Minutes for December 14, 2009History icon Archived Minutes

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A regular business meeting of the Board of Education was held this day in the Woodland School. The following is a record of that meeting.

I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by the Board President, Mrs. Monahan.

OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT - Mrs. Monahan read the following Statement:

In accordance with the provisions New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law, the Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be posted in the Board Office and in the Township Office, mailed to the Courier News and Echoes Sentinel, and filed with the Clerk of the Township of Warren.

II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mrs. Monahan led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sue Burman, Roberta Monahan, Dr. Gregory Przybylski, Tony Sardis, Mildred Spiller, Gina Voorhees, and Kathleen Winter
David Ricci
Patricia Toubin

Also Present: Dr. James Crisfield, Superintendent, Peter Daquila, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, & members of the staff and public


  • Resolution of Merit and Distinction

    Mrs. Monahan thanked Dr. Laura Weitzman for her years of dedicated service to the district and wished her all the best. She also thanked all of the people who came to celebrate with Dr. Weitzman.

    Dr. Crisfield read a resolution of Merit & Distinction recognizing Dr. Weitzman's 16 years of services to Warren.

    Dr. Weitzman thanked everyone for making her years so successful and expressed appreciation to everyone for coming to wish her well.

    Mrs. Monahan presented Dr. Weitzman a gift from the board.


Mrs. Spiller moved the following:

RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the minutes, of the following meeting:

November 23, 2009 public and private session

The motion was seconded by Mrs. Burman and approved by 6-1 roll call vote. (Mr. Sardis voted no.)


  • Attendance Update
    Dr. Crisfield noted that there was no difference in student and teachers attendance now versus last year. The district will offer H1N1 vaccines to the staff on 12/21.


  • Fire Drills The superintendent reported the following fire drills had been held:



Mt. Horeb



November 4, 16

November 10, 16

November 4, 23

November 10, 16

November 9, 16

Mrs. Monahan wished everyone a very happy holiday season and a healthy New Year. She read a letter from ATRA Janitorial Supplies commending the appearance of the Middle School and appreciation for allowing them to tour the schools to showcase their products.


Mrs. Winter noted that the committee has met and will continue to meet to establish the budget.

BOE Recognition of Student Achievements - How/when to do it?

Dr. Crisfield spoke about how the board should recognize the achievements of the students. Board discussed options of how to recognize the students via board meetings, in the newspapers, or at the schools.

X. PUBLIC COMMENTARY (including opportunity to speak about items for Board Consideration/Action)
Note on public input at BOE meetings: Board Policy #9322, adopted on April 14, 2008, provides for and encourages public participation in Board of Education meetings. Such participation is governed by the following rules:

1. A participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his/her name and place of residence;

2. Each Statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes' duration (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate);

3. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard; and

4. All Statements shall be directed to the presiding officer-no participant may address or question Board members individually.

The portion of the meeting during which participation of the public is invited shall be limited to fifteen minutes (limit may be adjusted at the discretion of the presiding officer as circumstances dictate).


On motion by Mrs. Spiller, seconded by Mrs. Winter, the consent agenda (items A.1 - 3, B.1 to 6, and C.1 to 11,), with addendum, was approved by unanimous 7-0 roll-call vote.

A. Education

A.1. Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the Annual Update to the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement, dated December 4, 2009.

(The Agreement between education and law enforcement officials is approved on an annual basis. No changes to the original Agreement dated 2007 have been made.)

A.2. Out of District Placement
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the out of district placement for one student (ID#0121100) in the Newmark School effective January 4, 2010 through June 30, 2010 at a total prorated cost of $28,000.

A.3. General/Vocal Music Curriculum
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the revised General/Vocal Music curriculum dated December 14, 2009.

B. Finance/Operations/Transportation

B.1. Partial Payment of Bills
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the partial payment of bills for December 14, 2009 $1,538,746.20

B.2. Payment of Bills
RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorizes the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, pursuant to policy 3326, to audit pending bills and claims, to pay qualifying bills and claims within approved budget line item amounts, from December 15 to 31, 2009 and to submit those bills to the Board of Education for approval at its next regular meeting.

B.3. IDEA ARRA Acceptance of Award
RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the funding of the 2009-2010 IDEA ARRA (Stimulus Funding) Grant from the Department of Education with the following amount for special education programs:

  • IDEA ARRA - Basic $445,883.00
  • IDEA ARRA - Pre-School $ 16,141.00

B.4. Alternate Conformance - Preschool Bathroom Facilities, School Year 2009-2010
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the district to use an alternate method of bathroom facilities compliance in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:26-6.3 (h) 4ii, by providing toilet rooms outside the classroom in lieu of individual toilet rooms in each classroom. A classroom aid will escort the student(s) to and from the bathroom facilities.

B.5. Travel Approval
Whereas, in accordance with State of New Jersey School District Accountability Act (A-5) and the Warren Township Schools' policy number 4133 - Travel and Work Related Expense Reimbursement, travel by school district employees and Board of Education members must be approved in advance.

Now Therefore Be It RESOLVED, the Warren Township Schools Board of Education approves the following expenses for faculty, staff, administrators, and board members for seminars, conferences and workshops. The expense includes travel costs, if applicable:

January 2010

  • Amy Brunswick, SPS - Trauma, PTSD & Grief Training, Parsippany, NJ $ 205

All of the above travel has been approved by the Superintendent and the Board of Education. The School Business Administrator shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded.

B.6. Warren Middle School PTO Donation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves, with appreciation, the donation of $500 from the Warren Middle School PTO towards the purchase of SMART Boards.

C. Personnel/Student Services

C.1. Employment for the 2009-2010 School Year
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the application for emergent hiring for the following positions for the 2009-2010 school year under the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:16-1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq., and N.J.S.A. 6-4.14 et seq., as listed below:

a) Elise Pelcz, .5 ABA Preschool Teacher, Mt. Horeb School, MA, Step 5-6, effective January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010.

b) Mary Kovac, Classroom Paraprofessional, Middle School, 32.5 hours, step 9-10 effective January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010.

c) Patricia Toscano, Classroom Paraprofessional, Mt. Horeb School, 19.5 hours, step 7-8, effective January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010.

C.2. Amendment on Salary Guide
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following amended placement on the teachers' negotiated salary guide:

a) Rachel Hildebrand, Mt. Horeb School, MA+15 to MA+30 (remaining at step 5-6), effective November 1, 2009.

b) Christine Burkhardt, Mt. Horeb School, MA+15 to MA+30 (remaining at step 3-4), effective December 1, 2009.

c) Jamie Perry, Woodland School, MA+30 to MA+45 (remaining at step 7-8), effective December 1, 2009.

C.3. After School Club - 2009-2010 School Year

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following after school club for the 2009-2010 school year and the instructors for each club at the negotiated stipend rate.

Angelo L. Tomaso School

a) Girls On The Run - advisors Kathryn Didia and Ann Marie Vernese at a stipend of $715 each.

b) Newspaper Club - advisor Alexandra Esposito at a stipend of $715.

c) Yahtzee/Sudoku - advisor Nancy Andrews at a stipend of $715.

Woodland School

a) Girls On The Run - advisors MaryPat Brown and Harriet Stambaugh at a stipend of $715 each.

C.4. Substitute Teachers

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following Substitute Teachers for the 2009-2010 school year:

a) Kathlynn Kogler (current paraprofessional)

b) Hunter Lostan

C.5. Out of District Speech Services
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Jill Pila, Speech Therapist, to provide one hour per week of speech services to one student (ID#0121084) at the out of district placement effective January 4, 2010 through June 30, 2010. The cost to the district will not exceed $1,610.

C.6. Per Diem Deduct Request
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following per diem deduct request for the following:

a) Jill Andrews Grade 5 Teacher, Angelo L. Tomaso School, for two days, December 10-11, 2009.

C.7. Computer Technician Services
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Jason Sandt as a contracted services Computer Technician for the period January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010 for up to 15 hours per week at $25.20 per hour.

C.8. Technology Job Descriptions
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the following revised job descriptions dated December 14, 2009:

a) Technology Supervisor

b) IT Director

c) Network Administrator

d) Computer Technician

C.9. Organization Chart
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the revised Organization Chart dated December 14, 2009.

C.10. Additional Hours
RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the Kate Kolger to work an additional 2.5 hours per day from November 23, 2009 to December 23, 2009, at her hourly rate of $15.34.

C.11. Position Change
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves a position change for Kathlynn Kogler, from .5 Classroom Paraprofessional to a full time Classroom Paraprofessional at Mt. Horeb School, effective January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010.


Grade 5 Math - Monthly Update

Dr. Crisfield provided an update on grade 5 math through November and indicated that the range of chapters covered was 5 through 9. Mt. Horeb has covered the most material through November. The replacement teacher at Mt. Horeb will be in place in January for about 3 weeks of overlap.

The Board discussed how the different schools and teachers cover the material.


Mr. Sardis wanted to verify that the district is in compliance with the 403(b) regulations that are effective 1/1/2010. Mr. Daquila replied that the district is in compliance.

Dr Przybylski inquired about the procedures that are in place in the district to handle bullying, doing the right thing, being a bystander, and other ways to deal with the pressures. This is a result of the bomb scare and arrests relating to Bridgewater High School.




At 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Spiller moved the following:

WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters, now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss:

matter rendered confidential by federal or State law

pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation and/or matters of attorney-client privilege

a matter in which release of information would impair the right to receive government funds

material the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy

a collective bargaining agreement and/or negotiations related to it

a matter involving the purchase, lease, or acquisition of real property with public funds

protection of public safety and property and/or investigations of possible violations or violations of law

specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected request an open session

deliberation after a public hearing that could result in a civil penalty or other loss

and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists.

The motion was seconded by Mrs. Burman and approved by unanimous voice vote.

On motion by Dr Przybylski, seconded by Mrs. Voorhees, the board reconvened in open session at 8:25 p.m.

XVI. ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Mrs. Burman, seconded by Dr Przybylski, the meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Minutes recorded by:

Peter Daquila