WMS Announcements - 3/5/2018

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Aladdin rehearses today after school until 5 P.M. For the WHOLE cast - now all rehearsals are mandatory as we head into the final week of the show.  Bring and wear your headgear.

Congratulations to the following Homerooms for winning the Box Tops contest!!  The PTO would like to thank everyone that participated in collecting labels for our school. This year, we collected $400 to go towards our teacher's mini-grant programs!
First place homeroom won a pizza party and second place won an ice cream party- details to follow soon.
1. Mrs. Thomson - 486 box tops
2. Mrs. Baker, Long and Duncan - 163 box tops
Attention Senora Slack's 8th grade Spanish Classes: Please bring earbuds to class today.
Give a genuine compliment to a friend today.
Today is Day B