Keep the Quote

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"Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you can nudge the world a little." 

The KEEPERS of the Quote are Joseph and Demi!

Rarely, am I unable to choose a winner.
This time, however, both entries were spot on.

Joseph's words, "Words are powerful. If you are able to use them right you can change the course of history," captured the meaning behind these powerful words... as did Demi's, "Everyone has a voice, and when it’s time for you to use yours, every word you say will make the world a little bit better. Make sure you pick the right ones! It’s kind of like a puzzle. When you try to put the pieces together, and they don’t fit, that's when you know they're not the right ones."

Congrats to both on a job well done!