WMS Announcements - 5/15/2018

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The Library will be closed for 7th and 8th grade guides today.

7th and 8th Grade Band meets today period 7 and 8 on stage.  All Band members, including 6th Grade, need to return their Marching Band for WMS to Mrs. McCloskey.
Is there an app or website you use all the time for school? Check your school email for the Google Form survey about digital resources usage. Your response will help us figure out which websites and apps are best for middle school students.
This Friday the PTO and Nurse Lontai will be hosting a fruit and veggie tasting at lunch. If you don't like fruits and vegetables, keep trying new ones! It can take up to ten tries before you begin to like a new food. Who knows - it may become one of your favorites!
Do you dance, sing or have a special talent? The SGA Talent Show is looking for YOU! The annual talent show will be held during school on Tuesday, June 19th.
Check your school email for the talent show response form...it is due by Friday, May 18th. See Mr. Van Tine or Mrs. MacGorman if you have questions.
Today is Day B for 6th Grade.