c) Mary Lynch, Angelo L. Tomaso School, MA+15 to MA+30 (step to be determined upon settlement of negotiations), effective September 1, 2010.

d) Elaine Hoffman, Guidance Counselor, Angelo L. Tomaso School MA+30 to MA+45 (remaining at step 23-24), effective February 1, 2010.

C.2. Resignation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following resignations:

a) James A. Crisfield, Superintendent of Schools, Administrative Office, with appreciation for the 11 years of service to the staff and children of Warren, effective June 30, 2010.

b) Jeanne Nimmo, Music Teacher, District, for the purpose of retirement, with appreciation for the 39 years of service to the children of Warren, effective June 30, 2010.

c) Kykeo Sysongdeth, Night Custodian, Mt. Horeb School, for the purpose of retirement, with appreciation for the 9 years of service to the Warren School District, effective June 30, 2010.

d) Barbara Novak, Grade 4 Teacher, A.L. Tomaso Elementary School, for the

purpose of retirement, with appreciation for the 35 years of service to the

children of Warren, effective June 30, 2010.

C.3. Appointment of 2010 Summer Fun Staff
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the list of Summer Fun Staff dated May 11, 2010, effective June 28, 2010 through July 30, 2010 at the following hourly rates:

Teacher - $40

OT - $70

Speech Therapist - $70

Nurse - $40

Paraprofessionals - up to $15

Extended Day and After Care Teachers - $40

Extended Day and After Care Paraprofessionals - up to $15

C.4. Appointment of Staff for the 2010-2011 School Year
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the list of staff employment (administrators, certificated staff, WTEA Secretaries), dated May 11, 2010, for the 2010-2011 school year.

C.5. Appointment of Summer Employees Pulled for discussion
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the appointment of Michael Ceccato, Nicholas Daquila and James Rawson as summer employees in the Maintenance/Buildings & Grounds Department for the period of May 10, 2010 to September 3, 2010, at a rate of $10.00 per hour.

C.6. Fairview Lake Chaperones - Middle School 7th Grade Overnight Trip
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following staff to chaperone the Middle School 7th grade overnight trip to Fairview Lake June 10, 2010 to June 11, 2010:

Dave Arnold, Karen Balich, Donna Bardy, Nicholas Bayachek, Kristen Bone, Kristen D'Alessandro, MaryPat Forenza, Debra Granrath, Margaret Johnson, Kevin Speckin, Pat LaMorte, Eileen LePore, Ernest Monaco, Valerie Nelson, Bonnie Pierson, Vivien Plesmid, Amanda Rodgriques, John Seremula, Diane Staph, Kris Stankiewicz, Kevin Sullivan, Daniel Ticchio, William Tozier, Joel VanTine, MaryEllen Weaver and Michelle Zgombic.

C.7. Philadelphia Chaperones - Middle School 8th Grade Overnight Trip
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following staff to chaperone the Middle School 8th grade overnight trip to Philadelphia, June 3, 2010 to June 4, 2010.

Robert Comba, Laura Sudol, Carolyn McCloskey, Cathlin Rozman, Sitta Cohen, Robin Savage, Alexis Slack, Kim Villanueva, Angela Della Ventura, Jim Frascella, Heather Saum, Lynn Degen, Robert Hartshorn, Josephine Brasile, Maria Sendon, Barbara Tantillo, MaryAnne Murphy, Jennifer Guerriero, Lori Vigliotti and Lisa Lontai.

C.8. Substitute Teachers
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following Substitute Teachers for the 2009-2010 school year:

a) Jennifer Lavalette

b) Stephen Gregg

c) Danielle DuFermont

d) Mary DeLello

C.9. Per Diem Deduct Request

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following per diem deduct request for Hildy Jackson, Central School, for two days, May 28, 2010 and June 1, 2010.


  • 2010-2011 BOE Committee Assignments

Dr Przybylski distributed the 2010/2011 board committee listing. The board discussed the committee assignments.

  • BOE Email Reminder/Primer

Dr. Crisfield discussed the email guidelines and the potential issues with using email for confidential issues. He explained that district email is archived and is a permanent district record. He noted that the "sunshine law" does apply to email and that items CAN NOT be deliberated via-email.

  • New Mandarin Language Program (postponed until 2011-2012 school year)

Dr. Crisfield reported that due to the defeated budget Mandarin will not be started and offered to the grade 6 students in 2011/2012.

Mr. Sardis asked about the meeting with the township council and the email that was sent by Dr Przybylski prior to the district's meeting with the township.

Dr Przybylski responded.

Mr. Sardis commented on the procedure of a board member having a conversation with a town council member prior to the board committee meeting with the town council.

The board discussed the issue and the events that occurred and addressed if the actions were appropriate.


Last Day of School - Wednesday, June 23, 2010 (WMS graduation on June 22, 2010)

Dr. Crisfield reported that the last day of school is June 23rd and that June 22nd and 23rd

will be half days for the students.


Mrs. Spiller reminded the board that it is better to ask your questions prior to the meeting so answers can be provided at the meeting.

She noted that she appreciates the public's comments but does not appreciate any attacks on any individuals.

Mrs. Monahan responded that HYA has 19 candidates that they are reviewing and HYA will present 5 candidates to the board on May 25th and 26th.

Patricia Zohn, Mountain View Rd., reported that she spoke to a council member about the budget and that she understands the issue the board discussed about individual board members discussing district matters and indicated that in her opinion the board should drop the matter.

Susan Leonard, ALT teacher, asked about the timing of the appointment of the staff for next year. She also asked about the employees that received non renewal letters and when they will be notified if they will be re-hired.

Dr Przybylski responded.

Tia Allocco asked about the negotiations process and the next steps in the process.

Dr Przybylski and Dr. Crisfield responded.


At 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Spiller moved the following:

WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters, now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss:

matter rendered confidential by federal or State law

pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation and/or matters of attorney-client privilege

a matter in which release of information would impair the right to receive government funds

material the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy

a collective bargaining agreement and/or negotiations related to it

a matter involving the purchase, lease, or acquisition of real property with public funds

protection of public safety and property and/or investigations of possible violations or violations of law

specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected request an open session

deliberation after a public hearing that could result in a civil penalty or other loss

and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists.

The motion was seconded by Mrs. Toubin and approved by unanimous voice vote.

On motion by Mrs. Spiller, seconded by Mrs. Winter, the board reconvened in open session at 9:22 p.m.

XVI. ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Mr. Sena, seconded by Mrs. Winter, the meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.

Minutes recorded by:

Peter Daquila